The Indian Armed Forces, with their immense dedication and passion, has protected our Country from every threat. The Indian Army, Navy and Air Force are considered as one of the Best Armed Forces in the World ruling over Land, Seas and Air respectively.
Our Brave Armed Forces Personnel require advanced technologies and cutting-edge weapons to stand tall and strong against fierce foes. For this, they rely on trustworthy Equipment and Weapon manufacturers, who leave no stone unturned in terms of delivering the Best Defence Equipments.
One such Manufacturer of Defence Equipments is Anant Industries.
Ensuring Excellence through Quality:
Inspired by ‘Def-Expo 1988’ for Indigenization of Imported Defence Equipment, the company was established by Mr. Chetan Dharia in August 1988. Over the past three decades, Anant Industries has built the core strength of manufacturing and supply of various Systems and Sub-Systems of Russian Main Battle Tanks and its Engines.
Anant Industries has successfully supplied numerous Systems to various Indian Defence Organizations with 100% quality check. All of the Critical Systems and Sub-Systems are developed and supplied at competitive costs for the Indian Armed Forces.
Ardent Leadership:
The company marches towards excellence under the ardent stewardship of Mr. Chetan Dharia, Director. He completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering from COEP in 1988. Subsequently, he visited the ‘Def-Expo 1988’ Defence Exhibition in Kirkee and got inspired to start Anant Industries. Under his leadership, the company has won ‘Vijay Ratna Award’, ‘Udyog Excellence Award’, ‘Best Supply Chain Management Award’ (2014), and many more.
Major Achievements and Accreditation:
Anant Industries has received numerous recognitions for its dedicated endeavors and the zeal to serve the Nation. On 2nd August 2015, it received the ‘INDIA TOP 100 SME AWARD’ by the India-SME forum. In 2016, the company received an award for ‘The Best Supply Chain Management practices in manufacturing sector’ from Lt. Gen. A.T. Parnaik AVSM, SM, VSM (Retd.). Various Defence Ministers including Pranab Mukherjee and Nirmala Sithraman have Visited their Stall at Def-Expo and have appreciated its efforts.
Esteemed Clients:
Anant Industries believes in developing long-term relationships and a Value-Based bond with its customers. It always focuses on providing clients with excellent-quality and cost-effective Solutions. Few of the noteworthy clients include ‘Engine Factory, Avadi’ (EFA), ‘Heavy vehicles Factory, Avadi’ (HVF), ‘Ordnance Factory, Medak’ (OFMK), ‘Machine Tool Prototype Factory, Ambarnath’ (MTPF), ‘Central AFV Depot, Kirkee’ (CAFVD) and many more.
Putting Employees First:
The company believes that the employees are responsible for the Companies growth and development. To extract the best from our Employees for the betterment of the Company as well as the Employees, they always give them appropriate trainings, opportunities and responsibilities. Their hardwork and results are appreciated by various recognitions like ‘Spot Appreciations’ and ‘Employee of the Month’.
We Organize, Implement and Celebrate various events like ‘Safety Week’, ‘Women’s Day’, ‘Sports Week’ etc.
Continual Improvement and Progress:
The Company believes that in spite of being such a successful Company, there is always scope for improvement. ‘Learning Never Stops’ and so we also don’t stop learning. New techniques, Technologies, Machinery and Methodologies are always inducted to facilitate improvements and Progress.
Making Significant Strides:
Anant Industries takes immense pride on being a 100 % Defence Oriented Unit and being a reputed source of Critical Parts and Systems of MBT-T72 (AJEYA), MBT-T90 (BHISHMA) and ICV-BMP-II(SARATH) Battle Tanks and Armoured Vehicles. Anant Industries has always been at the forefront of Indian Armed Forces’s Mission of Indigenisation of Defence Equipment and Self-Reliance in Defence Forces.
Expanding their Facilities further, they have started the Construction of its new Factory at Shirwal in Khandala MIDC Ph-2 and this will be operative from December 2020. This will increase our Capacity and capability to further level.
Responsibilities towards the Society:
The company believes in giving back to society and serving it through its various endeavors. As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility, Anant Industries actively participates in various social cause every year. Anant Industries also helps many underprivileged students for financing their Education and also for their Daily Meals.
Opinions about the Industry
Since the Defence Equipment Manufacturing Industry in India is wholly controlled by the Ministry of Defence (MoD), the Government of India, the policies of the MoD are the most important factors in this industry.
The ‘MoD’ is focused on indigenization with the final goal of self-reliance for the Indian armed forces. As most of the Defence Equipment used currently in India are originally being imported from other countries, they have huge scope for indigenization until self-reliance for Armed Forces. The Government is now taking pro-active steps in boosting private companies and also local manufacturers and suppliers to develop indigenous equipment.
The government is also investing a lot in the Defence Manufacturing corridors in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. Many DPSUs are also being upgraded by the Government of India in terms of Infrastructure and Capabilities to suit the increasing needs of the Indian Armed Forces.
With such positive steps from the Ministry of Defence, many private firms have also invested in this business.
Advice to Emerging Entrepreneurs
Newer Companies and Entrepreneurs should concentrate on the Market trends, understand the future prospects, the current market players and create a distinguishing USP.
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