A&A Lawcorp LLP: A House of Likeminded Professionals Offering Expert Solutions

A& A Law corp | Vivek Aggrawal | Founding Partner
A& A Law corp | Vivek Aggrawal | Founding Partner

The most trusted corporate and commercial law firms always provide timely services. They embrace technology and always emphasize on diversity. These firms manage talents exceptionally. They are renowned for upholding law and for delivering justice in a timely fashion. These dedicated law firms treat every client with equal respect and give their very best to win the case.

One such prominent firm in the field of corporate and commercial law is none other than A&A Lawcorp LLP. Established in 2019 and situated at Delhi, it is a full-range law firm. It specializes across a broad range of practice areas including corporate, commercial/civil litigation, consumer matters, intellectual property rights, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, tax, and other areas. The firm helps its clients to grow, innovate, and thrive. A&A Lawcorp LLP has built a reputation for its aptitude, specialized arrangements, and the ability to think ahead. It tracks down the most relevant and profoundly tailored solutions for its clients’ composite legal challenges.

Each team member of A&A Lawcorp LLP is focused on the practice of law furnished with a top to bottom research regarding the matter and all its manifestations. As a team, it has taken the oath of guaranteeing deliverables of the first level with consummate capability and productivity. It is a trust-based, non- hierarchical, and democratic organization that leverages research and information to convey extraordinary value to its clients.

The Seasoned Spearhead

With over sixteen years of experience, A&A Lawcorp LLP’s Founding Partner, Adv. Vivek Aggarwal specializes in corporate advisory, compliance, and litigation support. He has served as an Ex. Standing Counsel NDMC, Ex. Honorary Advisor to the acting President, Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI). Mr. Vivek advises both national and international clients on various legal issues. He is an expert in corporate laws, has represented in many commercial matters, and is best known for commercial dispute resolution and corporate advisory. Mr. Vivek has a solid academic background holding various qualifications like B.Com (Hons.), LL.B., LLM, M. Phil, and MBA (Finance & Marketing) from prominent institutes of India. He has insight and specialized information in the areas of arbitration, IPR, commercial matters, mergers & acquisitions, and taxation.

Views on the Corporate and Commercial Law Sector

Mr. Vivek believes that corporate and commercial law in India has developed rapidly over the years with the opening of Indian markets to foreign direct investment and advancement of trade strategy, according to the World Trade Organization standards. Similarly, although commercial law is a wide concept including business, trade, and consumer transactions, in India, it is considered as a common law dealing with the two issues of public and private law.

He adds, “The branches or components of corporate and commercial law      are contract law, IPR, property law, business regulations, uniform commercial code, and tax law. It also covers a few components from environmental laws, real estate, consumer protection, and food/safety laws”. Mr. Vivek also believes, “One of the other reasons that encouraged endeavor into the corporate and commercial law area is that its efficient and tedious as such debates are brought under the watchful eye  of  courts  for legal compensation when different strategies for goal, like arbitration or mediation, have failed to give an answer acceptable to all interested parties”.

Mr. Vivek further states that corporate and commercial law are perhaps the main legal areas of any business as these areas of law deal with matters relating to business and trade among organizations and buyers. They also reach out into areas of representative contracts, business contracts, financial transactions, and more. “Lately, especially in India, certainty in law and opportunity of commercial management are the fundamental features of regulating business. Oppression and mismanagement are a significant field of corporate and commercial law jurisprudence,” he opines. “But it is equally true that court should apply the doctrine of balance to ensure that basic canons of business management and development are not disturbed to the extent of rendering such judgments,” Mr. Vivek also adds.

Excellent Legal Services on a Platter

A&A Lawcorp LLP offers a variety of services to its clients. It offers services related to arbitration, bankruptcy & insolvency, merger and acquisitions, corporate advisory, corporate litigation, due diligence, labour & employment, real estate, taxation litigation, intellectual property rights, covering the breadth of information to its wide list of multinational clients. The firm’s team had obtained favorable decisions in procedures before the NCLAT, IPAB, High Courts, and Supreme Court of India.

