Hiring Robots could not replace Humans

Robots |automation

The operations division of Accenture had recruited the highest amount of workforce of robots accounting to 63,000. They still did not think that the bots could replace humans. Manish Sharma who was a part of Accenture’s reorganisation strategy would be taking over a unit worth USD 6 Billion. This unit would have over 141,000 employees. Manish also stated that Accenture didn’t want its employees to do monotonous jobs and therefore they have hired robots who would be operated by the employees.

The company feels that automation is required everywhere and all companies should be able to adapt to this for progress and that automation should be efficient and should not be wasteful. These processes should be able to reach a particular standard of optimisation. This automation was very well thought of and had to built accurately. Accenture had studied how every employee engages with his/her work and the flow and other essentials. This provided with a framework for automation and hence was favoured.

This process is one step in for driving mass innovations for clients. The business was depended on the number of full-time employees the company had and they didn’t want this to be a factor. They are now more focused on delivering business outcomes.