S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP: The Benevolent Law Firm That Keeps you One Step Ahead

With the hiring activity dominating the private practice firms and in-house setups, there is a certain level of positivity that seems to have engulfed the legal industry. With ample credit to the latest stance from the Indian Government, there is a visible rise in terms of productivity, expansion and revenue. In the entire steady growth story that we hear, the legal industry has played quite a dynamic role and that too at a macro level. The rejuvenated FDI flow in the country could be largely credited to the new liberalization steps taken by the government.
Apart from traditionally counseling Mergers & Acquisitions, Securities & Capital Markets, Dispute Resolution and much more, the Law Firms have played a major role in shaping up various economic laws which have been recently enacted and are also playing a significant role in their implementation through their practice across all their work places. These firms are also playing a major role in even the executive accords of the various Industrial sectors. Hence, with an ever rising demand, arises the ever rising competition amongst the law firms in the country. The Indian Government is currently considering opening up the legal sector to the international players and this puts the Indian players under immense pressure to perform above average.
S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP is a young professional Indian Law Firm that deals with litigation matters of varied nature and devises specific strategy for each matter. It is one of those few rising law firms in India who have the vision to carve space for itself amongst the top 10 law firms in the country. S.K. Singhi & Co. is one of those few fervent law firms in India who have built up their reputation through excellence in services like, legal knowledge, strategy and its implementation.
The Legal Firm for the Rising Age of Globalization
Established on 1st November, 2009 with the strength of 2 associates and as a proprietorship firm; today, S. K. Singhi & Co. LLP has become a full-fledged corporate entity, having National and International presence with 6  offices across the country and executive strength of 40 plus. The firm has transformed from a proprietorship firm to an LLP, which is evident in the juridical eponym that they officially carry.
Their core focus areas are:

Corporate Law Securities Law
Domestic & International Arbitration Economic & Fiscal Laws
Infrastructure & Mining Law Mergers & Acquisitions
Private Equity & FDI ECB’s Intellectual Property Law
Banking & Financial Services Real Estate
Labour & Industrial Laws Legal Due Diligence Title Search Verification
Legal Audit and Drafting of various documents
in case of Private Equity Investment Transaction
Commercial Contracts and Documents

S.K. Singhi and Co. LLP is one of the few established firms in India who have systematically established complete and independent teams across all offices for handling Litigations, Arbitrations and Documentation work. These teams have been meticulously chaperoned to provide specialized opinion on various issues concerning client’s interest.
The Firm’s skill and expertise are best suited to the needs of clients who demand quick and specialized professional services. The Firm has a positive approach towards fulfilling their targets and objectives in a time-bound schedule with minimum possible cost.
The core strength of the firm lies in its committal attitude towards its clients and its time bound and innovative approach to the matters. This has benefited the firm to achieve more or less complete success in all the matters. S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP has been continuously handling matters and strategizes the same with complete client satisfaction.
In continuation to its long standing policy to satisfy clients’ demands by deploying innovative approaches, S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP has successfully settled cases out of court and is negotiating for such settlements on various other matters including family/ matrimonial matters.
Personal Attention and Practical Solution
It comes pretty obvious that legal matters need to be handled with the utmost diligence and what makes it even more challenging is the rate at which new laws are being notified on a regular basis. This has profoundly affected the working of the corporate and individuals and hence, routine updation on a day to day basis comes as a dire strategy at S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP.
Dedicated to effectively and consistently serve the clients with the best of their abilities while keeping in mind their exact need, S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP mainly provides advice and consultancy which are purely personal in nature and differ from person to person on the basis of a person’s individual attitude and approach towards a matter.
By applying the unique technique of “personal attention – practical solution” to the problems of the clients, the firm has been able to mark a difference from other similar firm and organization in the sector.
Under this principle, the firm gives the client enough time and carefully scrutinizes the problems and explores the possible solutions. During the course of personal meeting itself, they draw a practical solution that would not lead to litigation. The most beautiful part of the strategy adopted by S. K. Singhi & Co. LLP is that most of the issue gets settled without going to the court. This not only creates comfort and confidence amongst the clients but also encourages the client to refer our manner and approach of handling the issues to others who are in need of visiting a lawyer.
 A Legal Firm from One of the Champions of the Legal Industry
Starting his career as a freelancer consultant in the field of merchant banking, IPO & Issue Management, S.K. Singhi, the Founder and Managing Partner of S. K. Singhi & Co. LLP is presently the most respected corporate figure with 25 years of experience in dealing with corporate and legal matters of complex and varied nature.
While heading the legal department of a large conglomerate having diverse interest in various sector like textile, sugar, tyre, wagon, etc. for more than a decade, Mr. Singhi advised various corporate and industrial & business houses on various complex issues and advised them on the legal strategies to resolve the disputes successfully. He is on the panel of arbitrator of- Indian Council of Arbitrator (ICA), Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI).
Mr. Singhi is actively associated, himself or through the firm, with various trades, industry and legal bodies and is a member of the following-

