Discovering the Best Fashion for You, Always with VIORICCA!

Vineta Devkar | Director | VIORICCA
Vineta Devkar | Director | VIORICCA

“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” — Miuccia Prada

As correctly stated by Miuccia, YOU represent your style. VIORICCA, with its most talented and experienced team, has perfected the art and science of sourcing, manufacturing, supplying, and trading a whole spectrum of textile and clothing products and services- from fibre to rediscovering the ideal fashion for you, forever!

Stylized by the star herself, Vineta Devkar, who is also wearing the professional hat of Directorship, VIORICCA is bringing…

A Fresh Approach to Better Fabrication

Fashion, according to Wolfgang Joop, the creator of the contemporary clothing brand that he launched in Germany years ago swooning the population worldwide “is about suspense, surprise, and fantasy, and never about rules,” defying the conventional wisdom. “And just like that, his wise words struck us hard too. We solemnly believe that the real amusement resides in not defining boundaries for your thoughts. It truly lies in going over and beyond to extract the best outcomes that your creative self has to offer” suggests Vineta vividly.

With the intention of blending comfort, sustainability, and fashion, VIORICCA was established in 2021. COVID times, as much as they have been harassing, they have also been equally awarding.

Going forward, as we navigate an uncertain future, clothing will become less of a tool for moulding public identities and more of an extension of our homes, providing comfort and reliability amidst the global upheaval. We now place a higher value on ‘well-loved,’ ‘comfortable,’ and ‘worn-in’ clothing that allows us to move freely.” Vineta further expressed.

They represent a completely different approach to fashion and are the complete antithesis of fast fashion. The vision of VIORICCA is perfectly in line with that. While minimising waste, the brand prioritises quality, comfort, and beautiful fits.

Adding further Vineta explained, “We have been fortunate to have our brand recognised by some major figures in the fashion and entertainment industries right from the start of our journey itself. We’ve been able to establish a place for ourselves with our distinctive, high-end product range in such a short amount of time, especially given how quickly fashion is evolving these days. Our customers love our products and keep coming back to buy more, which has inspired us to improve and reach new heights. It’s just the beginning of VIORICCA.”

Giving Your Wings Flights

Growing up, Vineta was always different from other kids of her age. While most kids at the time sought to appear socially acceptable and presentable, she embarked on a quest to maximise her experimentation with unusual fabrics, cuts, and fits. Fashion has always played a significant role in her life.

Vineta constantly encouraged others around her to keep experimenting with their styles. She would also help relatives; friends find the most fashionable but exquisite outfits. However, to her notice, not everyone wanted to experiment because of insecurities that just existed in their heads. And this is what struck her for a long time.

Vineta adds, “Because of my unwavering passion, and a strong vision in my head, I knew early on in my career that I wanted to work in the fashion industry and inspire many, not to hold back and give their wings flight, and come out of their shell, irrespective of their shape and size. And this marked the birth of my journey that led to the inception of VIORICCA.”

Emerging from the Pandemic Victorious

Speaking about the multiple challenges that Vineta had to surmount to ensure VIORICCA became a popular and recognized brand, she says, “As we have always known that nothing was ever achieved without overcoming the most difficult challenges life has to throw at us. Certainly, this time was no different.”

To begin with, thinking of elegant styles that matched the needs of people today, keeping in mind the core values of VIORICCA and the target market, has been the greatest challenge. It’s difficult to keep your consumers interested in an era of fierce competition and a plethora of skilled entrepreneurs.

Without a lineup that is appealing, eye-catching, and of course, having the greatest quality at a reasonably labelled price, sustaining is difficult today. Of course, the initial investment required to build the setup has definitely been daunting.

Further, as a brand that was formed amid the pandemic, at a time when people were only becoming acclimated to the internet world, establishing credibility with customers on online platforms has been one of the most difficult challenges of all in the initial phase. “However, we handled everything and today, we are past almost all of the hurdles,” quips Vineta.

Commitment to the Fabric’s Quality

Vineta shares, “Our team totally aligns with this and makes sure our customers feel at ease and fully assured. We provide complete transparency and ensure that clients are satisfied with the quality. Furthermore, with every order, we take customisation requests from our clients in order to fully match their demands while providing them with the best possible service. Our team handles every demand with great promptness and minimum latency. Moreover, we make sure we regularly bring in exciting offers for our new and existing customers to manage engagement as well as to celebrate each of them. Our efficient service has been highly rewarding as we receive excellent customer support and reviews.”

