Neeraj Saxena: An Enthusiastic Entrepreneur with a Zeal for Innovation

Neeraj Saxena

Numerous people have numerous ideas, but only those with the desire to achieve what they want can create magic by turning their dreams into reality. Perseverance is also the key ingredient in the recipe of success. As the Chairman and CEO of Dell, Michael Dell also said, “Ideas are commodity. Execution of them is not”. One such strong willed and persistent entrepreneur, who not only dreamt of a castle, but rather built an enterprise, is Neeraj Saxena, the Managing Director of B2C Systems Limited. He envisions every new day as a new opportunity for greater entrepreneurial creativity. With an experience of over 25 years in advertising, marketing, and information technology, Neeraj is taking B2C Systems to newer heights.
The pursuit of excellence motivates me to ‘push the envelope’ and ‘shift the goalpost’ further away for a bigger marketing-play. To be honest, greatest motivation for me is to ‘Make it Large’ one day. And I’m still striving hard for it and seek newer challenges in life to fuel my passion for excellence in everything I do,” asserts Neeraj.
Journey from Nothing to Everything
He started his journey as an entrepreneur at the young age of 20. With a desire to make it big on his own and inspired by his fascination for creativity, he set up an advertising agency in Delhi. After the initial hiccups, with sheer persistence and hard work of Neeraj the company acquired a roster of clients, boosting his self-belief. Neeraj also had a passion to creatively curate technology-based products and services. To nurture this passion, he did his masters in Information Technology and Management with specialization in e-commerce. This helped him when he set up B2C Systems in the Millennium year 2000. Dedicating his success to his family, he says, “Of course my family’s moral support during my failures & tough time is the real back-bone of whatever little success I have achieved till date”.
Walking B2C Systems towards its Success
With a belief that he has something new and unique to offer in this technology-driven world, Neeraj nurtured B2C Systems since its inception and never looked back. Inspired by the idea of Smart Cards defining the modern day life, he chose to place a premium on best-in-class standards and processes and a smart, savvy professional team to deliver customer-delight. Believing that the process of marketing begins even before the product is born; Neeraj continues to successfully lead B2C Systems towards its success. He continually strives to identify a gap in the existing line of product offerings to the customers and is an ideologue of innovation.
About the Company
An ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 certified company; B2C Systems Limited is among the pioneers that provide microprocessor-based Smart Cards solutions to a large number of clients catering to membership-based Sports and Recreational Clubs domain. Being a tech-driven organization, B2C Systems develops IT solutions that shape the corporate intranets and extranets, streamlining communication structures for their businesses. Presently, it is focused on B2C_Digital Club: An ERP Software having various functional modules fully integrated with microprocessor based Membership Smart Cards.
With a mission to provide solution-oriented IT and related value-added services to its clients, it has served many prestigious customers. This includes Delhi Gymkhana Club Ltd, Defence Services Officers’ Institute (DSOI), Civil Services Officers’ Institute (CSOI), Indian Naval Services (INS) India, PHD Chambers of Commerce, Airports Authority of India (AAI), and many more. B2C Systems thrives to explore new tech-concepts that are easy to access and customer-friendly.
A Word on Major Challenges in the Industry
Life is full of challenges and I take it by stride,” says Neeraj. According to Neeraj, one of the major challenges in the industry today is the apathy among the qualified young people to join start-ups, primarily due to the overseas opportunities. Acknowledging the same, he says,“I reckon that the high employee attrition rate is still not recognized as a debilitating factor by the IT industry. The young today are easily lured by the prospect of overseas placement with startups without a care for long term career goals because of a sudden rise in remuneration, even if it may only mean a short term gain at the cost of a long term career trajectory.
Another big problem, he believes, is to find ‘Good Talent’ and ‘Staff Retention’, which are the cornerstones for the overall development of any organization. Also now-a-days in order to make quick-bucks young generation go to the extent of Intellectual Property / Software Source Code  theft without understanding and paying any heed to the strict Cyber, Trademark and Copyrights Acts & Laws. And as a result end up reaching nowhere.
Also another major issue faced by the industrial leaders in India is that the clients still treat the IT companies, providing intellectual properties, just as another vendors providing off-the-shelf goods and not associates as an integral part of the their system. Along with this, the distressing issue of delayed payments by the Clients, mostly intentionally on account of procedural delays, hampers the revenue-cycle and subsequently the smooth flow of business, especially for start-ups and SMEs. “It also needlessly causes a trust-deficit in an environment which requires the primary focus to be placed only on human energies deployed for world class tech products and services,” asserts Neeraj.
Optimistic about the Bright Future
I feel the future is bright and there is a growing demand for Smart Cards,” says Neeraj, about his future expansion plans. With new players entering the market, he is excited about competition, “Honestly, competition is always welcome since it helps to improve as well as deliver goods more effectively”. For the company, he says that the plan is to expand it Pan India as well as to enter into other domains like armed forces and elite fashion for corporate women. Further, he would be participating in relevant key conferences and exhibitions, globally, to increase the company’s visibility and network.
Source :-The 10 Most Creative Corporate Leaders to watch in 2018

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