Buteos Aerobotics Corporation: Leading the Robotics Solution in Unmanned Vehicles

Manu Abraham Mathew Managing Director Buteos Aerobotics Corporation | Insights Success | Business Magazine

Manu Abraham MathewManaging Director shares his success story in how BAC evolved and took shape as the most promising Start Up.
Buteos Aerobotics Corporation (BAC) is a Smart Robotics partner with core competencies in air frame technology, avionics, embedded electronics, mechatronics and much more! It is its core mission to unleash the power of technology and innovation into robotic solutions for customers.
Brief us about the Founder/CEO of the company. What kind of ethics, principles and manner of working does he/she observes while running the business?
Buteos Aerobotics Corporation Private Limited is better known as BAC in short. Manu Mathew, MD turns out to be the Chief Architect for BAC’s inception, designing and evolution. Bringing in and churning out all Best Practices across the globe, BAC believes in People Value and getting the best out of them. When staffs and are left loose, they absolutely turn out to be TNTs (Transforming New Technologies) in business. I had done an intensive hiring to churn out the right employees who possessed the right technical expertise in all the areas of air, land and sea; this made us outstanding from others.
Ethics: We primarily focus on 3Ds: Determination-Direction-Deliver. I believe personally in one thing- I’m not an Optimist or Realist, I’m just an opportunist. Opportunity whether small or big just knocks once, if you have the ability to recognize it, then you need to grab it instantly. If not, then the old proverb comes into saying- Time and Tide waits for none!
Principle: Our core principle is to penetrate, sustain and retain both global and national market in unmanned vehicles through smart robotics in air, land and sea. We are a start-up but with our in-house facilities and renowned advisors on board, we are sure to hit the target.
Our working mannerism is simple, being a niche market; we understand and carefully listen to the requirements and then help design wonderful machines to deal with the requirements and needs of our customers. It’s the same principle that we apply as in a Doctor to a Patient. We understand the exact problem and resolve it with a perfect solution.
Share with us the accomplishments and achievements of him/her and the company’s achievements under her leadership.

  • Named as No# 2 top drone-uav start-ups in India
  • Unlike all the others, BAC is an exemption- Its completely Indigenous under Make in India banner without any foreign JV or ToT (Transfer of Technology)
  • Cover story of BAC covered by tycoonstory which is world’s biggest US based media.
  • Only known company in India and in South East Asia as OEM & Supplier for Unmanned Vehicles in Air, Land & Sea
  • Again the only company who provides Anti drone systems to bring down rogue/ unauthorized drones in India
  • Bring in professional Advisors to Board for commercial, operations, strategy and international business guidance. Company is on its way to appoint few other International and National recognized VIP professionals as its Advisors to Board for enlargement of business and its reach.
  • Bring in 4 renowned chief scientists of India as Advisors to Board who are the backbone of all technical developments
  • Within 32 days of inception, BAC was short listed and confirmed for a UAV deal with a country in South East Asia.
  • Currently we are having 8 pipeline businesses (5 International and 3 national) which is about to mature in black and white
  • BAC’s credibility in technical development + its market reach paralely expanding in India and abroad has created high interests among the Investors. Company is shortlisting its potential investors and about to close its prospective investments by Q2 of ‘19
  • Company is on the final verge of closing its JV with an International Partner for Joint Production for Armored Vehicles in India.

Please tell us about the business model you follow and the services you provide that makes the brand unique in the mid of cut throat competition.
We do have a saying that Business happens only when your contacts and networks sync perfectly creating the perfect harmony. Company focused on bringing in immediate revenue through this model and then focus on what could be achieved later. It’s better to eat what’s on our plate first before ordering or looking out for other options. Prior to Civil Aviation opening up commercial activities in various countries, this part of the business was focused within the Defense segment. With the proper strategy in place, company was able to nail its target in no time. With recent changes and commercial sectors opening up, it’s always then easy to capture and pave way through with the existing credibility and technical + brand recognition. Focus on what is immediate and then spread out on all four directions both inwards and outwards helped company to diversify amongst its competition. During these periods, we have paved and mastered our presence both nationally and internationally. How we sustained? It was through a perfect techno-commercial combo and committing to our deliverance
State us about the most memorable and remarkable moments of your life.
On my professional and personal front- I’m living in my best moments now. Everyday seems to be new and fascinating. One thing is that there are lots of changes in life, some minor while others major. But in the end all these bring us towards a point- OUR GOAL. I’m not a person who earmarks memorable, remarkable or any other circumstances. I cherish each and every moment in life everyday knowing that this too will pass and nothing is constant. Hence do your best at all times helps in a continuous growth. There is no sit back and relax then.
Where do you see yourself and the company in future? Or, what is your goal to mark the uniqueness in future?
I see myself running around back of technology till they chase and unwind me. As in for my child (BAC), my plan and aim is to make sure that it emerges as a global leader constructively and retain the markets with the values and principles we have come up with. We do not believe in destructive purposes through any of our products. Hope this doesn’t change as we move into the future.
Kindly tell us about the most daring challenge you took and the risk associated with it.
One of the riskiest challenges was during its inception itself while discussing about the creation and formation of BAC. It was quite a struggle and fascination at the same time, I should call it sweet and sour, whether to start a business in the drone market as it was heavily niche and considered as a restricted product. I did not allow my passion and enthusiasm to get subsided or controlled by fear. I decide to focus on the opportunity in hand and with the passion in heart. Finally I decided to burn my risks instead and follow my passion.
Advise for the budding entrepreneurs who are trying to embark in the same field.
My only humble advice is- Chase your Dreams, Never let fear take control. The only difference between reality and accomplishments are Dreams.
What is the one thing that is acting as your motivational tool? Or, who is your role model and how the person inspires and motivates you?
My motivational phrase is- Do what you need to do and allow God what He needs to do. If you start doing both, you will end up nowhere and if you don’t end up doing both, you will as well end up nowhere. Learn the balancing act in how to Trust, Do and let it go. In the end what you need to do is only what you need to do. God works out things magnificently in His right time. I’m extremely grateful to my co-founder, K M Mathew, for standing by me and supporting indefinitely and to my family members for willfully encouraging me at all times.
Share your views on the current business scenario in India.
India is revolutionizing and on its way to emerge as a Super Power in Technology. With the present concept of Data is King, India needs to secure and fasten its businesses by depending less externally and nourishing/ growing within. But inorder to flawlessly achieve that India should focus on privatizing every sectors to enrich her growth in a non-monopolistic manner, allow Foreign Businesses and Investments through local partners, nullifying Banking or NBFC Irregularities, Investor- Investment Attractive Schemes, Promotions for Innovations and Fundings and the like. There should be an equilibrium set to enhance and uplift the businesses so that it purely focuses into maximizing profits and services. This will enable a perfect harmony on the economy without any disparities.
Source :-The 30 Influential Business Leaders to Watch in 2019