Dr Satinder Malhotra: Successfully Transforming Modern Ailing Industries by Precise Vastu Principles 

Satinder Malhotra
Satinder malhotra


Dr Satinder Malhotra, the esteemed Founder and Director of Signature Interior Designs, is a renowned personality in interior design, architecture, and Vastu Shastra. Her organization boasts impeccable credentials and an esteemed reputation, making it a trusted name in the industry.

With a deep understanding of the transformative power of Vastu, she skillfully applies its principles to create spaces that radiate serenity, ultimately fostering peace, prosperity, and success in the lives of individuals. Through her remarkable skills, Satinder has successfully transformed numerous ailing industries, offices, and homes into harmonious and prosperous environments that adhere to Vastu principles.

*Awards and Accolades*

Dr Satinder is a powerhouse of talent and has multiple accolades and accomplishments. She has received numerous awards in Interior design on National and International levels. She has been conferred The Best Interior Designer of the Year 2021 by SME Bizz Entrepreneur’s Star Awards and the Women Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 by Global Triumph Foundation.

Her journey as an interior designer was published in Insight Success magazine, and she was also awarded the title of the Most Aspiring CEO of 2021. Signature Interior Designs was recognized by Insights Success as one of India’s Leading Brands for 2021 and The Luxury Architecture and Interior Design Company for 2023. She has been awarded the title of The Inspiring Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 by Insights Success magazine.

Teaching Excellence Awards awarded Dr Satinder’s company, Signature Interior Designs, the Best Interior Design Firm of the Year 2021. She has been awarded the India Inspiring Women Awards 2021, Women Entrepreneur of 2021 by Global Business Icons, Global Women Achievers Award 2021, and Global Women Icons Awards 2021.

Dr Satinder has been honoured as “The Most Enterprising Women of the World” 2021 by Blissful Queens, “The Most Enterprising Women of the World,” 2021 by SDP Women Achievers Award, and “The International Iconic Women of the World” by SDP International Iconic Women Award. She received the Bharat Excellence Award and the Leading Educationist of India Award in 2022. She received the Global Personalities of Asia Award in 2022.

Dr Satinder has received the SDP World Business Excellence Award, 2023, and IAWA Precious Gems of India, 2023. She feels proud to be nominated for the Atmanirbhar-Face of the Year Award 2023.

Mark of a true visionary leader is what her admirers say about her.

After implementing Vastu principles in our factory, we’ve experienced remarkable improvements in our operations and overall productivity. The expert guidance given on the layout, machinery placement, and energy flow optimization by Dr Satinder Malhotra has resulted in increased efficiency and reduced obstacles. We’ve also noticed a harmonious work environment, improving employee morale. I highly recommend incorporating Vastu principles in your factory for enhanced success and growth.”- Mr Pawan Raj Jailwal.

I recently sought a Vastu consultation from Dr. Satinder Malhotra for my clothing showroom, and the results have been impressive. Following her recommendations on the store’s layout, colour schemes, and placement of clothing racks, I’ve noticed a significant increase in customer footfall and sales. The overall ambience has become more inviting, creating a pleasant shopping experience for our customers. I’m truly satisfied with the positive impact Vastu has had on my clothing showroom and would highly recommend it to others in the retail business.”- Mr Harpreet Chaggar.

Our decision to consult Dr Satinder Malhotra for our restaurant has been a game-changer. By implementing Vastu principles, we’ve seen a noticeable increase in customer satisfaction and business growth. Her guidance on seating arrangement, kitchen layout, and decor has created a more welcoming and harmonious dining environment. We’ve also experienced a smoother flow of energy that has positively influenced our staff’s morale and efficiency. Vastu has enhanced our restaurant’s success.” –Mr Vipin Gandhi.

In an exclusive interview with Insights Success, Dr Satinder elaborates on how anyone can incorporate these miraculous Vastu principles in their places of living, work, or recreation and see the positive difference for themselves.

Ma’am, please describe your company in detail. 

Signature Interior Designs provides online Vastu consultations all across the world. We are passionate about creating a harmonious environment that supports health, wealth, love, happiness, and aspirations through our Vastu Shastra consultancy. We provide

  • Advice and guidance for enhancing your quality of life,
  • Renovating properties,
  • Buying/selling homes or offices.

