BD Soft introduces “Akita” the Instant WiFi Privacy for Smart Homes, in Indian Markets, priced for Rs. 9,000/-

BD Soft

Free Weekly security reports, DIY installation and easy set up.

Making Smart Homes, safer, BD Software Distribution Pvt. Ltd. (BD Soft), a leading Distributor to Internet security technology companies, brings Akita – The Cyber IOT device, to Indian Markets. A Smart Home IoT Security Device which protects all devices connected to a wireless network at home.

Protect your privacy, Home and devices from hackers, malware, botnet attacks and crypto jacking with Akita, the IoT watchdog station. Akita brings the Smartest Home Protection possible with three easy Steps – Scans > Blocks > Notifies. Akita uses military grade security protection retrofitted for the Home. Akita scans for unusual activity using a combination of behavioural analysis, machine learning and threat intelligence and immediately shuts it down, without slowing your network. If a threat is found Akita messages you and if you don’t recognize it, you can escalate it to experts at Akita, who are standing by you 24/7. The Akita device is powered by the Akita Cloud platform to Detect international security threats in real time, Monitor IOT behaviour (AI based) and use third party security intelligence sources.

Akita also has a smartphone app, available for both iOS and Android. The app allows you to manage all of your Akita devices and all of the Internet of Things devices that your Akita devices protect.

Speaking on the entry of Akita to Indian Markets, Mr. Zakir Hussain – Sales & Marketing Director, BD Soft India, says, “Internet Devices are a part of our everyday life, but not many understand that they are windows in to our homes, allowing Attackers to access every device we have and see and hear even What’s going on behind the closed Doors. It’s time we actually Play Smart with Smart Homes, taking security seriously, Protect your Home and Family with Akita – The Watchdog that never sleeps”

Akita Cloud is the only SaaS platform that has 24/7 security operation centre for Smart Homes and Real Time Botnet and Hijacking detection.  AKITA is connected to a LAN port on your router with no access to user’s personal information. Hence, AKITA provides a lifetime security without disrupting your personal privacy. Akita has Continuous Vulnerability Monitoring and sends a weekly update on the security status of your network and issues to fix to keep your WiFi network secure.

With a complete DIY set up, the product is available with Amazon and leading retail stores.


About Bitdefender:

With a global security delivery infrastructure protecting half a billion users, visionary solutions, and a wealth of awards, Bitdefender has been the trusted security provider since 2001. Over 15 years of excellence and 400 million users worldwide, has continued to lead the brand in proactive threat detection.

Today, Bitdefender has 1300 employees, 600+ Engineers and researchers worldwide, being one of the most innovative IT security software vendors in the world today. With a worldwide network of 500 million machines, Bitdefender has the largest security delivery infrastructure on the globe. Performing 11 billion security queries per day, Bitdefender detects, anticipates and takes action to neutralize even the newest dangers anywhere in the world in as little as 3 seconds.

Powered by its depth of security expertise and rapid pace of research and development, the brands long-standing mission is to deliver transformative security technologies to the world’s users and organizations.

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