Abhinav Thakur: Masterfully Crafting a Formidable IVD Brand Accurex Anchored in Trust

Abhinav Thakur

For every inspirational entrepreneur, success is not a destination but a journey of pursuing excellence while amplifying personal values of honesty, perseverance, prosperity and a spirit full of never-ending innovation. Over a long period, these values get ingrained in the very foundation of the entrepreneur’s every endeavour and their innate nature. Thus, enlightening an era, mighty leaders become synonymous with the rarest jewel in this universe called trust.

Thankfully, Indian healthcare, in its most crucial phase of battling the global pandemic, emerged as a trustworthy example to emulate because of these awesomely inspirational entrepreneurial leaders, standing out as beacons of renewed hope, resolute willpower, and spirited innovations.

The mightiest in this league, Abhinav Thakur’s journey is not only remarkable but also serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring business leaders and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. The dynamic Managing Director at Accurex, Abhinav’s story is a testament to the power of determination, ingenuity, and unwavering commitment to a noble cause. His entrepreneurial journey, characterized by challenges, resilience, and transformative impact, has carved a path through the competitive and ever-changing landscape of the biomedical industry.

An Innovative Leadership Charisma

Last year, Abhinav was invited as a ‘Corporate Speaker‘ at the ‘Ardor Comm Media Group’ virtual symposium ‘New Normal – Healthcare Leadership Summit & Awards 2022,’ held on 11th and 12th March 2022.

In another proud moment, Abhinav was awarded Exceptional Leader of Excellence by AWEF 2021 at the Global Digital AWEF Forum, 2021, held on 10 December 2021 with participants from 28 countries.

Also, Abhinav has been awarded the Top 10 Influential Leaders in Healthcare 2021 title by Aspioneer and issued a certificate of appreciation for pursuing innovation to develop game-changing products and services, helping to improve customer experience, creating new revenue streams, and creating competitive advantages in a changing world.

Earlier, Abhinav was awarded the title of ‘Top 30 Healthcare Marketer’ by ADMH Healthcare Marketers Summit & Awards 2021, Sep 2021, recognizing his contribution to the field of Healthcare marketing.

Abhinav has also been awarded the title of ‘Top 50 Strategists in Healthcare by Medgate Today Magazine in January 2021; A Magnate in the Indian Diagnostics Industry – Noteworthy Healthcare Leaders 2021 by Business Apac; and Top 5 Most Trailblazers Business Leaders Shaping the Modern Industry by the CIOTimes.

Moreover, under Abhinav’s exemplary leadership, the brand Accurex received the coveted award of The Best Healthcare Brands to Watch in 2021 by Business Stalwarts in Jan 2021.

Skilled in Business Planning, Sales, Medical Devices, Strategic Planning, and Business Development before becoming an experienced Managing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the medical device industry, Abhinav got his specialized Seed Transformation Program certificate from Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Prior to that, he received his graduation degree in BSc from the University of California, Davos.

A strong business development professional, from Jan 2012 to July 2019, Abhinav was voluntarily associated as a Treasurer with the Association of Diagnostic Manufacturers of India – whose main is to provide a platform for Indian IVD manufacturers so that they can voice their concerns and resolve issues.

Not only that, but Abhinav was also the Jt. Coordinator for Mumbai region at the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AI-MED). It is an Umbrella Association of Indian Manufacturers of Medical Devices covering all types of Medical Devices, including consumables, disposables, and diagnostics equipment. It represents the interest of over 700 Manufacturers of Medical Devices to cover issues and represent the manufacturers.

An Accurex Acumen

Reflecting on his journey, Abhinav says the saga of his entrepreneurship traces its roots back to a visionary, his father, Mr Anil Thakur, a revered name in the diagnostic industry. Serving as the Founder and former Managing Director of Accurex, Mr Thakur brought over 30 years of rich experience in diagnostics. His professional journey began in 1976 when he embarked on a promising career with Miles India Ltd., a prominent USA-based multinational specializing in diagnostics.

Throughout his tenure at Miles India Ltd. until 1984, Mr Thakur held pivotal roles within the organization, shaping his expertise and perspective. In 1984, he laid the foundation for Accurex. This venture, specializing in clinical biochemistry, pioneered enzymatic reagent kit manufacturing in India.

Abhinav states proudly, “A notable distinction was our self-sufficiency, producing everything in-house – from raw materials to finished products.”

Mr Thakur’s influence on Accurex was immeasurable. “Tragically, he left us on 25 January 2004, yet his ideals and vision continue to steer our path. It’s our commitment to his dream that propels Accurex towards leadership in the Asia-Pacific region,” says Abhinav with an emotional resolve.

Returning to India from the USA, Abhinav assumed the mantle of leadership to sustain the family legacy. His education in Biochemistry and Management at the University of California, Davis, along with a degree in Managerial Economics and electives in biochemistry, fortified Abhinav’s foundation for this journey.

