Meticulous – India’s First Startup Business Service Consultants


The company offers ‘world-class’ consulting services for the budding entrepreneurs. In conversation with Insight Success, Yogesh Thite – Founder & CEO talks about the distinctive features and why market-research plays a pivotal role for a startup company.

Kindly brief us about the company – inception and the overall journey to date.
Meticulous had started its journey in 2011 as a startup consulting company, kept its focus on delivering quality services. Strategic partnerships of Meticulous has gained extensive knowledge and priceless experience in the area. Meticulous is now profoundly concentrating on building a sustainable startup ecosystem, strategic business planning, and result oriented business re-engineering solutions. The goal is to bring a great perspective to founders of various start-ups, business houses and help them scale up a new height.

Please tell us something about your Founder/CEO and his/her contribution towards the company and the industry (kindly include his quality traits, quotes etc.)
Yogesh Thite, Founder, and CEO
A seasoned startup consultant. Young, energetic and result oriented person. Individual with a go-getter attitude and always a positive thinker. An Entrepreneur by heart, Product Innovator by skills and Business Consultant by choice. Yogesh helps people, startups & business houses to start, expand, grow and sustain the business with his skills, experience, and strategic management. Being pretty good with people’s management he is mastering the art of solving the problems. Specifically, the one concerning with ‘start-ups’ personal, professional and business. Mr. Yogesh believes that he is a great listener & learner. He has done MBA, M.Sc., and B.Tech.
“We are judged by what we complete, not by what we start.
Think about it,
We rarely fail for the things we do; we fail for the things we don’t do.”

Nikhil Thite – Co-Founder
Avid traveler and reader. Proficient in business planning, forecasting market potential, structuring & implementing business strategies and client relationship management. He has done MBS and B.Sc.
Keep working and doing good things, anyone can help you in business.
Help people with no expectations,
it will give back more than what you were expecting.
Kindly describe in detail about the services and products you provide that sets you apart.
Brands –
Startup with Meticulous – Solving the problems in starting up any venture by offering them startup consulting services.
Meticulous Business Plan – Helping startups and business houses in planning their businesses effectively and efficiently by offering them the business planning services.
Meticulous Business Reengineering – Helping business houses in the process of transformation and strategic changes by offering custom and niche consulting services.

  1. Innovative and uniquely crafted start-up solutions
  2. Most logical and result oriented Startup Incubation Services
  3. 360-degree consultation
  4. Customized Solutions according to the need

What are the values, vision, and mission of your company?

  • Vision – To be the most trusted and result oriented business consulting company across the nation.
  • Mission – Meticulous aspires to be the complete business solutions provider to nascent and existing businesses.
  • Values –
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Quality work
  • Hard Work
  • Team Work
  • Learning
  • Innovation
  • Why Us- We team Meticulous, take pride in calling us determinant because we have provided the best possible quality of services to our client with utmost dedication and determination; we pledge to do so for our each and every client. We strongly believe that continuous innovation in products & services makes your it more beneficial for your clients and keeps your business sustained in the market; thus, we always keep our focus on delivering innovative and reliable products & services for our customer.
  • What We Stand For –
  • We stand for accuracy.
  • We stand for Preciseness.
  • We stand for Excellence.
  • & we stand for You.

Tell us about the notable milestones in the company’s journey. Or tell us about some notable awards/achievements the company has received so far.

  • Startup India Recognition (DIPP) by Startup India
  • Fastest Growing SME by GC Awards
  • CEO of the Year 2017 by CEO Awards
  • Mentor on Board for Atal Innovation Mission
  • Fastest Growing CEO by GC Awards
  • Have raised funds more than INR 3 Billion for 20 clients
  • Helped 100+ startups on their startup journey
  • Prepared 1500+ Business Plans and Reports

According to you, what are the essential elements of a successful business relationship in today’s business environment?
One should always keep in mind that being a good listener makes you a great learner, risk taker and consistent. We believe the journey of becoming a successful business is the continuous process, which does not have the destination. We should enjoy the journey with the utmost enthusiasm and consistency. Enjoy every small achievement and resolve every small problem. What we need to be happy to be successful, so live the life to the fullest.

What are your views on the emergence of consultant startups, especially in the last decade?
Business consultants are there since long; the only thing now has been changed is it’s been categorized. We don’t see competitors as a competition because the startup consulting industry has got the tremendous potential for result oriented organizations, and it changes its way of consulting according to the need & technology. There is a huge market to potential, great scope for product innovation and one company cannot improve the market if decided to innovate. In this industry collaborating and sharing is the only way to improve; we look at competitors as a guide and future business partners. We are constantly working on product improvement, providing the best suitable services, building the right team, business collaboration and these strategies will help us sustain in the market for the long run.

How ‘market-research’ plays a key role for a startup company. What is your plan of action while doing a market-research for a startup company?
Market research in one of key strategy while acting on any big decision. Most importantly one needs to understand who all are stakeholders of that particular decision and start structuring the way to get feedback and information, sometime one might need professional help.

What are your future plans for the company? Where do you see the company in the years to come?
Frankly speaking, I want to be happy and satisfied, and this will only be achieved when we are willing to help Startups and businesses across the globe with the utmost positive results. We want to be a Wikipedia/google for Startups.

  1. Creation of Value Proposition to the target market
  2. Building a brand and its value
  3. Marketing and Promotions
  4. Team Expansion
  5. Business Development

How do you hire the best talent?
I don’t look for skills; character is more important to me. I believe skills can be groomed but not the character.
What are the books that you like?

  1. Zero to One: Note on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future – Peter Thiel
  2. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – Seth Godin
  3. 80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More – Richard
  4. The Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates In His Own Words – by Lisa Edited by Rogak
  5. Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model – John Mullins and Randy Komisar
  6. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

Who are your favorite entrepreneurs?
Richard Branson, JRD Tata and Warren Buffet

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