Let’s Think Beyond ‘Mobile First’ Planning

Mobility has a vast impact on our day to day life. Let it be about playing games, gaining knowledge or business purposes, all of it can be done using a mobile device. If we want to reach somewhere, no more we have to dwell upon a friend to guide us, it’s pretty easy with the navigation option available in our smart phone. Not just that, but the availability of everything online has made us slaves of our smart phones.
The new craze of finding everything with the use of a smart phone has made mobility a fruitful industry. Mobility Industry of India is also expanding on the same scale as people are becoming dependent on the smart phone. The industry has taken a foot forward to catch the eye of the world, showcasing immense progress. Not just that, but other industries are also applying the mobile strategy to their businesses to be on top of the competition.
Mobile First Strategy
Making the employees use their own devices like mobile phones, investing in their mobile communications and supporting the ‘bring your own device (BYOD) policy’, does not mean following the mobile-first strategy. On the other hand, it also does not mean creating an application and making it available to the mobile phones of the employees. Mobile first strategy is purely an organizational approach focused on the employee empowerment.
What mobile first strategy is, a website designed first for the mobile and then for the PC’s. The reason behind accepting mobile first strategy is the benefit that, an employee can get a work done and can move the company forward from anywhere he is. Being a mobile-first company means focusing on the user need.
For the past several years, mobile has become the ‘must have’. The everyday communication freedom, avail by mobile first strategy, has resulted in the adoption of the mobile apps by the companies, as the opportunity to get benefited.
Enterprise Mobility is getting emphasized in Indian IT sector too, with acceptance of mobile first strategy. There are some important things to be emphasized upon while applying it to any enterprise. The past and future of Enterprise Mobility can be determined as follows:
The boom of Mobility
According to a survey among the seven billion people worldwide, six billion people are having mobile phones. The condition of IT sector is nothing different than this, as employees and consumers both are using mobile phones, making it transform the industry’s way of working. Today, mobility has become the medium with the use of which, one can communicate as well as get things done. The best examples of it are the online sites like Facebook, Linkedin, SnapChat etc. used for communication and sites like Snapdeal, Amazon, YepMe used for online shopping.
Emphasis on ‘Convenience of Use’
Mobile apps, if not useful to the user will be deleted from the mobile phone immediately. This is the indication that there are many apps which fail to lure the user and go out of the market. This is the reason, mobile app developers have to work hard on the invention part of mobile apps.
Need for integration with back-end systems is a necessity
When we buy something online, what we want is, the next time when we shop there should not be any need to reinsert the information previously provided. Which makes it necessary for the mobile app developers, to make the back-end system strong enough. Especially, the customer-facing apps are the most important ones, because of their complex, costly and time-consuming nature.
Flexibility and Scalability
The need of the hour is a mobile application which is flexible and at the same time scalable. If the basic architecture is strong enough, it will result in providing security and flexibility with scalability. What an enterprise need is the proper channelization, which will prove to be beneficial in the matters of saving time, money, resources and enables operational flexibility to your application.
‘User-friendliness’ of Application
Today, the world has become fast accessible to the reviews. Just for an example, if we think of buying a product online, we go for the reviews first and then buy the product from a particular site. In the same way, if you buy a product online and do not get a follow up information from the concerned website you will definitely have doubts on the service provider. This is the reason, there should be an emphasis on the ‘User-friendliness’ of the application.
Quick problem solving
Mobile first strategy is useful while redesigning the company website and the website navigation. When it comes to getting data, important content and critical user functions easily, while giving a concise set of solutions, Mobile first strategy proves to be the most useful one. With the use of it, designers and developers can sight issues related to the problems first and then try to deal with them, far in the development process.
Balancing act between Security and User Experience
The approach of todays Mobile first strategy is making the security concerned issue for the organizations. The employee will use the same mobile phone to check email, text, fill out expense reports, take photos, send tweets, and play games. It can create a serious security issue to be looked after.
Instant Problem Solving
While redesigning the website and site navigation, mobile first strategy proves beneficial, helping companies to get data, important content and critical user functions easily, while giving a concise set of solutions. Mobile first strategy helps designers and developers to first sight the problem and then resolve them soon in the development process.
Every industry will get benefitted by the mobile first strategy. The tablets and smart phones are proving to be people’s main personal computer, making businesses use the power of these devices to create a mobile first strategy and enjoy the benefits of it.

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