A&A Lawcorp’s pan-India practice centers around advising banks and corporates on acquisition and corporate loaning. Its team advises these institutions on major obligation and value contributions. Drawing upon the association’s full-administration capabilities in business, tax, and real estate, the center corporate practice is an all-inclusive resource for the whole array of corporate and commercial matters. A&A Lawcorp addresses claimants and defendants in litigation across India’s court framework. The firm’s Founding Partner Mr. Vivek Aggarwal specializes in commercial and regulatory litigation, including high stakes matters before the NCLT. A&A Lawcorp advises media, technology, and telecom companies on regulatory and transactional matters, including commercial agreements and business- critical debates.

Addressing the Challenges

Mr. Vivek is of the opinion that with the rise of technology, many changes have come about in our lives. Information has a positive impact on the mass at a larger scale. Similarly, with regards to various professionals, individuals have become significantly seriously demanding. He states, “clients currently demand significantly more than they used to in the past”. “Specifically, the realm of corporate and commercial law presently faces a ton of challenges”, adds Mr. Vivek.

He opines that with regards to corporate and commercial laws, it is seen that customers become seriously demanding. They start looking for facilities such as low costs, fixed costs, prevalent quality legal administrations, speedy turnaround time, transparency of communication, and so on. “Another issue that we face among the corporate and commercial law area is that the stockpile is higher than the demand. It had an impact on the evaluating structure as well as the conveyance time as well. At times demands of client can be intense for us without a doubt because to address legal intricacies may not be easy and it requires time”, states Mr. Vivek.

Standing Tall During the Pandemic

Team A&A Lawcorp is of the opinion that the legal sector in India has remained fairly stable all through the pandemic. Unmistakably, there are a few areas of the law that have endured, yet the general patterns in quantities of regulated lawyers seen before the pandemic have proceeded and there is no significant change. It believes that in the first lockdown, the commercial and corporate law practice area was one of the most exceedingly terrible hit areas with a significant drop in new requests and pausing of directions on the majority of matters.

The issue was both current transactions not finishing, and a lack of new directions jeopardizing the pipeline of work with massive future uncertainty. In fact, the start of 2020 saw the slowest rate of deal-making for seven years. The firm is of the opinion that the diminished pipeline proceeded to adversely impact expense pay up until late Summer 2020, as transactional work was impacted by business certainty remaining low because of more extensive financial uncertainty.

“We began to see some get in the M&A market until late September 2020. In any case, we are probably going to see various peaks and box in transactional demand as we go ahead from here because of the proceeding with future uncertainty with the global downturn, new arising variants of the virus and lockdowns, and potential tax changes,” states the management. With the third national lockdown easing since April, A&A Lawcorp has seen a gradual re-opening of workplaces. It has continued to try to see clients remotely and deliver services virtually. The firm had made sure that its workplaces are COVID-19 secure.

Advice for the Young Legal Enthusiasts

Mr. Vivek states that many challenges have been thrown open by the pandemic. From drying up jobs to virtual internships, young lawyers are facing many hardships now. Moreover, law schools are also struggling with many coping mechanisms to make things smooth for their young ones who will become future leaders in the times to come. However, Mr. Vivek advises the young lawyers that there will numerous hardships and adversities coming their way, but they should stop complaining and start hustling instead because success comes to those who dare and act.

Exploring Newer Horizons

A&A Lawcorp’s mission and values are clear and documented. It has a plan of action worked around taking care of client issues in accordance with their expectations at an appropriate cost and estimating choices that appeal to those customers and function admirably for the firm as well. The firm chips away at undertakings and momentary goals associated with its drawn-out goals. It sets its modified key performance indicators to screen the company’s development which assist it with foreseeing the future achievement. The management believes that 2020’s occasions have created innumerable issues for legal professionals—specifically, the outbreak of the global pandemic.

“Although a few challenges driven by the pandemic are new, many are just magnified by our new normal. Law firms are presently operating in an increasingly uncertain and rapidly changing world”, opines the management. The firm believes that adapting to the latest developments can flourish and create a superior normal for the legal business. Having a game plan—via clear, meaningful goals—will give A&A Lawcorp a benchmark from which it can adapt and adjust to be as effective as conceivable. “As we anticipate 2021, it’s the ideal chance to consider what customer expects—and how we plan to achieve it—in the year to come,” expresses the management.

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