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ICC)
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)
Bengal Chambers of Commerce & Industry (BCCI)
Association of Tax Lawyers (ATL)
Direct Taxes Professional’s Association. (DTPA)
International Council of Consultants. (ICC)
Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)
Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF)
Supreme court Bar Association
Calcutta High Court Bar Association
Incorporated Law Society (ILS), Calcutta High Court

The Firm with one of the Strongest Legal Team in the World
Extensive research work is done by the team members of S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP on a day to day basis and all associates put together their efforts which ultimately results in achieving the legal goals to the satisfaction of the client in the most systematic and legal manner. This is where the core strength of S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP lies.
Under the able leadership of Mr. Singhi, each and every member of the team, including the senior partners and senior associates, dedicatedly put their efforts in implementing the legal strategies and decisions to defend the client with the target to achieve positive results.
Earning Respect and Endowed with Prestige
In 2013, S. K. Singhi and Co. LLP became the first law firm from Eastern India to be awarded with ISO 9001:2008 Certification by British Standard Institute (BSI) & Probably the Youngest Law Firm to achieve this feat.
With its continuous growth the firm was able to bag some of the most prestigious awards. The following are some of the achievements of the firm:

  • Best Rising Indian Law Firm of the Year 2013-14 by the Legal Era Awards, The Best legal awards in the country
  • Regional Law Firm of the Year (East) 2014 – 2015 by the Legal Era Award.
  • Felicitated by the Indian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India for Outstanding Contribution To The Legal Services in the year 2015.
  • Certificate of Recognition by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and industry in the year 2015.
  • Leading Advisor of the Year” by Acquisition International in June
  • Service Excellence Award, 2017” by ASSOCHAM in August

Success lies in Spreading Positivity
Mr. Singhi is quite clear in his approach towards devising a solution, whether the client is an individual or a corporate. This approach has evidently transpired into the associates of S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP, who make sure that those clients who are disgruntled, dissatisfied, and harassed, are provided with all the respite they desire. This approach enhances the values of the legal profession and upholds a certain level of positivity across the society.
Spreading its wings beyond India
In milieu with the Government of India’s plan to open up the legal sector to the foreign lawyers and law firms in India, S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP are expanding across various nations with huge potential for practicing legal professionals. The first and foremost target for expansion of the firm includes European countries, UK and USA, Singapore, Dubai, and amongst others. The firm has laid a clear expansion plan in International Destinations for the next 5 years.
S.K. Singhi & Co. LLP has entered into “Best Friendship Agreement” with one of the largest consultancy, accounting and advisory firm of Dubai with offices in Belgium, Mauritius and Hong Kong in 2015. In 2017, they collaborated with perhaps the second largest law firm of the world having 136 offices across the globe in 57 countries and more than 7000 lawyers.
Source :- The 10 Most Valuable Law Firms in 2017