E-commerce gets a Breather in Green Zone amid COViD Lockdown

COViD Lockdown

India now enters the third phase of lock-down with an announcement that it has been extended for two more weeks, starting May 4. However, the country and its cities have now been divided into zones based on the aftermath of COViD19. And, in an effort to get the economic activity back up with caution, delivery of essential and non-essential items through e-commerce will be allowed in districts that have been categorized as Green and Orange Zones.

Until now, only essential items were allowed to be delivered throughout the country. The pandemic has put normal social and economic activities on a standstill. Issuing detailed guidelines on services that will be allowed during the extended lockdown, the Union Home Ministry today said the third phase of the lockdown will have some relaxations for Green and Orange zones. Districts under Red zones will continue receiving delivery of essential items through e-commerce. Citizens in districts that have been categorized as Green and Orange Zones will also receive delivery of non-essential items.

Further, in Orange Zone, taxis and cab aggregators will be permitted to operate with one driver and one passenger only. Inter-district movement of individuals and vehicles will be allowed only for permitted activities. Meanwhile, in the Green Zone, buses can operate with up to 50 percent capacity. Similarly, bus depots can operate with up to 50 percent capacity, as er the new guidelines.

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