Government Mulling for PPP Model in Health

Government Mulling for PPP Model in Health

Proper healthcare delivery structure is a significant challenge for policymakers in India. The country needs a universal health care program that makes treatment more affordable and accessible. The government alone cannot handle the health care infrastructure and the capacity gap in small cities and villages. Now government has taken a decision to shake hands with private sectors for the betterment of health services across the country.
The Union Health Ministry of India has proposed a public-private partnership model to provide affordable health care treatment for three non-communicable diseases call- cardiac sciences, oncology and pulmonary sciences in non-metro cities. There will be two kinds of patients — self-paying and those paid for by the government under various schemes but both bear the same cost. The rates would be fixed by Government according to state health insurance scheme or, the central government health scheme. Moreover, BPL patients will get these services free of cost or at pre-fixed prices.
The main objectivity of this PPP model is to make innovative Health Care policies, appropriate pre-medical stuff, a peaceful environment and Government wants to prevent deaths and provide immediate help to people of different economic backgrounds. “According to Government officials, a treatment of non-communicable diseases is expensive and often unavailable at district level hospitals. The model contract has been drawn with a view to make such sophisticated services available to patients at local levels and at a government determined price.”
For any private hospital, cost of land is a prime concern. And the other big challenge is to ensure enough patient footfalls. In the proposed model call private public partnership here, the land will be provided by district hospitals and the government is supposed to refer patients to the PPP facility. The Government expects the model will give benefit and better service towards them who needs medical support in India.

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