We focus on achieving business growth by implementing proven Vastu principles that harmonize the elements of nature. Our Mission is to create an environment conducive to Great Fortunes.

We aim to make people aware that Vastu Shastra is a science, not a superstition. There is no requirement to break or reconstruct the Energy balancing as per Vastu. Vastu Shastra is a completely logical, scientific and pure divine Shastra which guides the fundamentals of keeping various energies in our surroundings aligned and harmonized according to the Laws of Nature and creating the best of experiences.

We advise only logical, scientific and practical Vastu Shastra solutions and strictly avoid any demolition or reconstruction. We ensure complete support to our clients during the entire phase of the project to take care of the minute details, as per Vastu Shastra.

You can avail yourself of the benefits of scientific Vastu Shastra without any demolition from the comfort of your home. Use this modern world service and get the best Vastu consultant to fix the doshas at your home, office, or factory!

What inspired you to venture into the Vastu Shastra sector as a modern architectural company?

Expanding into the Vastu Shastra sector can be a strategic move for a modern architectural company to diversify its services and appeal to a broader client base. I believe that offering Vastu-inspired design solutions can attract clients who have a cultural or spiritual connection to these principles. Expertise in Vastu Shastra allows companies to meet better the needs and preferences of clients who value or are guided by Vastu principles. Vastu Shastra emphasizes the connection between architecture and the well-being of occupants. Modern architectural companies are inspired by the prospect of creating spaces that promote balance, harmony, and positive energy. This inspired me to provide Vastu solutions to my clients.

Vastu Shastra is an age-old Indian philosophy. What USPs make you stand out as a Vastu Shastra oriented architecture and interior designing company?

To stand out as a Vastu Shastra-oriented architecture and interior design company, you can highlight the unique selling points (USPs) that set you apart from competitors. Here are some potential USPs for my Vastu Shastra-oriented company:

*Deep Knowledge of Vastu Shastra: Showcasing my in-depth knowledge of Vastu Shastra, including the traditional principles, historical context, and modern interpretations. Clients seek experts who truly understand Vastu.

*Integration with Modern Design: Emphasize my ability to seamlessly integrate Vastu principles with modern architectural and interior design concepts. This balance can create harmonious living spaces that respect tradition while meeting contemporary needs.

*Customized Solutions: Offering tailored Vastu solutions for each client. Highlight my ability to adapt Vastu principles to individual client requirements and property layouts.

*Transparency: Promote transparency in my services. Clearly explaining the Vastu principles I am applying and the reasons behind my recommendations. This builds trust and helps clients understand the value of my services.

*Proven Track Record: Showcasing successful projects and satisfied clients. Providing case studies, before-and-after photos, and client testimonials to demonstrate my expertise.

*Online Consultations: Offer online Vastu consultations, which can be convenient for clients who may not be located in your immediate area. This can expand my reach and accessibility.

*Education and Workshops: Hosting Vastu education workshops and courses for clients who want to learn more about Vastu and apply it to their spaces.

*Collaborations: Highlighting partnerships with other professionals such as architects, builders, and interior designers. Collaboration can lead to comprehensive and harmonious designs.

*Sustainable Vastu: Promoting eco-friendly and sustainable Vastu practices. In a world increasingly concerned with environmental impact, this can set my company apart.

*Research and Innovation: Mention any ongoing research, innovations, or modern technologies I tend to incorporate into my Vastu assessments and designs.

*Multicultural Sensitivity: Showing that I understand the cultural sensitivities of a diverse clientele. Vastu may be adapted differently in various regions and cultures, and being sensitive to these differences is important.

*Effective Communication: Highlighting my communication skills. Being able to convey complex Vastu concepts in a way that clients easily understand is a valuable asset.

*Professionalism: Emphasizing my professional approach, which includes punctuality, reliability, and clear documentation of my consultations and recommendations.

*Marketing Strategy: Developing a well-rounded marketing strategy, including a user-friendly website, social media presence, and online marketing to reach a wider audience.

By emphasizing these USPs and consistently delivering high-quality Vastu services, you can differentiate your Vastu Shastra-oriented architecture and interior design company and attract clients seeking a unique blend of tradition and modernity in their living or working spaces.

What are the immersive benefits of the services that you provide to your clients?

