Dr Sapna Gupta: Treating People Heal Themselves Without Using Drugs

Dr Sapna Gupta
sapna gupta

Since the proliferation of homo sapiens eight to three million years ago (MYA), our ancestors lived primordially and naturally for the longest time till the emergence of Allopathic or Modern medicines in the 19th century. It simply means that some form or other of humans prospered since the coming of the Hominidae family, some 20 to 15 MYA from the superfamily of Hominoidea (existing between 22 to 20 MYA).

Accepted, many of the genera and all the species except homo sapiens went extinct. However, we survived naturally for aeons indicates that, in the modern age, too, we can survive, prosper, and live healthily if we remove the excessive artificialness of modern chemical-based medicinal healthcare’s side effects from our lifestyles.

My name is Dr Sapna GuptaMD-EH, BEMS, BNYS, ND, AD Panchagavya, MD-Yoga, MD-ACU & Magnet, PGD- Counselling & Spiritual Health, DBMS, PLR, Signature Analyzer, Consultant. I’m a renowned Naturopath, e-Homeopath, Counsellor, Spiritual Healer, Motivational Speaker, Researcher and Social Worker by profession. I have also obtained many qualified degrees in other paths. I’ve been fully dedicated to the cause of humanity for more than 20 years.

Healing Wholistically

For her many patients, Dr Sapna is a divine personality. *DR SAPNS IS professional endeavours along with social work, in association with several NGOs and other networks across India. She has received many international and national awards and has also been a national player. Presently working with many social work organizations working for children, patients, eunuchs etc. They want to serve humanity for the betterment of our society and all over the world. Now she is mainly working in the world as a renowned doctor, or counselor and by her motivational speeches.

Dr Sapna says: Along with Naturopathy, I treat with treatments like past life regression, detoxification, therapy by meditation, yoga, and other related methods. I also do Reiki, Pranic healing, and Sakaash. I’m also an architect and a building consultant.

I’m a registered Naturopathic Doctor and Consultant with the clinical experience of more than twenty years in helping people to recover their health without using drugs.

My Online Content – exclusively available via an online consultation. *Ours is not Wellness. Ours is not Spa-medicine. Ours is not drugs and surgery. Ours is poignant and disruptive insights into All-Things-Medical honed during 20 Years of Clinical Experience as a primary-care, licensed and regulated Naturopathic Doctor.

I believe my insight will change your life. Health Recovery Protocols, Health Topic Myth-Busting, Live Q&A Sessions, Interviews with Wholistic Medical Experts, and more are all available via an online consultation.

My content, thoughts and hard work will leave you thinking, “Why didn’t I know about this before?” or “Everybody in my life needs to know this!”

Let me ensure that you have nothing to lose in this bargain – except your fear for your health and your Misunderstanding, which the Machiavellian Mainstream Medical Monopoly has manufactured.

Proving by Example

Let me share another famous naturopath doctor’s thoughts and experience on the miracles of Naturopathy. He gives a list of diseases completely cured by Naturopathy. The most interesting case is Down’s Syndrome – an irreversible genetic disease. Once a child was born with Down’s Syndrome.

The famous ND shares, “In this particular case, the diagnosis was made during the pregnancy. Sometime in the first three months of the pregnancy, fluid from the mother’s womb was collected through a procedure called “amniocentesis.” Analysis of the fluid determined that the developing foetus had Down’s syndrome. Upon receiving the diagnosis, the mother started an aggressive Naturopathic nutrition program, and about seven months later, the child was born completely normal. It happens because the gene that codes for Down’s syndrome is turned on by the absence of nutrients in the mother’s system. (This is true of all genetic diseases, not just Down’s syndrome). When the mother became 100% nutrified by taking nutritional supplements, the genetic expression of the disease was turned off. In this case, it was turned off before it was too late, and the child was born in perfect health. Not bad. Do you think the mother was happy? What about the child? It is just the tip of the Naturopathic iceberg called ‘cure.” – As told in his book, ‘The MD Emperor Has No Clothes.’

Revealing the Well-Guarded Secret

My own saga has always been patient satisfaction which attracts us to do more and more with new therapies and techniques with the least side effects. Embarking on this journey with me carries no risks other than shedding your concerns about your health and dispelling any misunderstandings that may have been perpetuated by the manipulative mainstream medical monopoly.

Remember, knowledge is power, and to accomplish different results, it is vital to employ other methods. Let me unveil the Naturopathic Method, a well-guarded secret in modern medicine, and show you the path to a healthier life.

Business means creating your own version. I have been dreaming of becoming a named solution provider for any illness or problem. Mine is not a wellness centre. Neither is it Spa-medicine. Nor is it drugs and surgery. Mine is a moving and disruptive awareness into All-Things-Remedial based on two decades of Clinical Experience as a primary-care, licensed and regulated Naturopathic Doctor.

Disrupting the Challenges

The biggest challenge is acceptance when offering something that is not common or known to people. Because people expect instant relief even for the cost of long-term risk. Based in Bhopal (MP)/Madhuvan, Mount Abu, I manage my professional endeavours and social work with several NGOs and other networks across India. I’ve received many international and national awards and have been a national player.

I’m a highly skilled and experienced homoeopath, a registered naturopathic Doctor, and a consultant with over two decades of clinical experience, helping people to recover their health without drug use. My online counselling is exclusively available via an online consultation.

There is a substantial likelihood that my acumen will change your life if you follow my Health Recovery Protocols, Health Topic Myth-Busting, Live Q&A Sessions, Interviews with Wholistic Medical Experts, and so much more are all available via an online consultation.

The sheer volume of my online content positively impacts your understanding of the issues about your health concerns. My content will leave you intelligent “Why didn’t I know about this before?” or “Everybody in my life needs to know this!”

Have Faith, Not Fear!

You have nothing to lose in this bargain – except your fear for your health and misapprehension, which the Machiavellian Mainstream Medical Monopoly has manufactured.

Currently, I work with many social work organisations for children, patients, eunuchs, etc.

I want to serve humanity for the betterment of our society and the world. Knowledge is power, and different results require different methods. Let me guide you with the naturopathic practice – modern medicine’s best secret. I’m mainly working as a renowned doctor, counsellor and motivational speaker.

Let Me Heal You Naturally

Commitment in nature and focus on the root cause diagnosis in treatment are two basics my clients value the most. The immersive benefits of Preferential Treatment with the most potent and safest therapies include drug-less therapy with a blend of scientific and spiritual values.

As an expert, I’ve mastered the ability to cure almost all diseases without medicines, and I can cure virtually all diseases by diet therapy alone. My advice for aspirants wishing to enter the naturopathic treatment niche is to commit to whatever you do and continue learning/upgradation of the business model as per the requirement.

My future plans are simple. With the latest advancements, to upgrade myself in line with newer technologies. We must evaluate the benefits of new technologies to make the best use of them in our business.

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