Fostering the Kingdom of Perfection

Sharing an interesting insight about the company’s distinctive name, Abhinav reveals that their company name comprises two words, ACCU and REX. ‘ACCU’ refers to the word ‘accurate.’

“Its definition, as the Oxford Dictionary describes, portrays the essence of our existence. ‘REX’, a Latin word for ‘king’, speaks of our authoritative influence in the diagnostic industry. Guided by a clear vision and driven by innovation, Accurex has gained considerable expertise in manufacturing and marketing of In-vitro Diagnostic reagents.” It has built a reputation for quality products, a strong financial base and dynamic marketing. “Our Headquarter and Marketing Office is located in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India.”

Before Accurex, Abhinav briefly contributed to the California Diabetes Prevention Program under the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). This stint illuminated the impact of modern lifestyle shifts on health. The rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) due to sedentary lifestyles and processed diets emerged as a pressing concern.

Progressing at the Forefront of a Revolution

Abhinav’s American background equips him with insights and skills that drive Accurex’s growth. It’s a fusion of his heritage and international experience that fuels his and his team’s dedication to revolutionizing the diagnostics landscape. He insists, “We’re committed to realizing the vision Mr Anil Thakur envisioned, ensuring that Accurex stands at the forefront of progress and innovation.”

According to Abhinav, in the eyes of their valued clients, the bedrock of admiration is undoubtedly trust. As he has always believed, ‘Trust is the foundation of any strong brand; it’s the bridge that connects businesses and customers.’

Over the course of 38 years, we’ve meticulously crafted a formidable brand anchored in trust, becoming synonymous with reliability and integrity,” he states.

This invaluable trust has been nurtured and fortified through decades, bestowing upon them a reservoir of goodwill within the diagnostics industry. They’re proud to be recognized as an ethical enterprise, offering nothing short of high-quality diagnostics products. “It’s this commitment to ethical practices, excellence, and the unwavering trust we uphold that resonates deeply with our clients and distinguishes us in the competitive landscape,” claims Abhinav.

Sharing their USPs, Abhinav says that at the core of their firm’s identity lies an unwavering commitment to quality, a principle that has defined their journey for the past 38 years. A standout aspect that distinguishes them is their stringent adherence to high-quality standards, underpinning Accurex’s position as a frontrunner in the industry. This commitment translates into a remarkable batch-to-batch consistency across their manufacturing operations, ensuring that every product upholds the hallmark of excellence.

One of their most distinctive features is their provision of External Quality Assurance with Every reagent kit. This signifies their dedication to not just delivering products but also fostering an environment of trust and assurance for their clients. Going beyond the ordinary, Accurex is the sole company offering a Performance Data Sheet with every product pack.

“This sheet comprehensively presents the evaluation data for each of our offerings, backed by six Internationally Recognized control sera.”


This positions us not just as a product or service provider but as a partner in our clients’ pursuit of excellence,” says Abhinav.

A Constant Pursuit of Brilliance

Sharing his inspiration behind venturing into the biomedical sector, Abhinav recalls that in 1984, confronted with India’s heavy reliance on imported diagnostic reagents, their founder, Mr. Anil Thakur, was stirred into action. He saw the pressing need to make diagnostics affordable for all, leading him to establish indigenous manufacturing. This pivotal decision has driven Accurex’s journey, ensuring advanced diagnostics are accessible to the masses. Mr. Thakur’s vision has kindled lasting change in healthcare accessibility, propelling the organization forward with unwavering commitment. “This inspiration fuels our ongoing pursuit of innovation and affordability of diagnostics,” shares Abhinav.

Telling more about Accurex’s offerings and aspects that make it stand out in today’s knowledge economy, Abhinav says that Accurex presents a comprehensive range of cutting-edge and dependable medical diagnostic solutions. “Within laboratory diagnostics, our offerings span clinical chemistry and haematology reagents,” he adds.

In the instrument domain, they provide semi-automated and fully-automated clinical chemistry and 3-part and 5-part haematology analyzers. Their portfolio extends to urinalysis test strips, meters, and rapid immunology tests. In the Point of Care (POC) segment, they offer blood glucose meters, haemoglobin meters, HbAlc meters, immunofluorescence meters, uric acid meters, and corresponding test strips.

In today’s rapidly evolving knowledge economy, innovation assumes paramount importance. “We remain committed to continuous innovation, driven by the dual goals of affordability and accessibility in diagnostics testing,” assures Abhinav.

The Crucial Tech-Knowl-Edge

As an experienced leader, Abhinav’s opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts his industry and how Accurex adapts to the change is highly optimistic. He says that in the realm of in vitro diagnostics, integrating modern technologies like AI and ML is a game-changer. These innovations have the potential to enhance accuracy and efficiency dramatically. “At Accurex, we’re embracing this change by implementing AI-driven algorithms to optimize our diagnostic processes. This transition empowers us to provide more precise results, anticipate health trends, and make informed decisions that ultimately elevate patient care,” he informs.