The immersive benefits of Vastu services provided to clients can have a profound impact on their living and working environments. Here are some of the key benefits clients may experience when working with Vastu practitioners:

~Harmony and Balance: Vastu principles are designed to create spaces harmoniously with the natural elements and cosmic energies. Clients often report a greater sense of balance and tranquillity in their homes and workplaces, which can improve overall well-being.

~Positive Energy Flow: Vastu aims to enhance the flow of positive energy or ‘prana’ within a space. Clients may feel a noticeable increase in positive energy, which can lead to a more positive and uplifting atmosphere.

~Health and Well-Being: Properly designed Vastu spaces are believed to support physical and mental health. Clients may experience improved health, reduced stress, and better sleep in Vastu-compliant spaces.

~Enhanced Productivity: In the workplace, Vastu principles can be applied to create an environment that fosters productivity and creativity. Clients may find that their efficiency and focus improve in such spaces.

~Financial Prosperity: Vastu is often associated with prosperity and wealth. Clients may see improvements in their financial well-being when their homes or businesses are aligned with Vastu principles.

~Improved Relationships: Vastu principles can be used to create spaces that support positive interactions and relationships. Clients may notice improved family dynamics and better connections with colleagues or clients.

~Aesthetic Appeal: Vastu principles are not just about energy but also about aesthetics. Clients may enjoy spaces that are visually pleasing and well-designed, which can have a positive impact on their mood and overall satisfaction.

~Resale Value: Vastu-compliant properties are often more attractive to buyers, leading to higher resale values. Clients may benefit financially when selling their Vastu-inspired homes or properties.

~Emotional Well-Being: Clients may experience reduced anxiety and emotional stress in Vastu-compliant spaces. This can contribute to a greater sense of emotional well-being and happiness.

~Long-Term Sustainability: Vastu principles often emphasize the use of eco-friendly and sustainable materials and practices, contributing to the long-term sustainability of the built environment.

~Cultural and Spiritual Connection: For clients with cultural or spiritual ties to Vastu Shastra, the immersive benefit lies in connecting to their heritage and beliefs. Living or working in a Vastu-compliant space can reinforce their cultural identity and spiritual connection.

It’s important to note that the perceived benefits of Vastu Shastra can vary from person to person, and not everyone may experience the same effects. Vastu is a belief system and should be approached with respect for its traditions and cultural significance, as well as an understanding of its place in the modern world.

What were the initial challenges after venturing into the field you are in, and what are the challenges now? 

Overcoming challenges and meeting client expectations in the field of Vastu requires a balance between tradition and modernity, effective communication, and a commitment to providing value and satisfaction to your clients.

Challenges faced in the initial stages:

*Establishing Credibility: When I started as a Vastu consultant, one of the initial challenges was establishing credibility and a reputation in the field. Building trust with clients was difficult without a track record or testimonials.

*Acquiring Clients: Finding and attracting clients can be a significant challenge initially. Many clients prefer working with experienced consultants, so getting that initial client base was a big hurdle.

*Continuous Learning: Vastu is a complex field, and staying knowledgeable about its principles and their applications is an ongoing challenge. Keeping up with traditional Vastu texts and modern interpretations is crucial.

*Balancing Tradition and Modernity: Finding the right balance between traditional Vastu principles and modern design and lifestyle expectations can be challenging. Clients may have varying levels of belief in traditional Vastu, and reconciling these differences is not always straightforward.

*Communication and Expectation Management: Effectively communicating Vastu principles and managing client expectations is essential but can be challenging, especially when clients have specific, and sometimes unrealistic, expectations.

Challenges faced now:

~Competition: As you gain experience and establish a presence in the field, competition can increase. More Vastu consultants may enter the market, making it necessary to differentiate your services.

~Client Expectations: As your reputation grows, clients’ expectations may escalate. They may expect more in-depth consultations, quicker results, and a higher level of expertise.

~Continued Learning: Staying updated with the latest developments in Vastu and related fields becomes even more critical. It would be best to continue your education to provide clients with the most relevant advice.

~Client Diversity: Working with a diverse range of clients with different cultural backgrounds and expectations can be more challenging as your client base expands.

~Scaling the Business: If you plan to grow your consultancy, challenges related to business management, team coordination, and customer service may arise.

~Technology Integration: As technology evolves, integrating it into your Vastu practice can be challenging. Clients may expect digital assessments, presentations, or virtual consultations.

