Take a glance at Next-Gen Tech

Next-Gen Tech

Hoverboards, Get ready for an awesome ride
Hoverboards are exists in three different boards- Omni Hoverboard, Hendo hoverboard and and Lexus Hoverboard. Omni Hoverboard, in essence a small helicopter, except you need to stand on top of the rotors rather than sitting beneath them. The acceleration on this model introductory machine is executed with a set of pliers that are tied up by way of wires to the hoverboard’s sensors. In addition, hoverboard runs on eight electric motors motorized by plenty of lithium polymer batteries.
All hoverboards requires some upward force to impel against the gravitational force. For the Omni hoverboard, this upward force is from the air. The props push air downward, resulting in an upward force on the rotors.
Omni hoverboard can fly over water or land; this makes it amazing and adventurous to take a ride. But this amazing ride can only possible if the batteries are active after all it’s a technology.
Hendo hoverboard, introduced a skateboard last year, which is more rideable. The Hendo engine functions on electromagnets that produce changing magnetic fields to communicate with a conducting surface. Generally, when these electromagnets change the magnetic field that creates an electric current in the metallic surface beneath the hoverboard. This electric current then makes its own magnetic field to repulse the hoverboard electromagnets.
Lexus Hoverboard looks smaller than either the Hendo and the Omni hoverboard, which runs on magnetic fields. It doesn’t work on water. Rather, changing magnetic fields from an electromagnet, the Lexus hoverboard utilizes superconductors. When a superconductor is placed near a magnet, you can get a levitation effect.
Next-generation of robots
What are you expecting from new emerging robots? That it will take over all manner of daily tasks. Robotic future has persistently refused to eventuate. However, with robots still limited to factory manufacturing systems and other controlled tasks. Deliberately used robots are hazardous to human collaborators; so there should be some sort of protective armament.
Breakthroughs in robotics technology make human-machine collaboration an everyday reality. Better and cheaper sensors make a robot more capable to understand and respond to its environment. Robot bodies are becoming more mortifying and robust, with designers taking inspiration from the extraordinary flexibility and dexterity of complex biological structures, like the human hand. And robots are becoming more linked, benefiting from the cloud-computing revolution by being able to access instructions and information remotely, rather than having to be programmed as a fully autonomous unit.
Recently in Tokyo, Japan has showcased, a part of the biannual International Robot Exhibition from superhero suits to realistic ‘actroids’, the futuristic machines were focused on disaster relief, entertainment, helping the elderly and farming. Those robots are made for the disaster relief, prone to earthquakes, prepares for the next catastrophe.
HRP-2 kai and Jaxon robots have been exhibited work in a tunnel after a quake. These two slender robots with tiny heads attached to sensors walked through fake debris to extinguish a fire during a demonstration. The two disaster-relief droids were developed in a project under the New Energy and Industrial Development (NEDO), a national research organization – that started after a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit northern Japan in 2011.
The other highlights of the exhibition were, Pepper, a friendly robot to live with human which talked with visitors at the exhibition, this entice robot takes a rest before its performance. More interestingly, this robot reads emotions, gives its owners advice and makes small talk. There was a Leonardo Da Vinci android also on show, where the robot uses latest generation facial mimicry technology. It was developed by Osaka University’s Minoru Asada, who has spent years working on Androids.
The new age of robotics takes these machines away from the big manufacturing assembly lines and into a broad range of defined tasks. Using GPS technology, just like smartphones, robots are beginning to be used in precision agriculture for weed control and harvesting. In Japan robots are being attempted in nursing roles. They assist patients out of bed, for instance, and support stroke victims in regaining control of their limbs. Smaller and more nimble-fingered robots, such as Dexter Bot, Baxter and LBR iiwa, are designed to be easily programmable and to handle manufacturing tasks that are laborious for human workers.
In reality, robots are ideal for tasks that are too repetitive or dangerous for humans to take on, and can work for a complete day even at night, at a lower cost than human workers. Indeed, new-generation robotic machines are likely to collaborate with humans rather than replace them. Even considering advances in design and artificial intelligence, human involvement and oversight will remain essential.
There remains the risk that robots may displace humans from jobs, although previous waves of automation have tended to lead to higher productivity and growth, with benefits throughout the economy. Decades-old fears of networked robots running out of control may become more salient as next-generation robots are linked to the Web, but at the same time they will become more familiar as people employ domestic robots to do household work. Undoubtedly, however, the next generation of robotics poses new questions about the human relationship with machines.
The rising Artificial Intelligence
Just imagine computer learning on the job? What will be the outcome?
Basically, Artificial intelligence (AI) is the science of doing by computer the things that people can do. From last few years we have seen a lot of advances in AI, where people are getting so many benefits from it. Using image-recognition technology in smartphone, people are able to recognize human speech or have traveled through an airport immigration queue. Innovative design of self-driving cars and automated flying drones are in testing phase before using all over the world, and undoubtedly it will help humanity to get benefits over it. In essence, we know Watson- an artificially intelligent computer system; it beat the best human contestants in the quiz game Jeopardy.
Artificial intelligence makes possible the simple hardware and software identify to respond to its changing things. Today, emergent AI will arise with progressive machines that learn independently by incorporating massive volumes of information. In case of NELL, the Never-Ending Language Learning project from Carnegie Mellon University, a computer system that not only reads facts by crawling through hundreds of millions of Web pages, but tries to improve its reading and understanding capability in the process to perform better in the future.
Emergent AI will lead like next-generation robotics for efficient benefits as machines take over and perform better than human tasks. Like next-generation robotics, improved AI will lead to significant productivity advances as machines take over-and even perform better-certain human work. Substantial evidence recommends that self-driving cars will minimize the frequency of collisions and avert deaths and injuries from road transport, because machines avoid human errors, lapses in concentration and defects in sight, among other shortcomings. However, the intelligent machine possessing faster access to a massive amount of information storage and the ability to respond without knowing actual human emotions, which may also perform better than medical professionals in diagnosing diseases. The Watson system is now being installed in oncology to help in diagnosis and personalized, evidence-based treatment options for cancer patients.
Although, AI opens up many significant opportunities to human being, this super intelligent machine has some risk too. On the other hand, economic changes performed by intelligent super computers replacing human tasks may infuriate social inequalities and intimidate current available jobs. For instance, automated drones may use to replace most human delivery drivers and self-driven short-hire vehicles can make taxis dispensable.
Source : http://www.insightssuccess.com/