Triveni Kathuripally: Leveraging the Technological Revolution

Triveni Kathuripally |Miraki Technologies
Triveni Kathuripally Co-founder | Miraki Technologies

Following is an interview between Insights Success and Triveni Kathuripally, the Co-founder of MIRAKI TECHNOLOGIES. With a career spanning over more than five years, Triveni has held multiple roles including Project Management, Business Development and Finance Roles.
Herein, she shares key details of her ceaseless voyage towards achieving professional and personal excellence.
Below are the insights of the interview.

Kindly brief us about your professional journey and what kind of ethics, principles and manner of working you observe while managing the business operations?

It all started back in 2015, when i had taken a break from my job at Deloitte. I always wanted to do something on my own. The passion to become an entrepreneur started early in my graduation days. I used to look up to people like Indra Nooyi, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw and wanted to be like them.

IT services was one of the potential options that I had. In India, the internet usage was under 20% when I got this idea. I have seen huge potential in the area of Web and Mobile App development. With 80% more population to use internet in the coming days, I thought there is no better platform than Web and Mobile development.
Eventually conceptualizing on setting up a business happened along with another co-founder Sriharsha Sriramoju, who happens to take care of the IT projects and where I manage the Finance and Business Operations.
Talking about ethics, principles and manners of working then it has to be “Employee Friendly” and while dealing with clients it has got to be “Client friendly” and of course within the minimum ethical rules and then work on your goal very firmly steadily and with complete dedication.

Please tell us about the business model you follow and the services you provide that makes the brand unique in the mid of cut throat competition.

Miraki is now focusing on SaaS and AI based products. More so, unlike small scale startups, Miraki has deployed its own R&D team that actively looks into the market pain-points and evaluates the solutions that may do great in the market to solve business problems. Accordingly, Miraki is looking forward to launching an AI based product come spring next year. More so, digital marketing will be a key focus area for Miraki given the tremendous potential that the internet has in the present generation. With internet as the medium, every product can dream of a worldwide recognition and Miraki is working towards enhancing and uplifting the digital marketing arm in the years to come. The firm’s professional’s skills pushes clients’ businesses in the right direction and engages with the right audience. Miraki stays updated with the new trends that allows for great user experiences. Target is set to get highly relevant traffic to the client’s website in order to help increase the ranking page on SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
With such future ready technologies and ideas onboard, Miraki has served and will continue to serve clients from US, UK, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, and across India. A promising future ahead of Miraki and the entire IT industry is in for surprises.

Share with us the noted milestones, accomplishments of your journey along with highlighting the company’s achievements under your leadership.
We have started with very small projects, initially it was just two co founders and one employee working on the project. We have gone to people to explain our company and then convince them with technical know-how to offer us a project by inducing trust in them for the company. It was definitely not an easy journey. But then today we have grown to a stage where people choose us to give the projects based on the credibility of the company. I must say all this had happened in a very short span of 3.5 years.
Leadership is not really implemented in its literal meaning here.. the success mantra here is one has to get into employee/client shoes to understand them and make them work accordingly.

What is the one thing that acts as your motivational tool? Or, who is your role model, and how does the person inspire and motivate you?
During an event, I have heard a speaker talking about ‘Share a smile’. This has really influenced me. Imagine a world where a smile is shared. I thought the company we have setup, if I can bring smiles on few faces that’s more than enough.
Today, I see that smile on all our employees and the clients we work with. That motivates to work better every day. There are many role models for me. It will be tough to pick one. Whatever you do, at the end of the day you are a human being. You might not help everyone but at least do what you can for this society through any channel.

Kindly tell us about the challenges you faced while withstanding the complexities of the industry.
With the internet bubble, the social world shifted from a place of interpersonal connections to internet connections. So did the world of business. Our digitally-driven lifestyle has given us little choice but to adapt to technology. It’s a no-brainer; website development is now essential to every business person. Pertaining to this, Miraki offers creative and extensive web development services to the clients. Miraki is driven by the objective to provide fresh and unique designs. With our professional team, a business can receive a catchy website for the long run.

Challenges faced by Miraki Technologies mainly revolves around client satisfaction and clarity. Unlike other service of an IT infrastructure, most customers do not really comprehend their objective with regards to the look and feel of the website. Therefore, while conveying them, the ideas often get lost in translation. However, Miraki has overcome this challenge through its exceptional understanding of UI/UX market demands.

Share with us the most memorable and remarkable moments of your life.
Obviously, the first project that we have got was the most memorable moment. But each project that we get gives us lot of hope and trust for the future. Today we have nearly 200+ Clients across India, US, Europe, Australia and Canada. Each and every project we get is a memorable moment.

Where do you see yourself and the company in future?
We do not want to end up as a typical software services company. We have started working on our own products along with the client services we provide. We have dedicated R&D team to work on next generation products. Our goal is to be the single platform for any company for their web requirements (Software, Mobile or Digital Marketing). We want to be a one stop solution for them.

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