5 Design Essentials For UX Enthusiasts – 2022

UX Enthusiasts

Based on a study, 74% of visitors are likely to come back to your site if it has good mobile UX while 90% of users stopped using an app due to poor performance. This is very alarming for user experience enthusiasts all around the world. It proves that users are quicker and more drawn towards noticing what’s wrong, instead of acknowledging what is right.

With new User Experience trends emerging every now and then, it is very important for everyone in the UX community to stay updated at all times. After reading this article you will be well equipped with UX design essentials and trends for the year 2022.

As we have all noticed, the technological and digital landscape has immensely advanced in all diversities in the last few years. And what this brings in for UX professionals – An opportunity to be able to give users delightful experiences. UX professionals are essentially the ones who bridge the gap between technology and usability. UX designing is the art of making things work by making them more user friendly, seamless, easy and quick for users to interact with.

**Statistic s- Businesses lose 35% sales due to bad UX.

Let’s now take a look at the top 5 design trends for User Experience (UX) enthusiasts.

  1. Storytelling

Humans are proven to be inclined more towards the storytelling approach. This doesn’t limit to just UX. We have as a race adapted to the style of storytelling in the form of cave paintings, fairy tales, mythology etc. so we are very instinctive towards understanding things better if put forth in the form of a story.

Below mentioned are a few principles of storytelling:

  1. Have a main character for your story
  2. Systematic structure of the flow
  3. Incorporate virality i.e information in image slash video format
  4. Have a reason for the story

Keeping in mind the above pointers as a UX professional you must most importantly be able to make users relate to what they interact with. The approach of story building evokes curiosity amongst the users and helps stimulate their engagement.

  1. Scrolling Experience

The experience of scrolling has been evaluated at a global level with big players involved in it. It is very important for user experience professionals to crack this right because it has been a very contradicting concept for most. Some users like the feel of scrolling while some don’t. The opinions are very strong and large in numbers.

It is very crucial to pay minute details to the images, content, infographics etc. of the entire page to ensure a smooth transit from one scroll to another. All elements need to be In sync and should compliment one another.

  1. Data Visualization

It is proven that users take absolute pleasure in consuming data in a manner where it is represented with visually appealing elements and designs. As a UX enthusiast you must leverage this and use it to the best of its capabilities.

Let’s also understand that brands need value propositions to be added to increase their credibility and positioning. And the best way to add these statistics or metrics is by making it visually appealing and easy to consume or intake.

Using pie charts, bar charts, line charts etc. with bright and vibrant colours is highly recommended to make any data more easily digestible for users. Also, as little content as possible should be placed in the real estate. Too much written content only makes it complex.

  1. Voice Assistance

It is estimated that by 2023, 25% of employee interaction with applications will be via voice, this is up from 3% in 2019. This means that now is the right time to incorporate this in your UX strategies. As a UX professional one must ensure that they switch from the screen-first approach to a voice-first approach, or at least adopt a blend of both.

 Below mentioned are a few principles of voice assistance:

  1. Keep the conversation as humanized as possible
  2. Use the right voice based on the brand and objective
  3. Avoid adding jargons or ways of speech which may not be commonly recognized
  4. Create the right flows and scenarios, keeping a user-centric approach

One must embrace these principles and pave the way for a much more modern approach towards user experience strategies and designing.

  1. Emotional Stimulation

Creating an emotional design essentially means – Bringing out emotional responses in users. Human beings are emotional beings and most of our stimuli is greatly driven by our emotions. It is advice to always keep some emotional element in UX strategies and designs in order to build a deeper connection with the users. The more they are able to feel something emotionally while they interact with your design the more they are going to stick by and also recommend further.

Closing thoughts….

Having mentioned the points above, I would also like to emphasize on how important it is to regularly and consistently conduct user researches and user testings in order to always stay updated with how the users and audience is evolving and interacting with technology and digital assets.

Written by 

Jay Anthony,  

Marketing Head, TECHVED Consulting 

Tags – #techvedconsulting  #jayanathony #uxui

Links –

#techvedconsulting – https://www.techved.com/

#Jayanathony – https://www.linkedin.com/in/techved-consulting/

#uxui –  https://www.techved.com/ux-design/

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