Change is the only constant in life. Though this philosophy is dated back to 500BC, still today its relevance hasn’t even decreased by a dime. Time changes, Tradition changes, Culture changes, Custom changes, People changes, their Priority changes, so does the Nature and its constituents. In fact, Change is so pervasive in human lives and livelihood that it almost defeats all descriptions and analysis in every possible way.
The world that we know today, it was neither the same some 1000 years back in past, nor will it be the same some 1000 years from now in future. It has incurred several significant changes in terms of its geology, demography, topography and climate too. Our planet’s climate has changed throughout the history. Sometimes it changes due to continental drift, sometimes it is the eruption of volcanoes that brings out the changes in climate. From the ocean currents to the comets and meteorites, reasons are a plenty for Climate Change, but today the world is collectively worried because these changes have been alarmingly speeded up due to many uncontrolled human activities.
The Buzz Associated
Climate change is already having several observable effects on our environment globally. The most significant among them is the steep rise of earth’s average temperature in recent times. The rise of 2o Fahrenheit in 20th Century might sound small in magnitude but, this actually is an unusual event in our planet’s history. The current global warming trend is of peculiar significance because most of it is sadly attributed to be the result of human activities since 1950s.
The anthropogenic activities have fast tracked the climate change on our planet. Heat waves, heavy rainfalls, floods and extreme weather conditions are occurring too frequently in many parts of the world. The trickle-down effects of climate change are adversely affecting the human health, agriculture, forestry and tourism in multiple ways.
The main cause of global warming or climate change per se is the human expansion of “Green-House” effect. Technically, the Green-House effect may be defined as absorbing of heat escaping from the earth’s atmosphere and radiating the same towards the surface of earth. The gases which contribute to green-house effect include – CO2, N2O, H2O, CH4 and CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons).
On Earth, human activities are enhancing the natural greenhouse quite steeply. The industrial activities that our civilization heavily depends upon have raised the atmospheric levels of several greenhouse gases like CO2, methane and nitrous oxide manifolds.
Deliberation on Duties
Among some one hundred billion galaxies, three septillion stars, and 1024 number of planets in entire universe, quite possibly our planet is the only one which supports the form of Life known to us. These figures are quite mind bobbling and so is the fascination of life’s existence on earth. Besides the rich reserves of resources, Mother Nature has blessed us with an absolute and apt kind of Climate around us, which sustains the life and helps it continue to blossom. Every constituent of the atmosphere around us has been shaped with an extreme precision of a craftsman.
We shall certainly strive to protect the blessings that we have been bestowed with. The Mantra of ‘Mitigation, Innovation and Adaptation’ can definitely be a great help in this regard-
- Mitigation
Mitigation refers to the ways of curbing the emission of greenhouse gases. This can be realized either by reducing the sources of these gases (e.g. burning of fossil fuels) or by enhancing the ‘sinks’ of greenhouse gases that absorb and store these gases (e.g. forests, ocean and soil).
- Innovation
The clean and green sources of energy can be the Panacea we are searching for. The extensive usage of renewable energy resources helps saving our climate from the harmful by-products and greenhouse gases in addition to ensuring the availability of natural resources for future generations to come.
- Adaptation
The One who adapts is the One who survives. Even if we completely stop the emission of greenhouse gases today, the climate change will still continue to affect the up-coming generations. In a way, Human Race is committed to these changes and we shall learn to adapt with the changing climate.
Connecting the Dots for a Better Future
There is nothing one cannot solve if one possesses the awareness of its cause, consequences and will to overpower it. Today, when our world is staring at the impending ramifications ahead, the solution to avert the same is also hanging nearby. We do have able agencies like UNFCC and efficient platforms like COP, where the matter of climate change and necessary steps are continuously being discussed at a high level. They are playing their part and so shall we. These summits will not be able bring the desired effects on ground level unless the population at large is made aware of their actions and repercussions involving climate. Education is definitely one indispensable step for bringing this awareness. The young flocks in schools and colleges today will be the decision and policy makers of tomorrow. Shaping their perception towards the changing climate along with their associated responsibilities can rightly be brought by inculcating these issues among the traditional educational curricula. This step might possibly set the course and define the direction in which Mankind will sail in years to come.
Under the maddening rush to win the races of modernisation and industrialisation-
Yes, we have neglected our duties towards the Climate we live in.
Yes, we were a bit slow to react when nature first started showing its initial signs of displeasure.
Yes indeed. But any battle is not lost until the last sword has fallen. Many a times the method acquired to achieve the victory is as important as the victory itself. Today all we need is to curb the human instincts of exploitation at will and strive to enhance the philosophy of preservation and perseverance by choice.
This Fight is not with the Nature, it is ‘For the Nature’ instead.