udChalo, a Pune based travel start-up celebrates its 7th Anniversary of Foundation Day

udChalo - Pune based travel start-up celebrates | 7th Anniversary of Foundation Day | Business News
  • Organisation commits to bring more value-added services for its Customers by year-end
  • Gen. SK Saini, AVSM, YSM, VSM GOC-in-C Southern Command along with other dignitaries grace the occasion

Pune, 18th SeptemberudChalo, a brand of Upcurve Business Pvt. Limited celebrated its 7th Work Anniversary foundation day at Pune on 14th September 2019. The organization caters to the travel needs of the Serving Indian Armed Forces Personnel, Veterans and their Dependants. Over this period, the organization has grown to a 200 plus strong organization, the majority of which comes from the Defence background.  The company aims at making life simpler by building unique, convenient and cost-effective platforms for soldiers to access consumer products and services and is working on exploring new mediums to reach out to them.

Lt. General SK Saini, AVSM, YSM, VSM GOC-in-C Southern Command, Guest of Honour graced this celebration with his honored presence. In addition, there were many distinguished guests from the Indian Armed Forces fraternity as well as partner Airlines and Hotels who attended the Foundation Day event and shared their admiration and support towards the company’s moto of ‘Service for Services’ and its way forward vision.

On this occasion, Lt. Gen. SK Saini, AVSM, YSM, VSM GOC-in-C Southern Command said, “I congratulate Varun Jain and Ravi Kumar for their success and the spirit of giving back to the Armed Forces community where they come from. It is wonderful to see our Ex-Servicemen, Veterans, Dependants and personnel from the Paraplegic Rehabilitation centers of Pune and Mohali employed with this organization. udChalo has grown over these years and is expanding its service offerings to new travel mediums, making it a unicorn organization in time to come”

He further added, “Going forward as an organization started by two Army kids, udChalo should also extend and expand the benefits of its service offerings to those who don’t come from a Defence background. I wish them the very best in their endeavors for the coming years.”

The occasion was also graced by other Armed Forces dignitaries like Major General Pritam Bishnoi, VSM, Chief Signal Officer and Chairman of Army Institute of Technology and Brigadier Bhatt, Director, Army Institute of Technology.

“Army Institute of Technology is proud to have alumni like Ravi & Varun. They are inspiration to the students of our institute.” says Major General Bishnoi, Chief Signal Officer and Chairman of Army Institute of Technology (AIT), Pune.

Mr. Varun Jain, CEO of Upcurve Business Services Pvt. Ltd stated “I thank Lt. Gen. SK Saini for his presence on this occasion and it reassures us that we are on the right trajectory when it comes to our motto ‘Service for Services’. We have added Hotel offerings on our portals and continue to bring more value to them by adding more services, making lives simpler for our soldiers.”

Vikash Tripathi, VP Marketing, udChalo says, “We are grateful for the appreciation received by all the dignitaries. It is an honour to be encouraged and have the support by Lt. Gen. SK Saini, to offer udChalo’s services to our Armed Forces fraternity and beyond.”

About UdChalo:

udChalo, a Brand of UpCurve Business Services Private Limited, an Online Travel portal for Defence personnel was founded in 2012 by Ravi Kumar and Varun Jain and cemented over the years with an aim to create a platform that helps the Indian Defence Personnel and their Dependants to travel with utmost ease. With a vision to make life simpler for our soldiers, we stand true to our motto ‘Service for Services’.


udChalo is registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt of India and approved by IATA. It operates in the areas of travel for Defence personnel through the Website www.udchalo.com, App platform and 60 plus Offline ticket booking offices catering to more than 2.8 million serving Defence Personnel, Veterans and their Dependants. udChalo’s booking offices are operated by Veterans/Veer Naris/Dependants from the Indian Armed Forces community.

udChalorecently partnered with OYO and FabHotels to introduce a new hospitality service offering of 10,000 plus hotels available to all Defence personnel. The company has been awarded the Entrepreneur India Award for the ‘Travel startup of the year 2019’ and has been recognized by Silicon India as one of the Top 10 OTA’s (Online travel Agency) with a difference that it focuses on booking exclusive fares for the Indian Armed Forces, Paramilitary forces, Ex-servicemen and their Dependants.


Photo caption: Lt. General SK Saini, AVSM, YSM, VSM GOC-in-C Southern Command- Guest of Honour, Col. Jain, Ravi Kumar, Founder and COO, Varun Jain, Founder & CEO and Senior Management team udChalo, UpCurve Business Services Pvt. Ltd at 7th Foundation Day Celebrations.