~Client Management: Managing a growing client base while maintaining the quality of your service can be a challenge. You’ll need effective systems for client management and consultations.

~Marketing and Branding: Building and maintaining a strong brand and marketing your services effectively can become more challenging as your business expands.

~Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Finding the right balance between traditional Vastu principles and innovative approaches that align with modern lifestyles is an ongoing challenge.

The challenges faced by Vastu consultants evolve. While the initial challenges are often related to establishing a presence in the field, the later challenges may involve

  • Scaling the business,
  • Managing a diverse client base and
  • Keeping up with changing client expectations and industry developments.

Adaptability, continuous learning, and effective communication are key to addressing these challenges.

How do you overcome the challenges you face and meet the escalating expectations of your clients at the same time?

Overcoming challenges and meeting the escalating expectations of clients in the field of Vastu requires a combination of effective communication, knowledge, and adaptability. Here are some strategies to help you manage these challenges:

*Clear Communication: The foundation of any successful client-practitioner relationship is clear and open communication. Ensure that you understand your clients’ needs, expectations, and concerns, and make sure your clients understand the principles and limitations of Vastu Shastra. Encourage open dialogue throughout the project.

*Set Realistic Expectations: Educate your clients about what Vastu can and cannot do. Be honest about how Vastu principles can be applied to their specific project. Setting realistic expectations from the beginning can prevent disappointments later on.

*Thorough Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the client’s space, considering the existing architecture, layout, and other constraints. This will help you provide tailored recommendations that align with the Vastu principles while respecting the practicalities of the space.

*Customized Solutions: Instead of applying a one-size-fits-all approach, customize your Vastu recommendations to the unique needs and goals of each client. Consider their lifestyle, preferences, and priorities.

*Flexibility: Be adaptable and open to adjusting based on client feedback and evolving project requirements. Sometimes, a balance must be struck between Vastu principles and practical feasibility.

*Collaboration: Collaborate with architects, interior designers, and other professionals involved in the project. Work together to find solutions that meet Vastu principles and modern design and functionality.

*Continued Education: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Vastu and related fields. This ongoing learning can provide you with innovative approaches to address complex challenges.

*Case Studies: Refer to successful case studies where Vastu principles have been effectively integrated into modern spaces. Use these examples to illustrate how you can meet your client’s expectations.

*Conflict Resolution: If disagreements or conflicts arise, be a mediator and a problem solver. Sometimes, clients may have strong personal beliefs or preferences that may not align with traditional Vastu principles. Find compromises or alternative solutions that create a harmonious space while respecting their wishes.

*Patience and Empathy: Understand that clients may have varying levels of belief in Vastu principles. Be patient and empathetic, and find common ground that satisfies their expectations.

*Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop with your clients throughout the project. Regularly check in with them to ensure that their expectations are being met and address any concerns promptly.

*Quality Assurance: Ensure that your Vastu recommendations are implemented accurately and monitor the progress of the project to maintain the integrity of Vastu principles.

By combining effective communication, adaptability, and a deep understanding of Vastu principles, you can overcome challenges and meet the expectations of your clients, creating harmonious and balanced spaces that align with tradition and modern design.

How crucial Vastu Shastra solutions are in the modern era, and what innovations are you bringing in this regard?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy that outlines principles for harmonious living by aligning structures and spaces with nature and the cosmos. While some people believe in its effectiveness and find it crucial in their lives, its relevance in the modern era is debatable. The importance of Vastu Shastra and its applications in the contemporary world can vary from person to person, and it’s not universally adopted or accepted.

The extent to which Vastu Shastra is crucial in the modern era depends on individual beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal preferences. Some people follow Vastu principles diligently, believing that they can contribute to a balanced and harmonious life. They may incorporate Vastu recommendations when designing homes or businesses. Others may not find Vastu to be as relevant or may prioritize other factors when designing and arranging their living or working spaces.

In terms of innovations related to Vastu Shastra, several trends have emerged in recent years:

~Vastu-Compliant Interior Design: Interior designers and architects often offer Vastu-compliant design solutions. They integrate Vastu principles into the layout and aesthetics of spaces, such as the placement of furniture and decor, colour schemes, and lighting.

~Vastu Apps and Software: There are mobile apps and software tools available that help individuals and professionals assess the Vastu compliance of a building or space. These tools provide recommendations for improving Vastu in a given setting.

~Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Design: Many modern architectural and design practices align with Vastu principles in promoting eco-friendly and sustainable building practices. These principles often overlap with Vastu’s emphasis on natural elements, orientation, and energy flow.

~Vastu Consultants: People often seek the advice of Vastu consultants or experts to ensure that their homes or businesses are Vastu-compliant. These consultants may use modern technology and analysis tools to provide recommendations.

~Integration with Smart Homes: Vastu principles are being integrated with smart home technologies. For instance, automation systems can control lighting and climate based on Vastu recommendations for different times of the day.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of Vastu Shastra is a matter of personal belief, and its scientific validity is a subject of ongoing debate. Many people value adopting Vastu principles for well-being and peace of mind, while others prioritize more contemporary design and architectural practices. Ultimately, the choice to incorporate Vastu Shastra solutions in the modern era depends on individual preferences and cultural influences.

What solutions do you recommend for Industrial Vastu?

Industrial Vastu or Vastu for Factory and Industry is where Signature Interior Designers is Unleashing Sustainable Growth and Success.

Embrace Vastu Principles for Your Factory and Industry: 

In the quest for sustainable growth and enduring success, businesses are advised to embrace Vastu principles tailored to their industries. Vastu for Factory and Industry offers a powerful framework to surmount challenges such as escalating costs, rapid technological advancements, evolving customer expectations, and skills shortages. If the Vastu for the factory is favourable, it will aid its production quantity and quality performance, reducing the frequency of machinery failure and workplace disputes. By upholding a harmonious Vastu, businesses can access timely support and skillfully navigate obstacles to realize their objectives. Implementing Vastu principles is a seamless process, adaptable to the unique requirements of each industry and manufacturing process, guaranteeing a pathway to prosperity.

Here are some important Vastu tips for factory and industry

*Vastu for Plot Shape

The ‘Shermukhi’ and ‘Gaumukhi’ plot shapes hold prominence in Vastu Shastra. Gaumukhi shape is narrow at the entry point and broadens at the back area, while Shermukhi is narrow at the back and broad at the entrance. Shermukhi plot shape is ideal for commercial properties. The best plot shape for Vastu is square, and if the region is on a slope, make sure the inclination is from South to North.

*Main Vastu for Factory Entrance 

Many Vastu experts believe that the entrance of any industrial unit is considered the ’archway to victory and progress in work.’ For the factory to make excellent profits, the main door needs to be large and positioned in one of the following three directions: East, North, or North-East. South or South-facing directions should be avoided for entrance. 

Although manufacturing units will inevitably have multiple entrances, the primary entry is larger and more visible than the others. They should be on the North, East, North-East or North-West to allow a quick flow of opportunities and profits but make the main entrance much larger and more noticeable than the other entrance. Encourage the personnel and logistics department to make more frequent use of the main entrance.

*Vastu for Factory Shed, Slope, and Compound Wall

As per plot Vastu rules, an industrial plot that is sloping downwards to the North or North East is considered to be the best. This is because the earth’s magnetic field flows from the North-East towards the South-West. A slope towards the North-East is thus beneficial to take the best advantage of the magnetic flow. During the day, thick compound walls facing South-West shield a factory from harsh and scorching sun rays. The compound wall on the North-East side of a house, on the other hand, allows warm and soft sun rays to penetrate.

Similarly, while planning the Vastu for the industrial shed, do keep in mind that the roof of the shed should slope towards the North or East for the rainwater to flow. According to Vastu experts, one should avoid slopes towards the South or South-West direction.

A compound wall is a must. It is important to remember that the boundary walls in the South and West of the shed should be higher and thicker than those towards the North and the East. The South and West boundary walls should be thicker than the ones towards the East and the North. The Sun rotates from East to West via the South and South-West. The ultraviolet rays are high in the late afternoon and before sunset, thereby disrupting the energy patterns. Thus, boundary walls of the North direction and East direction must be lower and thinner. This will help to absorb the infrared rays.

*Placement of the Factory’s Building in the Compound

Usually, the factory is situated within the area such that it leaves space for a corridor around it, along with space for the parking lot and vehicle passage. Ensure that the West and South side compound does not remain vacant, as they are most auspicious. Factory locations in the South-West, South-East, and South zones are the best for Vastu, and it is a firm belief that they bring maximum business to the firm. No construction should be done in the factory above the Brahmsthaan of the plot. It is very important to keep the North-East area of the compound and the inside of the premises clean and open or empty.