In another reflection, Abhinav says that they believe in the pivotal role of robust processes and systems in the face of current industry challenges. Their focus lies in fortifying these elements to drive business scalability. “Systems, akin to a foundation, provide the groundwork for growth. As a sturdy foundation supports a tall structure, our strong systems empower business expansion.”

To tackle these challenges head-on, Abhinav says they’re fostering a culture of learning and development, fortifying their organization and ensuring the groundwork for successful scaling.

Abhinav further says that it is immensely crucial for today’s entrepreneurs to innovate, break the conventions, and become a disruptive force positively. Disruption has become a defining feature in an era marked by rapid technological advancements. Failing to embrace this change could result in being left behind by it. Therefore, for today’s entrepreneurs, the imperative is clear: innovation, challenging conventions, and fostering positive disruption are vital strategies to stay ahead of the curve. The ability to initiate change, adapt swiftly, and create new paradigms can spell the difference between stagnation and success in this dynamic landscape.

An Integrated Intelligence of Energy

On similar lines, Abhinav’s precious advice to aspiring entrepreneurs entering his realm is clear: ‘Immerse yourself in knowledge and become a true master of your chosen domain. Dedicate yourself to mastering your craft, for its mastery paves the path to success. In your journey, remember that true success follows the ones who have mastered their domain.’

According to Abhinav, there are major traits every inspirational entrepreneur must possess. “I resonate with the advice of Warren Buffet that integrity is the most important trait in a leader.” Warren Buffett emphasizes the pivotal role of integrity in leadership: “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”

Buffett underscores that integrity is the bedrock upon which a leader’s qualities and capabilities rest, highlighting its non-negotiable significance in building trust, making sound decisions, and fostering enduring relationships.

Harnessing the Legacy of Trust 

On envisioning scaling brand Accurex’s operations and offerings in the future, Abhinav divulges that with a steadfast dedication to Mr. Anil Thakur’s vision, Accurex is poised to lead progress and innovation, securing a prominent role in the Asia-Pacific region. “Our roadmap involves harnessing the legacy of trust and quality we’ve nurtured over 38 years to expand our operations and offerings,” he says, adding, “We are expanding.”

Starting its journey nearly four decades ago, Accurex is one of the pioneers and one of the Top three manufacturers in the IVD industry. It now has its footprint in the expansion as Accurex UK Ltd. Abhinav shares, “We’ve been striving hard for the YOY success of Accurex Biomedical since the year it got established.”

Expanding in the UK has been a remarkable journey in the western part of the world, which is considered the most reliable place for the big known manufacturers & now Accurex is also a part of the same.

To Transform the Tomorrow

Exports are a major focus for an Indian-based IVD company like Accurex Biomedical. Soon establishing its footprints worldwide with the addition of Accurex UK Ltd, the company is maintaining integrity and quality. “Our values at Accurex Biomedical are always committed to being one of the best in the IVD industry,” says Abhinav.

Accurex UK Ltd. will also be considered one of the pioneers in the export business to enter Western cultured countries. “We Accurexians strive hard for the commitment of quality products to the end users across the world with our Vision and Mission – Testing life and saving lives,” concludes Abhinav.

Client Testimonials for Accurex:

*****“Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings on the Accurex Digital Platform. I never felt like a distributor here. Always been treated as a family member. I started the business with Accurex in 2006. I’ve always been blessed with love and respect from every person in Accurex company. Thanks, everyone, and I’m standing with Accurex forever, with my heart and soul.” – Maniram Kapuria, Shekhawati Enterprises, Churu, Rajasthan.

*****“We have been using Enlite Analyser since 2009. To date, we have installed 19 Enlite Analysers from Accurex. Enlite Analyser has provided accurate and precise test results to us. The service provided by Accurex is fast and satisfactory. We recommend Enlite Analysers for measurement of NA/K/CI/CA/PH for pathology laboratory use.” – Dr Umesh Paliwal, MD, Path, Paliwal Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, Kanpur, India.

*****“We, Elshaddai Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, take pride in representing Accurex in Sri Lanka. Accurex is a company which manufactures world-class products which meet the needs of the local market. The prompt customer service and the capability to meet the demand on time is the success of our partnership. We emphasize that our partnership with Accurex will strengthen.” – Emmanuel Murugaiah, Elshaddai Enterprises, Sri Lanka.

*****“Sphera fully automated Analyzer was purchased by us in 2014. It has definitely made our job easier, and clinicians are confident about the accuracy of our results. We also appreciate the great after-sales and service support Accurex provided.” – Dr Binulla, MD, Path, Medline Diagnostic Care, Kochi, India.

*****“Shri Mahalaxmi Distributors has been associated with Accurex since 2010, and it is surely one of the best companies in the Indian IVD industry with good quality products which ensure accuracy and a sales team which has a customer-oriented approach.” – Arjun Patil, Shri Mahalaxmi Distributors, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

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