Silicon Valley Tech Hulk, Google bagged the first city of India to go it into a smart city with the Wi-Fi agreement in the usage of Pune. This deal is valued at 150 crore, and contains revenue sharing elements, capital expenditure and operating expenditure. It will be done in association with companies like IBM, RailTel and Larsen & Toubro (L&T) from Pune Smart City Development Corporation (PSCSCL), a special purpose vehicle formed for the smart city mission in the city.
Google has promised and been functioning with Railtel and Railway ministry to provide the Wi-Fi hotspot at 400 various railway platforms across the country. At present, it has ended installing in 100 platforms and the works are going continues. Google is also functioning with RailTel and L&T for variable message displays (VMD) that will be recycled to deliver important data and messages across 161 locations in the city.
Pune Municipal Commissioner, Kumar told that, “The new contract is valued at Rs 150 crore, and includes capital expenditure, functioning expenditure and revenue sharing elements. The strategy is to integrate all public places on a single platform to collective Wi-Fi hotspots that will permit access with one time authentication.” He also stated that, “The enterprise will also frame emergency call boxes and movable messaging displays, video analytics integration, environmental sensors, public address methods and network connectivity.”
Larsen & Toubro is the master method integrated in the Pune Smart City project and it will help participate everything together, Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Lead -Smart World And Communication Business, L&T told. He also added that, “One of the imperative things that we are doing is WiFi, and then we are also establishing the emergency call box and public drop box and environmental sensor. We are functioning with RailTel for connectivity and Google for placing advertisements. Google will aid us in monetization through advertisements”