BrandLoom: India’s Most Sought-After Digital Strategy Agency

BrandLoom Consulting

At BrandLoomAvinash Chandra, the Founder and CEO, and his team of professional experts pride themselves on being one of India’s most sought-after branding and marketing agencies. They started in 2015 with a focus on digital marketing but have expanded their scope of work and are now a full-service branding and marketing agency.

They provide their clients with comprehensive strategies to elevate their brands and connect with their audiences on a deeper level.

Avinash shares, “What sets us apart from other agencies is our unwavering commitment to delivering the best possible ROI for our clients. Our team of experts work tirelessly to deliver both short-term results and long-term brand-building strategies that drive growth, increase revenue and enhance our client’s reputation in the market.”

One of their unique strengths lies in their approach to digital strategies. They don’t just focus on marketing – they prioritize creating immersive and engaging user experiences for brands that keep their customers returning for more.

Creating the Ultimate Brand Buzz

BrandLoom’s team stays on top of the latest trends and emerging technologies to create innovative and exciting strategies that truly set its clients apart from their competitors. From UX/UI design to cutting-edge technologies, the firm is always exploring new ways to help its clients offer their audiences unique and unforgettable brand experiences.

“Today, we are proud to be known as the agency of choice for brands that want to make a lasting impression in the market,” he says. Their expertise, passion and commitment to excellence have earned them a reputation as the go-to agency for businesses looking to find their niche, build their unique identity, and achieve the best ROI on their marketing efforts.

BrandLoom offers all essential services like marketing and brand consulting, designing, SEO, content writing and marketing, social media marketing, web design and development, paid marketing, e-commerce consulting services and more.

The firm’s branding-e-commerce approach is a digital marketing strategy that combines branding and e-commerce techniques to create a unique and memorable shopping experience for customers. The team under Avinash’s leadership takes a holistic approach towards marketing, starting with understanding the brand and its target audience and building an emotional core for its followers to stay invested in. They always deliver the best ROI by taking data-backed decisions and tweaking their strategy to resonate with the audiences. “Our team is always down to experiment and pivot- which helps our clients get acclimatized quickly to their audience’s demands and deliver on them. Of course, being a full-service agency, we can take care of ALL aspects of branding and marketing in-house and pivot fast when needed,” adds Avinash.

Immersive Solutions

BrandLoom offers immersive digital strategy solutions to help its clients enhance their online presence and achieve their business objectives. Some of the immersive benefits of its digital strategy solutions include:

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Creating engaging content and experiences helps its clients build stronger relationships with their customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
  • Improved Brand Awareness: Creating a consistent brand message and using targeted advertising with social media campaigns helps clients increase brand awareness and reach new audiences.
  • Increased Sales and Revenue: By optimizing website design, improving user experience, and using data-driven insights to build marketing strategies, the firm helps clients grow their bottom line and achieve their business goals.
  • Competitive Advantage: By leveraging emerging technologies and digital marketing trends, clients can gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Measurable Results: By providing our clients with clear and actionable performance metrics, we help them make informed decisions and optimize their digital strategy for maximum impact.

Of course, when your digital presence is immersive, your audiences stay hooked to your offerings. “To put it in another way, our UX/UI web designs help our clients keep their customers invested. Not just that, they can reap the benefits of being seen as a company that progresses with the times, and with personalized offerings, they not only see better sales but can also retain more customers,” says Avinash, who is a story of humble beginnings, setbacks, struggles, and of triumph against all odds. He grew up in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Being a quick learner, he completed his graduation in mechanical engineering and earned an MBA from MDI – Gurgaon, a top B-school. He landed positions with some of the biggest names, including Philips, Bausch & Lomb, and Invista. Before starting on his own, he was heading the marketing operations at Opple.

A Holistic Approach to Leadership

Having spent almost two decades in marketing, Avinash had a fair idea of what people expected from their brands. He noticed the changing landscape with increasing internet penetration and decided to strike out independently.

Taking a leap of faith, he founded BrandLoom in 2015. He started with a passion for helping businesses succeed in their online ventures. It was tough; there were sleepless nights, setbacks, and challenges at every turn. But he refused to give up. He poured everything into BrandLoom. Today, BrandLoom is a full-service marketing agency with a 50+ strong team, serving Fortune 100 clients with a 5M$ annual revenue!

Avinash and his team have expanded their offerings and gained in-depth knowledge and experience in respective areas. Together, they have formulated their holistic approach, which focuses on delivering on audience expectations. Their focus on understanding the brand’s tonality, shaping its identity, and manifesting it in design and communication has earned them a good reputation in the market and helped them expand overseas in the USA and UK.

Sending Obstacles Out of the Way

Challenges are a constant presence in the fast-paced world of marketing and branding. Avinash shares that as a marketing and branding organization, they face their fair share of obstacles. But they do not let them stand in the way of delivering exceptional results to their clients.

One of the biggest challenges in the industry is keeping up with the ever-evolving digital landscape. New technologies and changes in consumer behaviour happen often, but they pride themselves on their ability to track and adapt to these changes and continuously innovate the solutions they provide to their clients.

In addition to this, the increasing competition in the market poses another challenge. With countless marketing and branding agencies, standing out and differentiating themselves can be tough. However, they believe building strong, long-term relationships with their clients through personalized and effective solutions is the key to overcoming this challenge.

Another challenge they face is delivering high-quality solutions while staying within their client’s budgets. It requires them to be efficient and innovative in their processes to make their services cost-effective while maintaining quality and promptness.

To overcome all these challenges, they also foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning within their organization. By investing in technologies and tools, they stay ahead of the curve and deliver the most effective solutions to their clients. “We also prioritize communication and collaboration with our clients to ensure that we meet their needs and exceed their expectations,” says Avinash. In his advice to budding professionals, he says, “If you’re aspiring to venture into the digital strategy industry, my advice would be to stay curious and continuously learn about the latest development and technologies in the field.”

A Piece of Advice

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest tools and platforms is crucial.

Another important aspect is to develop a diverse skill set. Digital strategy involves various disciplines, including data analysis, content creation, social media management, SEO, and more. Developing expertise in multiple areas will give you a competitive edge.

Also, networking and building relationships with industry professionals is essential. Attending conferences, joining online communities, and connecting with peers on social media platforms can help you learn from others’ experiences, exchange ideas, and generate potential work opportunities.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with new ideas. Digital strategy is all about trying different things and thinking outside the box. Be open to learning from your successes and failures. “Trust me, when you are new, there will be many failures.”

But with persistence, hard work, and a willingness to learn, you can make a successful career in the digital strategy industry.

Into a Glorious Future

On envisioning scaling BrandLoom’s operations and offerings in the future, Avinash reveals, “We have already expanded overseas, in the UK and USA, and we hope to expand our footprint there. We are also strengthening our creative core to offer our clients better, more immersive experiences and craft experiential offerings that will become the norm.”

He concludes, “We are honoured to be recognized by several industry publications, such as:

  • Leading Inbound Marketing Company by Clutch, April 2022.
  • Among the 10 Most Innovative UI/UX Companies of 2022, Analytics Insight.
  • Named among the Most Sought-After Digital Marketing agency set to take USA & UK by Storm by In The Headline Tech in September 2021.
  • Named among the Most Innovative Companies to Watch in 2021 by The Executive Headlines in August 2021.”

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