*Vastu for Factory Office

Each factory has an administrative office within its campus where paperwork is handled, factory work is monitored, and business deals are discussed. In simple words, it is the lifeline of the factory. According to Vastu, for an office in a factory, you must position it in either the West or South-West direction. Generally, the owners’ office is best placed in the South for gaining name and fame or the West direction for profitable income. Also, set the workstation of the owner or top manager so that they face North or East without obstructing a door, window or balcony behind the workstation. Accounts, computers, etc., should be North-facing and placed in the South-East, East or North region. The office door should be North-East, South-East, or North-West region—no windows or doors in the South-East direction.

*Temple placement Vastu for factory

Every factory should have a little temple of its own. The preferred directions for a Pooja room are the North-East, East, and North. These directions are promising and will bring good fortune to the owner. A Pooja room or a temple in the North-East corner brings many blessings to the factory as this is the zone of Lord Shiva. Try to start the day’s work after offering prayer. Avoid cluttering around the temple. Keep it neat and clean. Don’t forget to keep a lamp in front of it to attract good energy.

*Heating and Electrical Controls inside the Factory

Every factory, regardless of their type of manufacturing, either uses heat for production or produces heat due to production. Thus, any such equipment that withstands high heat must be kept in the South-East zone of the factory. Doing so reduces the ill effects of the Vastu on the factory by minimizing the risks of encountering accidents and machinery breakdown. Control panels, electrical meters, furnaces, transformers, generators, boilers, etc., and other equipment involving heat energy should always be kept in the South-East direction as they represent the fire element in a factory. According to Industrial Vastu, the welding area of your factory should either be in the South or the South-East corner. This is essential for the smooth operation of the factory. Do not install a chimney of the factory in the North-East corner. The advisable location for the main power point place is the South-East direction, or the next best place is the North-West. If both direction locations are not possible, choose other directions like South or West.

The ideal generator placement, however, should be in the North-West of the industrial shed. A generator is also electrical equipment, but its purpose is to provide electrical backup in case of an electrical breakdown. Thus, the ideal generator location should be in the North West of the industrial shed, as per Vastu.

*Factory Machine Placement 

Machinery and equipment are major elements of the industry sectors. If not installed properly, it can result in mishaps such as improper operation, unexpected accidents, a sudden increase in regular maintenance, and so on. As a result, it is extremely crucial to position the machinery in a favourable direction.

The following aspects should be considered:

  • Heavier machines should be placed in the South, West, or South-Western part. This will improve the factory’s performance and result in fewer repairs.
  • The placement of lighter machines should be in the North-West or South-Eastern area. The North-East corner should be kept empty and clean. Any placement of machinery in this direction should be avoided.
  • Never keep heavy machinery or heavy goods in the Brahmsthaan of the plot.
  • The machinery should be positioned so that the manufacturing procedure always flows clockwise.
  • Use the North or North-West corner to place packing equipment, machines, and tools.

*Vastu for staff cabins 

A small factory might have five to ten staff, whereas a large factory might have over 100 staff. However, it is not the number of staff that decides the staff cabin placement. The role of the staff member determines the location of the staff cabin. The East direction is considered the best Vastu direction for the administrative area as it is the direction of the dominant sun, and it sharpens the person’s administrative skills. The South-West direction is an ideal place for a technical machine operator. This direction will pave the way for the technical operator to upgrade his skills over time.

*Vastu for Factory Toilets, Bathrooms and Septic Tank

The number of toilet units required is determined by the size of the factory’s workforce. According to Industrial Vastu for factory guidelines, the bathroom area must be in one of three directions: East-South-East, West-North-West, or South-South-West. A toilet or a septic tank in a factory is used to dispose of the waste solids and liquids. Thus, the ideal locations for a septic tank and toilets in Vastu are the South of South West or the West of North West.

*Placement of Tube-well or Bore well as per Vastu:

Water pumps, Bore-wells, Underground Water Tanks, Pumps, etc., are best located in the North-East area only. This direction supports the water element representative of growth and opportunities. On the contrary, overhead water tanks represent the earth element. Therefore, they should ideally be placed in the South West or West zones and avoid North East zone for the same.

