Ophthalmology EMR

Hospital Software Shop | Insights Success | Business Magazine has launched a ready-to-use, cloud-based Ophthalmology EMR which is workup area-based – Reception | Doctor with AR & Optometrist workups| Counsellor | Administrator.

  1. Cloud-based
  2. 24×7 accessible
  3. Accessible on desktop, laptop, tab & mobile – Android and iPhones
  4. Workup based software
  5. Plug & Play Model – can be configured in 2 hours
  6. NABH Norms Compliant
  7. Template based Prescription (English | Hindi | Marathi or other language)
  8. Subscription-based: 6/12/18/24/36/48/60 Months Packages available


  1. OPD registration (Demographic details Like Name, Address, Mobile no etc.)
  2. List Of patient (Today’s Patients List)
  3. OPD Procedure (Investigations)
  4. Operation Charges
  5. Patient Account
  6. Daily Collection
  7. Old Patient Revisit and follow-up
  8. Search Patient By First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Mobile No., UHID/MRD
  9. Image can be captured during patient registration

Doctor (Dash Board based list of patient):

  1. Platform for doctor with list of patient for today
  2. Colour identification for checked patients & Non-checked Patients
  3. Counting for total patient and doctor wise patient count
  4. Glasses Prescription
  5. Medical Prescription (English, Hindi, Marathi or any other language)
  6. Ophthalmic data entry for patient
  7. Manage revisit of patient history with medical and glasses prescription


  1. Surgery booking
  2. Lens applicable facility
  3. Right and left eye lens
  4. Lens and package entry for patient
  5. Surgery by whom on date


  1. IOL Inventory list
  2. Lens management
  3. Surgery booking list
  4. All collection – Daily, Weekly, Monthly
  5. Stock report for lens
  6. TAT (Turnaround Time from Patient Registration to Prescription)

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