Digital platforms pull out of SXSW Conference amidst Coronavirus.

Digital platforms

Facebook had pulled out of the South by Southwest conference which was to be conducted in Austin, Texas. This move was due to the increasing concerns and scare regarding Corona Virus.

Facebook had stated that due to this contagious virus, their employees would not be participating in the SXSW conference in 2020. Twitter had also announced earlier that they would be pulling out of the conference.

Facebook had taken numerous precautions to curb the spread of the disease by reducing the number of visits physically, restricting social visits and also taking interviews over video conference.
Facebook had also cancelled the F8 Developer Conference and also its global marketing conference.

Numerous other tech industry events have been cancelled due to this virus. Microsoft and Google had cancelled 2 small conferences. The major developer conference is still on. The Game Developer conference which was originally planned for the month of May had been postponed to sometime in the summer. The Mobile world conference which was supposed to take place towards the end of February had to be cancelled 12 days in advance.

More than 3000 people had died due to this virus and it had spread to Washington with almost 6 deaths.