Nokia, the Finnish telecom gear maker has partnered with the power utility, Tata Power-DDL (Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited) to support its electrical grid management in its operations in North and North-West Delhi while equipping with the latter’ Internet Protocol/MultiProtocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) network.
Tata Power-DDL is a joint venture between the Government of NCT of Delhi and Tata Power.
According to the gear vendor, the deployment has enabled the power utility to support both traditional business and IT services as well as mission critical operational services all on a single communications network.
With this operation, Tata Power-DDL has become the foremost power utility in India to implement tele-protection service successfully using Line-Differential Relay (LDR) over an IP/MPLS network.
Teleprotection which makes it possible to detect the presence of faults and trip breakers, isolates a certain section of the grid, containing the impact of the fault to a localized region.
“Our leadership in the development of utility specific features for IP/MPLS networks AHS enabled us to deliver a resilient, secure and efficient network for Tata Power-DDL,” said Nokia’s head of India market Sanjay Malik.
The network, Nokia also said that it delivers traditional business applications, including enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management and video surveillance systems.