The teaser Tata Motors has been putting up on its social media pages came down to this. Tata Motors has launched the Nexon XM variant with a sunroof. The price is Rs 8.36 lakh for the petrol manual while the automatic is priced at Rs 8.96 lakh, ex-showroom. Opt for the diesel Tata Nexon XM S and the price is Rs 9.70 lakh for the manual and Rs 10.30 lakh for the AMT.
The prices are Rs 52,000 over that of the regular XM variant. Bookings have started now while few dealers tell us that the deliveries begin later this month. The XM variant is the second in line after the base and Tata Motors offering a sunroof in this trim shows the commitment towards its customers. Along with the sunroof, the XM variants are feature loaded too, if you compare other manufacturer offerings in the same space.
The Tata Nexon comes with a petrol and diesel engine option. The petrol motor is a 1.2-litre turbocharged unit and it makes 120hp of power and 170Nm of torque. As for the 1.5-litre diesel, it makes 110hp of power and 260Nm torque. Both the engine options can be ordered with a 6-speed manual or AMT. Tata is the only one to offer a diesel as well as petrol automatic option in this segment.