CarzSo,VR-based auto tech firm, has launched India’s first used cars showroom in the metaverse. Vaibhav Sharma, founder, and CEO of CarzSo, said that users can buy pre-owned cars in the metaverse and can choose from the assorted makes and models, all meticulously picked by CarzSo.
Search tools are offered by CarzSo which will help users find the car for them in just a few quick clicks. This is helpful for users as they can browse through a wide range of vehicles, filtering their search by make, model, price range, body type, etc, with the assurance of purchasing only the finest cars.
Already, CarzSo, has a web 2.0 presence, which leverages VR and virtual showroom technologies to purchase and sell cars. With this new development, it will complement the company’s already existing virtual showrooms, allowing customers to skip a visit to the dealership and buy cars virtually.