“We have to get control of our borders. You can only do that if you make companies obey the law and not hire undocumented or illegals. They can only do that is if they have a social security card that has biometrics so they know whether the person is legal or not.”– Michael Bloomberg, master of business administration of Cornell Tech.
The world has become more connected with digital technology with the increasing usage of smart devices which has given rise to cybercrime and cyber security is acting predominantly to protect the digitized world from hackers. These days, hackers can decode the passwords and get access over the user’s private information. Further even the user has to remember the difficult and different passwords which are set for various accounts to prevent breach. Biometric technology is used as an identity authentication and access privilege for almost all security purposes ranging from the government, military standpoints, private organizations, healthcare, and telecom sector.
Nowadays, biometric technology is playing a significant role in replacing the traditional methods of entering passwords. This is done with the help of individual authentication based on the physiological characteristics like fingerprint, palm veins, face, DNA, palm print, hand geometry, iris identification, retina and odour/scent. The identity authentication of the user can also be done with the behavioral characteristics of typing rhythm, gait, and voice. Biometric security is the best authentication solutions to raise the bar of security in the mobile environment. There are various methods of biometric authentication in the mobile phones which can ensure high level security to its users.
Fingerprint Recognition
The process of fingerprint recognition in biometric authentication has become the most successful trend all over the globe. The finger patterns are recorded by the impressions left on the fingerprint reader pad for verification. Fingerprint attendance has been adopted in various sectors like hospitals, airports, border security control, banks, schools, colleges and offices.
Today, several companies are working with new technology and methods on fingerprint readers to make fingerprint identification process easier and hassle free. Even certain hospitals use the scanning and analysis of the sub-thermal palm vein patterns of their employees which assures accurate identification, even if there are cuts or abrasions on the skin. Under any circumstances, the advanced technology can identify a clear and distortion-free image of a finger irrespective of whether it is scarred, moist or aged skin.
Facial Recognition
The facial recognition technology is undergoing a tough phase in differentiating a photograph and human face. This flaw is getting recovered with the usage of deep learning algorithm in artificial intelligence which is a new way of facial recognition in camera-enabled mobile phones to compromise on security purposes. This technology is being implemented by the companies across diverse industries including healthcare and banking.
Voice Recognition
Voice recognition biometrics can provide a quick response to the clients to ensure the persons identification within a fraction of seconds. This process is also cost-effective which can be integrated into existence Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRs). In addition to this, the mobile voice biometric systems also offers a seamless user experience by assuring reliability and security as it can handle the voice composition which is unique to each customer.
Presently, private sector banks are expanding the usage of voice recognition biometrics which authenticates the customer based on their speech patterns and allows them to perform transactions through the call center..
Signature Recognition
Signature recognition is a widely put into practice for the authentication of an individual. The process of on-line signature recognition has been successfully implemented to achieve approx. 80% of accuracy of a user, whereas the off-line signature recognition contributes very less accuracy identification. It has been decided to implement biometric signature in the mobile devices through various approaches such as dynamic time warping (DTW), Bayesian Learning, Hidden Markov model (HMM), Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine (SVM).
This dynamic signature feature is analyzed by the way a particular signature is written instead of the physical appearance of the signature. The personal digital assistant (PDA) user’s sign in multiple times, their pressure, direction, velocity and other attributes will be recorded during the approval process.
Iris Recognition
The iris recognition biometrics has been developed to implement in smart devices. A unique pattern of the iris is used for identifying an individual through a snapshot of his eye which is used as a password for ensuring the security.
The mobile applications for biometric devices are set to revolutionize the cyber security world. At present, plenty of industries such as healthcare, telecommunication, banking, private companies, institution and military standpoints are implementing fingerprint recognition to enhance security.
However, the fingerprint recognition has become common and hackers are rapidly finding a path to breach this technology with the advanced hacking mechanisms. Hence, it is necessary to invest more in research and development of advanced mobile solutions for biometric devices. The security can be increased by adding the fingerprint recognition feature with the measurement of blood characteristics and body temperature of the users. Also advancements like matching the image of the person with the voice modulation to increase the security level of cyber security which can surely shield the world from cyber threats.