*Storage Houses for Raw materials and Finished goods:

The Storeroom of the Factory should be in the South or West direction. The Storeroom may extend from South towards the West. It is best to place all the raw materials in the West zone of the factory. This will greatly assist the continuous flow of goods in and out of the factory.

However, if dealing in liquid, it is advisable to store towards the North or North-East. Place the finished goods storage facility in the North-Western corner of the manufacturing campus. This will assure good Vastu for the factories and facilitate speedy shipping, resulting in increased profitability. The North-West zone possesses the air element and shares the Vayu Tattva, thereby maintaining the finished goods. Do not store a scrap from the factory for long; rather, sell it.

*Factory Vastu Colors

Colors like beige, off-white, and grey give manufacturing a professional feel. Rich, muted tones of dark blue are also highly appropriate, according to the ‘Vastu for Factory Shastra. The walls of the industrial shed have a cerulean or navy blue colour that gives them an industrial air.

Different brown hues, such as walnut or chocolate, can give industrial offices a cozy atmosphere. Darker hues like black or teal can also give the office a more upscale appearance. Visitors like investors are made to understand the importance of the work being done within the workplace.

*Vastu for Labour Quarters in the Factory

Because a factory’s success relies primarily on its employees, significant consideration should be given to the placement of the labour quarter. A small factory might have five or six employees, but a large plant might have thousands working in key aspects, such as the administrative area, security room, and labour quarters. It is best to construct the labour quarter towards the South-East corner of the shed. This is because the fiery energies of this direction will keep the labour motivated and energized to perform well. For the guard room, the South of the South-East is ideally suited.

*Parking Area for vehicles as per Industrial Vastu

Parking spots should be divided into categories for heavy and light vehicles by Vastu for factory regulations. Heavy trucks should be parked outside the factory. They should be positioned in the South or South West if there is ever a need to install them inside the production area. Parking for scooters and other lightweight vehicles should be done to the North-West. Parking should, therefore, be avoided on the North-East side.

A Wave of Positivity and Success

Vastu plays a significant role in the prosperity of a factory or industrial property. A successful factory can bring wealth and success, enabling you to live the life of your dreams. Many successful business ideas have failed due to inappropriate industrial Vastu planning. To make good profits, follow the Vastu Shastra for the factory and take all necessary precautions. Make it a must to consult a Vastu specialist before creating the layout of your factory.

What services does your company provide for Commercial Vastu?

~Vastu for Commercial Buildings

Applying Vastu principles is essential in all business spaces, including Corporate Offices, Commercial Complexes, Workplaces, Malls, Resorts, Hotels, Banquets, Business Centers, Restaurants, Hospitals, Schools, Farmhouses, Salons, Wellness Centers, Banks, and Financial Institutions. Vastu plays a crucial role in shaping the energy of these places and influencing business outcomes. Whether it’s a small shop or a large multiplex, the ultimate goal of every business is to generate profits.

~Vastu for Shopping Complex | Showrooms | Shops

The core objective while implementing Vastu Shastra for malls, shopping complexes, showrooms, etc., is to attract an abundance of customers. Secondly, it should be balanced well enough in terms of Vastu that the customer footfall turns into a good number of sales for the shops and showrooms and provides a good shopping experience to the customer as well. A fully Vastu-compliant shop or showroom attracts the most customers and experiences rising sales at all times. It is because the elements of Vastu Shastra, mainly the entrance, the placement of selling products/services, the direction of the cash counter, the colour schemes, the location of branding, etc., are all by Vastu Shastra. Thus, Vastu Shastra should be important in planning shops, showrooms, and malls. While designing the shops, showrooms, and sales outlets, if Vastu is considered professional, it increases sales and profits.

~Important Vastu Tips for Shop/Showroom

As a commercial shop owner, you must know all about Vastu for the shop. Follow these guidelines and tips to gain maximum benefit from your retail shop.

~How to Purchase a Shop/Showroom

When purchasing a new commercial space, the first thing to consider is the locality. Avoid a shopping complex or commercial building near a temple, graveyard, hospital, police, or crematorium. Another important point to remember is that there should not be a large tree or any electrical transformer at the front of the shop/store/building. The flooring slope towards the North-East is excellent. If there is an elevated South floor, you can expect good business. West floor elevation makes you peace in business, can able to answer for the competition.