VIORICCA has combined the prints of the 80s and 90s with today’s elegant cuts and styles, which is a rare find. With fast-flowing fashion all around, innovations have been made to cut down the wastage and combat this problem with great efficiency.

Carving a Unique Identity for VIORICCA

Brand Loyalty: VIORICCA is fully transparent to its customers, pays heed to the customer’s requests, respects their concerns and takes appropriate action at the earliest time possible to provide world-class assistance.

Years of Experience in the industry: “Must highlight that we are no newbies in this business. VIORICCA’s parent company Rameshwar Textile Mills Pvt Ltd, was born years ago. And we have an experienced team working in the backend, to provide all our customers with a world-class experience, with neat cuts, great finishing, and making use of the best technology to deliver high-end products”, states Vineta. Rameshwar mills don’t stop at just a manufacturing unit. It has also extended its hold on the export industry for 15 long years.

Quality is the key: Vineta conveys, “We do not believe in comprising quality, to gain customers, or to save margins for our business. We highly emphasise the need to grow our market, keeping our core values aligned. We respect our customer’s belief in us, and we abide by our commitments to provide the best products in the industry.

In-house end-to-end process: VIORICCA is a self-reliant brand. Comprising several checkpoint units, right from the in-house dyeing and printing unit to the quality check unit, VIORICCA emphasises end-to-end product management and holds itself responsible for every inch of your shopping experience. Vineta stated, “We even hold the scope of expanding our fabric range, according to the market demands. We embark on a journey to imbibe confidence in our customers by provisioning and owning the entire process in-house.”

Customer-Centric Policies: “All that we are, is because of our customers. At VIORICCA, we centre our policies around them, their needs, and their comforts. We have designed some extremely useful policies around payments, garment exchange, post-delivery services, and returning customer services to give them an amazing shopping experience from VIORICCA. As much as we focus on our production, we use the same energy to take care of our customers with the utmost respect”, explains Vineta.

Customisations: VIORICCA has provisioned methods to fulfil customisation requests at the customer’s ease. This sets it apart and helps it leave an imprint on its customer’s minds. “We all know the struggles of finding the right place for these requests“, says Vineta.  VIORICCA not only provides the capabilities to take in customisations, but its dedicated team helps its customers with options that will suit them the best, based on their body structure, while taking in detailed suggestions from the customers themselves.

-‘Something for everyone’ mantra: VIORICCA has specialised production floors that cater to all sorts of clothing, be it western, Indian or the best of both worlds-Indo-western. “Skilled ‘kaarigars’ work to the best of their efforts to create something unique, alluring, chic and comfortable for ALL of our customers, keeping in mind their customisation requests”, reveals Vineta.

Scaling up while maintaining the rhythm: Scaling up has never been easy. “We understand the risks and problems that come along with it. However, we have been able to scale up reasonably well by directing the energy and capital in the right direction while not letting the quality and production get affected. And we plan to keep this rhythm consistent as we head to scale even more in the future”, says Vineta.

All of these USPs, in Vineta’s opinion, underline VIORICCA’s distinction in the fashion sector.

Vineta’s Success Mantra

As an experienced professional, Vineta’s advice to the budding aspirants willing to enter the business world is precious. She says that stepping into business is never an easy job. It takes months and years of mental preparedness before you finally decide to get in. She elaborates, “From my personal experience, I feel that apart from having a passion, having an inquisitive mind and being a problem solver are highly essential aspects.

Taking risks while maintaining a calm mind will make your journey much less painful. Henry Ford famously stated- “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re correct.”

Believe in your ability to achieve, and you’ll find a method to overcome challenges. You’ll just make excuses if you don’t. This truly is the mantra for running a successful business. And the greatest of all!

Reaching Global Markets with Cutting-Edge Products

When probed on how she envisions VIORICCA’s operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools that are revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations, Vineta feels that AI has taken over the globe. With rising demands, it will soon be difficult to keep up with the current manual operations. VIORICCA intends to strengthen its business model by using modern technology.

Thus, Vineta reveals,We have several plans on our roadmap for the next three years, one of which is to leverage AI to provide 3Dimensional ‘try-on-an-outfit before you purchase’ capabilities virtually, as well as to include customisation demands.”
And concludes energetically,We’d want to train the model to be as precise as possible so that our consumers may have a pleasant and engaging online shopping experience.”

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