Tata Motors Vehicle Sales Grow by 27%

Tata Motors electric vehicles

According to the press release on the official Tata Motors website, the sales of Tata Motors in the domestic and international market is 76,210 in total, in comparison to the sales in January 2021, which has 27% growth.

Last year the number of sales was 59,866 on Jan 21. Total 35,268 domestic commercial vehicle units are sold in Jan 2022, which is more than 7% of sales of Jan 2021. Passenger vehicles unit sales are 40,777 in the month of Jan 2021.

Adding up, the sales of the electric vehicles touched 2,892 count that is nearly five times more than the last year.

Total MHCV sales in Jan 2022, including M&HCV Truck, Buses, and International Business stood at 10,655 units, compared to 9,452 units in Jan 2021, Tata Motors said.