Home Automation: A Guardian Angel for Working Parents

Home Automation

For every parent, their children’s safety is of prime concern. All working parents are worried about their kids’ safety, and it bothers them while they are away at work. Many parents break into sweat when they think something bad may happen to their kids when they are out. To deal with such threats and concerns, parents can implement efficient home automation systems. A home automation system is an important security feature, and can also provide many additional facilities to the users.
Parents can use these technologies for child care in various innovative and cost-effective ways. There are many ways in which home automation technologies can assist parents in child care and protection.

Constant Monitoring of Children’s Activities
Parents can install smart cameras around the house to monitor childrens’ activities. This gives them 24/7 access to their house and they can keep an eye on their children for as long as they want. Real-time video monitoring assists parents to check whether their kids have left for school and if they have come back in time.

Remote Locking of Doors
Home automation technologies give parents the power to remotely unlock the doors in case the children have locked them in or out of the house. Also, parents can use their personalized codes and can receive notifications on their mobile phones if someone tries to unlock the door.

Enhancement of Safety Procedures    
Users can combine monitored home security with home automation systems to improve safety of their homes. Parents can receive notifications if students approach or enter potentially dangerous places like pools or unfenced terrace. If children play with fire or gas stoves, integrated gas detectors and fire alarms can assist in preventing mishaps.

Keeping Children away from Toxic Substances
Children are very curious about different things and have a tendency of putting things in their mouths. There might be various toxic elements lying around the house which might be harmful for them. Medicines and chemicals can pose a serious threat to the children. Parents may store them in cupboards and boxes and instruct their children not touch them. But still the children may explore these products and play with them, which may harm them. Parents can also install cabinet and door sensors on such areas.

Checking the Door
Parents always worry about children opening the door to strangers and miscreants. They tell their children innumerable times not to open the doors to strangers. Advanced technologies like an exterior door station can help the children to check who’s at the door without opening it.

Creating a Conducive Environment for Education
Parents can use home automation systems to create an education-friendly environment. They can schedule task lights to turn on lights, televisions, music systems, gaming consoles, and other technologies for children’s entertainment, and can turn them off when it’s time to sit down and concentrate on studies.

Using Home Automation for Celebrations
Home automation technologies can be used by parents to create an environment of fun and celebration for their children. They can add life to an ordinary birthday party using these tools, and create an unforgettable experience for the children. After a long day at school, children may want to spend some quality leisure time with their parents. The parents can make arrangements by setting the music system to play their children’s favorite songs, or set their favorite movie to play during the weekends.

Energy Management
Children are too young to understand the importance of saving energy. As a result, they may leave a room keeping the lights and fan still on, and keep many electrical appliances on even when they are no longer required. This leads to energy wastage. Parents can use home automation system and make it easy to handle these controls with just a press of a button or touch of a screen, even when they are away from home.        

Putting Kids to Bed and waking them Up with Ease
Parents sometimes find it difficult to put children to bed at night or wake them up in the morning. Home automation systems can help them in handling this situation. Parents can set the lights to turn the light on and off at specific times. Using home automation technology to schedule when the lights, music system, TV, and other appliances would turn off around bedtime will help in creating a calm atmosphere and will help children to sleep. Also setting lights to turn on in the morning will create an ambience which will prompt students to get out of their beds in the morning, and get ready to go to school.
Parents who work odd hours can install a home automation system to turn lights on and off as and when needed. Also, it will help children to maintain a proper routine.

For working parents, employing home automation technologies can provide more than just peace of mind. They can implement efficient home automation systems for not only the safety and security of their children, but also for providing lasting experience in terms of education, entertainment, and so on.

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