“On this Doctor’s Day, it is a great privilege for us to be in this medical field which is considered as one of the noble and elite professions. I am sure everyone who enters the world of medicine dreams of serving mankind and is mentally prepared to sacrifice so many things in life. It takes a lot of efforts to come out as a specialist and a super-specialist in the modern medical profession. The prime time of one’s life is spent burning the midnight oil and being on toes all the time working tirelessly for very long hours. Then blooms a doctor’s life which is full of responsibilities and challenges at every step.
This profession gives a lot of satisfaction and recognition, and faith of the patients in doctors. It is a joy to see our patients recover or an infertile woman take home a baby and rescue the person from his suffering. End of the day, the ethics, sincerity and commitment in this profession gives us contentment and satisfaction. But now amidst the raging Covid pandemic, there is no such thing as light at the end of the tunnel.
Doctors must realise that they are now the light themselves. Amidst all this chaos, we are being guided by a deep sense of “dharma” and purpose to do what is right and not become paralysed by the outcome. I would like to say to all doctors to please take extra care of your and your near one’s health in these testing times. Humanity needs doctors more than anybody else at this hour. But it is important to take care of oneself first so that we can serve others better. Happy Doctors Day!”