Jayanti Gupta: Streamlining Operations for You

Jayanti Gupta | Founder & Managing Director | Ivalue Plus
Jayanti Gupta | Founder & Managing Director | Ivalue Plus

Understanding business needs, objectives & the associated dynamics and then proposing a tailored approach adhering to the allocated budget is a crucial task performed by iValueplus. Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services.

But for Ms. Jayanti Gupta, the Founder/Managing Director of IVALUEPLUS, innovation was finding opportunities in challenges, be it the current pandemic or any other day in office.

Innovation for Ms. Gupta was in finding the right solution for the customer in the shortest time possible, maintaining the core competency of quality or applying ideas that improved the way things are done or can be achieved.

The idea of innovation should be part of the company’s genetic code in order to transform challenges into business opportunities. Ivalueplus is one such company that closely monitors the execution of the proposed solution under well-defined processes and procedures by leveraging deep industry and technological knowledge.

Ms. Gupta’s passion for entrepreneurship came much later in her professional career. She graduated from university in an era when entrepreneurship was not very common. Ms. Gupta was a young computer engineer ready to dive in the realm of software industry. Her post-graduation, and MBA in IT-E-commerce helped her to have a successful career with multinationals such as NIIT and Hewitt Associates. In her job tenure, she had experience of working with diversified teams across domains.

It was during her stint with Hewitt, Ms. Gupta realized the huge scope and need for providing services to small and medium-sized companies across geographies, to expand operations in India.

The challenge was to come out with a unique turnkey solution and that triggered to start an innovative venture as Ivalueplus, putting in practice all she had learned in her career till then.

Ms. Gupta’s Inspiration

There is no single person who inspires Ms. Gupta, but different people who had a similar mindset as hers, innovators who were able to think out of the box, adapting continuously to the changing environment and trends. For Ms. Gupta, a young graduate who shared his/her sustainable and innovative idea on any platform to a TEDx talk was an inspiration. These were the people who idealistically looked for ways to make their contribution for a better world.

Building a business from scratch is always challenging. Building a services company which caters to setting up or expanding any business across domains was exponentially more challenging. The scope, scalability and the business insights kept Ms. Gupta going and inspires her every day.

Challenges Faced

Being into services business, Ms. Gupta had to face many challenges. The nature of the business was such that it took a lot of effort and time to understand the business need of their prospect and then tailor their services accordingly.

Also, it took patience and right mix of team to successfully run the organization.

Operations, Mission, Vision, and Core Values of the Company

IVALUEPLUS was founded as a managed service provider to enable business houses setup their existence in India keeping the costs within budget.

The company’s mission is to provide its customers with the best suited services and solutions to achieve their business goals.

The company’s vision is to be the trusted managed service partner for businesses across the globe. The company’s core values are to work with total transparency, authenticity and commitment thereby adding value to business and driving efficiency to go beyond.

Effects of the Pandemic

COVID-19 had completely changed the dynamics of the world causing major disruptions to many businesses. Things did not change much for Ivalueplus in the current pandemic.

Regarding employees, work did not change much while moving to remote working. Most of the key business processes were robust enough to handle the heat of remote working in pandemic. It is their USP- managing remote teams.

The team at Ivalueplus is proud to say that none of their employees lost their jobs or had to face any salary cuts. In addition to this, Ivalueplus gave them confidence by getting them insured for COVID-19.

Creative Ways for Vibrant Environment

Some of the creative practices that kept the work environment vibrant were:

  • Supporting WFH for the employees
  • Celebrating special moments in the employees’ life through parties and lunch treats
  • Rewarding the best performers with gift coupons and bonuses.
  • Conducting open house sessions on Fridays
  • Ongoing trainings to keep the employees at pace
  • Planning frequent outings to break the work monotony

Essentials of Being an Inspiring Business Leader

To be an inspiring leader, one must trust his or her capability while having a clear focus on the vision and mission set aside for the organization. The essentials of being an inspiring business leader are:

  • Taking equal accountability for both success and failure
  • Being consistent and resilient for learning through mistakes
  • Setting the directions to anticipate and navigate challenges
  • Motivating others to grow

Advice for Young Generation of Entrepreneurs

The young generation needs to understand that leadership always comes with qualities like generosity, hard work, reliability, authenticity, perseverance, resilience, and inspiration. One can become a leader only when they feel their own values strongly and accepts their own flaws without regrets. Technology should be seen as an opportunity, as it opens various avenues specially in today’s time.

Future Growth Aspects

Ms. Gupta strongly believes in the phrase “We grow, you grow”. If an organization progresses, the employees will also progress. Having said that, the entire team should work towards the growth of the organization with a common vision.

Innovation, improvisation, dedication, commitment and adopting to new technology are key ingredients towards the growth of an organization.

Ivalueplus has some target geographies where it wishes to expand its customer base. To achieve this, the team has already set its strategies for the subsequent years.