Silicon Labs CEO Intends to Introduce Smart Metering in India

silicon labs

Matt Johnson, President and CEO of Silicon Labs stated that the company intends to continue focusing on IoT technology rollouts in India.

Matt Johnson, President, and CEO of Silicon Labs discussed the necessity for metering in India on Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology. “Smart metering for water, gas, and electricity is one example.” There is an increased need for a wireless connection that may be profitable on both the consumer and infrastructure and deployment sides,” he continued, adding that the country has the same potential.

Johnson intends to continue growing the focus on IoT technology rollouts in the area and scaling research and development in the field.

The epidemic has hastened IoT implementations. Johnson emphasized the rising demand for digitalization at the edge, where consumers wanted more connected gadgets from a consumer standpoint to better their time at home when they couldn’t get out.

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