Smart and Digital Gesture to Analyze Human Input and Generate a Response

Human Input
Human Input – A chatbot (or just “bot”) is a program that uses artificial intelligence to mimic human intelligence and the way we converse or perform various tasks, through data or voice chat interface or directly fed through supervised learning. Bots are digital machine friend.
Chatbots and AI adoption are not only changing how customers are connecting with companies but also transforming the way the customers are going to communicate with the retailers in the near future.
Chatbots are not new and not all succeed. Instead of rushing to create a bot just for the sake of it, it must be ensured that chatbots are enjoyable and effective to help travelers discover the right information and provide the complete experience. In the past it has been observed that people often turn to chatbots when they don’t have the time or patience to browse through endless websites. Here bots make sure that a user won’t need to google each detail that a bot can provide itself by running basic code and algorithms.
Chatbots can be based on supervised learning which performs the task which is fed in them. A banking IVR can be a very simple example of a voiced based bot. However, now with the help of Machine learning and NLP bots are getting intelligent and they learn by the day to day interaction.
The smarter chatbots employ deep learning to analyze human input and generate a response. The response analysis and generation is learned through the deep learning algorithm that is employed in decoding input and generating a response again. Natural Language Processing (NLP) then also translates the input and output into a textual format that is both understood by the machine and the human.
Brief history of Chatbots
We must be concerned to ensure security in terms of personal and financial data.
Currently, a common practice for chatbots is to communicate with customers using only AI and in case a bot struggles to find an answer, is where the customer experience goes down and bot ends up collecting the contact details of the customer which is collected in the data base and is later attended by the human operator. But the ultimate goal of designing a bot is to delegate the tasks that can be automated, not to make it reply to custom requests. Additionally, we must make sure that our customers understand they’re talking to a bot. If we lead a customer to believe that a bot is a human assistant, it will end in user confusion and disappointment and trust deficit with the brand.
From business point of view it makes sense for the business to deploy bots to handle customer enquiries not only because it is fast but also because economically it will be much more cost effective and can contribute millions of dollars in savings for the business especially with the rising cost of hiring skilled resources. In last 2 years bots have handles more than a billion enquiries in travel industry and this has led to increase in revenue. Bots also helps to pick the customers as soon as they appear on the website or mobile app and the instant interaction help companies build relation with the customers which increases the sale conversion rate. Bots also increase savings by handling during travel or post travel queries from the travelers about their bills, expense and other details. Bots are fast to respond by picking up the question and running through the CRM data base generating an instant detailed response for the customers.
Navigers Multilingual bot “Jadu” is not only going to help travelers discover best time to travel, flight, hotel and travel information; it is going at another level to help travelers discover the right itinerary for the travel plan as per their number of days, interest area, location, time, budget, age, preferences and their browsing history. “Jadu” is going to be a single point of contact as well as their coordinator during their trip and it will be intelligent enough to transfer the customers to a human coordinator the time it understands that he cannot handle. Jadu will not only take care of the entire sales from initiation to completion but it will also be generating future sales by intelligently contacting the prospect client of the future and remind them to go for holiday or the other places they can go for holiday from Navigers. It should also be take care to up sell and cross sell different offerings from Navigers.
We must see how Bots are driving the business to new heights by being faster and available all the time with capabilities to handle multiple enquiries simultaneously.
About Devansh Chaurasiya
Certified Scrum Master with 14 years of global consulting experience with Accenture, JP Morgan, Symphony IRI and HP. Devansh is an expertise in PMO, corporate strategy, global program management, consulting, business research, competitive Intelligence, project migration and setting up new business functions.

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