7 ICS Security Solutions to Keep Your Business Secure

ICS systems

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) can range from simple to complex networks. With the latter, you find thousands of interactive connections. Organizations use them to track and measure the different industrial processes. All the data comes from remote sensors for variable comparisons at set points.

Here is an example of how ICS works. Remote sensors will keep track of the workings of your industrial machinery. The data they generate goes to your ICS.

Now, what happens if there is a malfunction like overheating? The ICS communicates with the machines to shut down. It all works without needing human intervention. You get the benefit of easier monitoring, management, and control of industrial processes.

All the processes need IT and IoT environments that are quite unique. There is a need to mitigate risk and protect data. The teams must stay up to date with software updates and active scanning.

For ICS systems, the focus is on data availability, safety, and reliability. But the challenge is that the teams still operate legacy systems. Such technologies lack the relevant upgrades, thus presenting areas of vulnerabilities.

So comes the question, how can organizations protect their industrial control systems? The answer lies in having the right security solutions. We will share with you some workable ones below.

1.     Develop a Plan of Action

Many threats face ICS systems like ransomware and phishing attacks. Others are the sale and purchase of access on dark forums. These are only some of the rising concerns. Hackers also have many ways of accessing systems. There is a lot of lateral movement of data in the IT networks.

Access may also come through the internet-facing systems. Companies must have a plan of action to guard against attack. Such include:

  • Developing programs for ICS security
  • Review firewalls, router configurations, and network connectivity
  • Have an inventory of every element within the control system. It should cover things like hardware, software, and firmware versions.

It is crucial to find ICS security vendors who understand the demands of the ICS space. They provide solutions that are effective in the management of such. It’s important to seek the help of experts if you’re not sure how to handle such demands.

Some tools help with the visualization of systems and where there may be overlaps. They also provide help with network connections. In the end, you get the most out of your security investments.

2.     Develop Security Frameworks for ICS Security

Every organization needs to develop a security framework for ICS security. The National Institute of standards and technology has a guide on how to set it up.

Some of the main areas organizations must pay attention to include:

  • Restricting access to system networks and activities. The company can stop network traffic from accessing corporate and ICS systems. It is possible through the use of firewalls.
  • Avoid disruption of the system by limiting who has access to the networks and ICS devices.
  • Secure individual components of the system with security patches. Other measures include blocking unused ports and assigning privileges. It is interesting to note that many ICS protocols do not have access controls. Even those that have them will not use them. It leaves the systems open to anyone, which can be dangerous.
  • Ensure that only those with relevant authorization can change data. It applies to data in storage or transmission.
  • Have proper ICS designs, including having redundancy counterparts. Such help ensures that the system is up and running even in emergencies.

3.     Have a Good Understanding of the ICS Network

It would be difficult to manage the security without understanding the ICS network. Yet, it is a challenge for many organizations. They do not understand the infrastructure, network connectivity, and assets.

Organizations must take a complete inventory. They also need to know the types and sources of attacks, and how they could impact the running of the entire system.

The organization must also establish baselines through monitoring of the networks. It helps with the early detection of anomalies allowing for a quick resolution.

4.     Deploy Intrusion Prevention Systems

Many organizations depend on detection to respond to security issues. It results in a reactive rather than proactive course of action.

Intrusion prevention systems help with the identification and blocking of hacking attempts. Such systems are especially critical for organizations that still use legacy systems.

The technology keeps a lookout for any malicious activity targeting areas of vulnerabilities. If it detects any threats, it sends relevant alerts to the security teams.

5.     Put in Place Systems for Secure Remote Access

ICS systems may be in different geographical locations. The management of such is more efficient if teams can get remote access. But it is crucial to take the necessary security steps when giving authorization.

Assigning privileges means giving information to those who need access for job completion. The company must also use other methods like strong authentication and encryption.

6.     Training in Cybersecurity is Critical

Organizations need cybersecurity awareness training for all workers. Statistics show that there was a 47% increase in insider threats between 2018 and 2020. Some threats are unintentional, while others are malicious. Some employees will also collude with other people to steal information.

The aim is to create a culture of cyber awareness. Employees can identify security threats and act the right way in case they detect such.

7.     Organization Must Invest in the Right Industrial Cybersecurity Solutions

Conventional Security Solutions may not work for ICS systems. This is due to a high number of false positives, and a need for constant connectivity. High resource consumption is also a concern. It makes them ineffective for industrial applications.

Installing such may only disrupt the industrial processes instead of providing security. ICS needs solutions that provide passive monitoring and securing of industrial endpoints. We go back to our original point of finding the right ICS security vendors. Such people have relevant certification and knowledge to offer the best solutions.

Final Thoughts

Organizations must take the necessary steps to secure their industrial control systems (ICS). The networks are prime grounds for hackers who use areas of vulnerability to get access.

Unfortunately, many companies still use legacy systems for their ICS. Others may even use the wrong security solutions. Such may not apply to industrial applications.

We have looked at some solutions companies can use to secure ICS systems. Also, use qualified ICS Security vendors when looking for lasting security solutions.