Corporate Events vs. Traditional Event

Corporate Events vs. Traditional Event[Traditional Events, Corporate events, product and Marketing Launches, Book releases, birthdays, festival days, marriages, receptions, anniversaries]

Events are today part of our daily lives be it at home or in our offices or businesses. They take place for various reasons of which the prominent ones are the need to share a feeling, to tell the world, to show appreciation or to just be in the company of near and dear ones. Events despite being many, can predominantly be grouped into two, Corporate events and Traditional Events. These, despite being bunched together, are held sometimes for very, very different reasons. We elaborate below the essential differences between the two.


Corporate events typically like AGM, Product and Marketing Launches, Book releases to name some, are done to formally announce and commence things. They could be corporate results, new products/ projects/ initiatives or sometimes to promote things done their staff, like book launches by MDs, CEO and other Senior Executives. The other events could be on special days like Independence days or festivals including Diwali, Eid, Christmas to name a few.

Traditional Events mostly are personal with the likes of birthdays, festival days, marriages, receptions, anniversaries being some. Given their nature, they are meant to remember a particular day or event, and celebrate it for its worth, and are run by emotions. These days, even divorces are celebrated as a day of release and independence! Traditional events thus don’t need a reason given that they are entirely within an individual’s choice.

Money vs Emotions

Corporate events are purely (mostly) commercial events meant to announce. Money is thus not an issue within a certain range when compared to traditional events. With a motive to tell the world, these events are usually held on a grand scale, more so if these are meant to announce and launch products. Traditional events, also meant to announce, are meant to bring known people together and enjoy a day together in remembrances. Their scope being quite different, they cater to two very varied set of circumstances and people. In the first, money is poured in to make people, sometimes complete strangers, feel good. Food, entertainment, and sometimes alcohol flow like water. Traditional events in almost every case, are meant for a very closed and known group. This being the case, emotions matter more than money. And to take care of the emotions, money is spent though with care and caution to bring out the best.

People in attendance

Corporate event being business-related affairs is attended in most cases by the outside world i.e., other than family and friends. This is not to say that family and friends do not attend such events. They do but for entirely different reason with an invitation being held out. This contrasts entirely with traditional events where it’s near and dear ones or those connected who attend the same. In the latter, it’s a closed group who attends in a very personalized setting where people mostly know each other. In corporate events, familiarity is entirely co-incidental.

Fault tolerance

Corporate events being meant to announce things to outsiders, there is an element of one’s prestige involved which may get dented if things don’t go as planned. Tolerance to faults during events be it to do with the venue, the food, the progression of events etc thus in most cases is practically zero with exceptions like acts of God, inadvertent mistakes and oversights. In the case of traditional events, surrounded as you are with known and mostly dear ones, faults are glossed over or quietly left off as its being together which is of importance, unless it’s a high-end party by the high and mighty Page 3 variety, people don’t care much in traditional events. The only time things are taken personally is when care is not taken during festivals and religious events given that for most of us, religion is one area which ought to be taken with adequate seriousness.


Corporate events being meant to announce, promote and celebrate, it could a mix of serious business with artistry. In such events, the mornings are meant to deal with serious businesses like AGM, Dealer meets, product launches etc. Action begins in the 2nd half and evenings when people are expected to let their hair down and party, which they do in most cases. In the first half, the atmosphere is mostly coldly formal and corporate. In the 2nd half, it does lighten up but a degree of coldness and corporateness does linger in the air.

In Traditional Events which are mostly personal, unless office staff too is in attendance, the air is mostly informal and homely with the primary aim being to be with known folks while enjoying some moments of peace and quiet.


Corporate events being meant to announce, promote and celebrate, artistry is not exactly expected though product launches etc can have artists performing. The reason for performance is to entice a particular section of the crowd and make a name for the sponsoring corporate body. In the case of traditional event meant to celebrate a day or event in the presence of known and admired people, the level of artistry is certainly high and with the hope that all in attendance, including the hosts enjoy the moment. Prestige in the latter setting do not rank high.

Money & budgets

Corporate events being meant to announce, promote and celebrate, money and budgets are secondary to making the event a success. With corporate prestige being at stake, money and budgets come a distant second thought budgets are very much in the horizon. Primarily, Corporate events are meant to show the world, the power and prestige of a corporate body. In the case of traditional events too sometimes budgets can be vast. The essential twist is that in traditional events it’s the day or the reason which holds significance and not the glitz and razzmatazz which in corporate events holds centre-stage. For that reason, traditional events are based on relatively modest budgets.

Decorum and dress codes 

Corporate events demand a formal, professional dress-code till the time that they discuss business. The moment it’s pleasure-time, things change drastically, despite which people in attendance are expected to dress modestly to uphold the significance of the event. Traditional events differ entirely on this point. With no formal business relation anywhere in place, dressing up is left entirely to one’s discretion and understanding of the significance of the event and others likely to be in attendance. In the latter, it isn’t entirely unexpected to come across people dressed to scandalize.


Corporate events by their very nature are likely to attract a huge crowd making the venue of most such meets a large open space- including stadiums! Traditional events on the other hand being entirely driven by one’s own needs can have venues ranging from a small apartment to large banquet lawns and open fields though the best settings ought to be in enclosed environs with the right services and ambience.

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