Eupheus Learning: Exploring Education to the Core

Eupheus Learning

Catering comprehensive solutions to the Education world, one-stop shop for the all the learning requirements; Eupheus Learning is one of the leading Ed-Tech companies. Sarvesh Shrivastava is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of the company. Since its inception, the company has been consistently delivering quality services in a cost-effective way for its customers. To get more insight about Eupheus’s exclusive services and uniqueness, we bring you an exclusive interview with Sarvesh.

  1. Kindly brief us about the company.

Eupheus Learning is a Delhi based Ed-Tech company which aims to bridge the gap between in-class and at-home learning by offering pedagogically differentiated, technology-led solutions in the K-12 space. Our start up offers solutions that are applicable at home as much as they are in the classroom, so that there is no discontinuity in what is being learned.

  1. Please tell us something about the Founder/CEO and his/her contribution towards the company.

I have been working in the education and IT sectors for more than 30 years now. After spending these many years in the industry, I witnessed the changing paradigm of the education sector in India. I have always envisioned creating an organization dedicated to offering pedagogically differentiated technology driven solutions that lead to critical thinking and achievement of higher learning outcomes in the K-12 space. I started Eupheus Learning with the aim of making education fun and engaging for kids of all learning capabilities.
We have partnered with 11 international companies so far, such as World Book and ETS from the USA, Sanako from Finland, Fiction Express from Spain, Primo Toys from UK, and Robo Garden from Canada to curate Global solutions.

  1. Your perspective about the Ed-Tech Startup world.

Kids these days are smart enough and know where to access tutorials, lectures and solutions on the internet. A lot of youngsters are already using online learning tools to further advance what they’ve learnt in school and college like coding tutorials, animation and graphic designing, programming etc. We can look forward to the integration of online learning systems and tools within school educational programs where kids will be able to learn more at home also without the need of a human teacher.

  1. Mention any awards and appreciations that your company has received.
  • 20 Most Promising K12 Tech Solutions Provider 2018 – CIO Review India
  • Best Training Practices – Runners Up – 8th Genius HR Excellence Award 2018


  1. Please describe the journey of your organization so far.

Before starting this journey of Entrepreneurship, the management team, which is leading Eupheus Learning, did a successful turnaround of the Indian arm of a global education entity and made it profitable in a short span of time. But we felt that there were some unresolved ongoing challenges which we would be able to address only if we were doing the journey on our own.
Today, we are glad we made that transition, because now, since the company’s inception, we have reached to over One million students and approx. 2000 institutions who subscribe to our various solutions. We plan to reach about 5000 schools and be accessible to at least Five million students by the beginning of next year. We plan to create an impact on more than 10 million student’s lives over the next five years.

  1. Kindly describe in detail about your distinct services and products.

From an early stage, the curriculum must expose the learner towards skill sets or talent they possess so that they can develop those talents and not just do what everyone else is doing. We have curated solutions for Coding, Reading, Spoken English, Reference, Kinaesthetic Learning, etc. so that we can cater to distinct gap areas in the K-12 space in India. These solutions are aligned to CBSE / ICSE and help students gain expertise in 21st century skills which shall help making them Employable when they grow up.

  1. What has been your game of plan to tackle the challenges in terms of changing trends, market players and innovations happening in the Ed-Tech startup industry?

Change is good! Innovations keep us on our toes and keeps us motivated to out-do the best in trend. Our plan is very simple – Learn, Unlearn and Relearn.

  1. Enlighten us about any new advancements and technologies that have had a huge impact on the Ed-Tech startup industry.

There are three things that have had a huge impact on the Ed-Tech startup industry- innovative ways of teaching with technology, games-based learning.

  1. Describe the unique solutions/products that make your company stand out amongst the rest.

We offer solutions that are applicable at home as much as they are in the classroom, so there is no discontinuity in what is being learned; this is what sets us apart.
Unique solutions/products:

  1. WORLD BOOK INC. (USA) – Age appropriate Reference solutions in print and digital form.
  2. SANAKO (FINLAND) – Language Learning digital solution in offline and online form
  3. FICTION EXPRESS (SPAIN) – Reading program in form of Live books – students vote for the next chapter of the book which is then written by the author.
  4. CUBETTO (UK) – Coding program for three to eight-year-old kids via wooden robot, a board and instruction blocks (no digital screen intervention needed).
  5. WIZEFLOOR (DENMARK) – Kinaesthetic learning program for kids thru Interactive floor
  6. ROBOGARDEN (ALBERTA, CANADA) – To learn coding in a gamified environment via adventures, journeys and missions.
  7. ALLIED PUBLISHERS – Curriculum Catalogue of over 350 titles for both CBSE and ICSE boards. Eupheus Learning to relaunch all titles in print and digital forms.
  8. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OLYMPIAD (ISFO) – Organized by Eupheus Learning, ISFO is a truly International Olympiad for Math, Science, English and G.K. in India and UAE, in collaboration with the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO).
  9. TECHB (ATAL TINKERING LABS) – Eupheus Learning in association with TECHB provides the best in class hardware and training for Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL), a Government of India initiative and is a preferred vendor to setup the laboratories in schools across India.
  10. ETS (USA) – TOEFL Certification for kids of Age 8 – 14.
  11. What is your advice to the young entrepreneurs in the Ed-Tech Startup Industry?

There are many entrepreneur’s hoping to change the face of education with promises to resolve an issue. But before you do so please make sure you understand the education sector well before entering. It is a complex marketplace over saturated with products and idea, therefore in order to be seen and heard doesn’t try and solve already solved problems. Technology should engage and improve students in the classroom, not isolate them. Create engaging and unique products that will bring out the best in them.

  1. How do you portray the future of your company? Tell us something about your upcoming solutions.

We plan to work towards making Eupheus Learning a number one learning solutions provider. We have all the ingredients to be that organization; a team of best in industry editorial resources, dedicated sales and marketing professionals and credible partners which make us potentially a single possible partner for providing engaging solutions to a decision maker at a school.
We are going to introduce some exciting Apps and solutions soon…

  1. Analytics platform – AVOCADO

Practice makes you perfect – The mantra behind Avocado (full of omega3 fatty acid – essential element for brain development)
It is an online platform to practice the questions from your Eupheus Learning textbook. Avocado App identifies the gaps and helps in understanding ‘where he/she needs help from a teacher / parent’.  It provides active tracking of the identified areas and provides analytics on the improvement achieved over a period, thereby getting a clear picture on speed as well as accuracy. Teachers can also precisely monitor the performance of their students and personalize teaching style/material accordingly.

  1. BBC Muzzy – The world’s # 1 multimedia, multilingual, multi-platform and multi-awarded language learning course for children.

Using captivating cartoon characters that tell a video story, MUZZY BBC uses a natural immersion approach to language learning that mimics the process we all used to acquire our native tongue. The unique MUZZY design is effective for visual/spatial, verbal, kinaesthetic, musical, and logical/mathematical learners.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) powered APP for learning Grammar – RADIANT-LY

Radiant-ly app helps in brushing up the grammar skills in a fun an interactive way. Based on the lessons taken from the renowned and time-tested New Radiant Readers, the app works beautifully on both, mobile phones as well on web.