~Main Entrance of Shop/Showroom

Ensure that the entrance to your shop is in the North-East or East direction. This would help you in attracting the maximum number of prospective clients. The entrance must be clean, clutter-free, and wide, as it is considered a welcoming sight for customers. The entrance should be free from all obstructions like trees, statues, poles, and products. Avoid having any drain flowing in front of the entrance as it causes loss of wealth. Also, avoid stagnant water or door sills, allowing easy positive energy flow.

~Shop-specific directions as per Vastu

  • Stationery shops:Stationery shops should face the West direction. West signifies fulfilment and gains, leading to greater profits.
  • Furniture shops:Furniture shops should face the South, as this will give your brand fame. Fame and name will enable you to attract loyal customers.
  • Grocery shops:As per the principles of Vastu, the North-Eastern direction is the best for grocery shops. As a second alternative, East or North can be considered.
  • Clothes shop:The ideal direction for clothes shops is the South-Eastern direction. The shop entrance should be in the Southern or South-Eastern direction if you want to sell high-quality and luxurious brands.

~Shape and Size of Shop or Showroom

An ideal shop should be square-shaped or rectangular or have a front wider than the rear. According to Vastu Shastra, the ideal shape for a shop (including a boutique, emporium, departmental store, and showroom) is square or rectangular. The length of a shop should be less than two to two and a half times its width, which means a shop with a width of 20 feet can have a length of up to 50 feet. However, triangular or irregular-shaped shops or those with a narrow front and wide rear should be avoided, as they lead to financial loss and mental tensions. Avoid having a slope in the shop, as it is considered inauspicious in Vastu Shastra for the shop. Irregular shapes are good if the North-East or South-West corners are extended.

~Vastu for Shop/Showroom entrance

According to Vastu Shastra for the shop, the entrance of a shop should be in the East, North, or North-East direction. This attracts more customers. The entrance should be open and not be blocked with poles, trees, or merchandise stands. The front of the shop should not face any open drains. The main entrance door should not have a threshold (unlike in homes, where it is a must). This can obstruct the positive energy from entering the shop. Never face the slope of the shop towards the main entrance as it can drain out the profits.

If a shop’s entrance is in a direction not compliant with Vastu, then follow these remedies:

  • According to Vastu, the main door for a North-facing shop should be at the North-East corner of the North side. The main door can extend up to the centre of the North side. Kuber, the God of wealth, is the lord of the North, so it is best for prosperity.
  • Place the main door for an East-facing shop at the North-East corner of the East side. The main door can extend up to the centre of the East side.
  • For a South-facing shop, the main door can be at the South-East corner on the South side. A platform may be made on the South-West side, and steps for entrance can be constructed in the South-East-South direction.
  • The main door for the West-facing shop should be placed at the North-West, up to the centre of the West side from the North, as per Vastu.

~Counter of Shop/Showroom

Vastu Shastra states that the counter of a shop or showroom should be square, rectangular, or angular in shape. A circular counter at a shop or showroom can lead to financial losses. So, keep these things about the shape of the counter at your shop or showroom. In addition, your counter should be placed in the South-East or South-West direction. It helps bring prosperity to the business. Keep the counter full of space to foster profits and prosperity.

~Cash Counter of Shop/Showroom

Every shop has a cash counter. You must make sure that the cash counter is always installed in the position where it can open towards the North direction. If the shop also has a cash or locker room, then it should be installed in the South-Western portion of the shop.

Vastu Shastra states that your cash counter of the shop or showroom should be placed in the North direction. As the North is the residing location of Lord Kuber, the God of Prosperity, having the cash counter in the North direction may bring financial prosperity to the shop or showroom. In addition, you should never keep your cash counter empty of cash. If your shop or showroom has a locker room, then make sure it is in the South-West direction with it opening to the North direction.

~Heavy Furniture and Showcases at Shop/Showroom

According to Vastu Shastra, the most suitable direction to keep showcases and heavy furniture is the South-West direction. It is good for prosperity in the business. On the other hand, having heavy furniture or showcases in the North-East direction can lead to losses in the business. The shop’s centre or the Brahmasthan must be clear and free of clutter or hindrance.

~Seating of The Owner

The shop owner should sit inside the shop and should face the East or the North direction. Sitting in the correct place attracts better business opportunities and stimulates expansion. The owner should never sit facing the South or the West, as it can cause problems in the business.

The cashier should sit in the South-East direction.

~Mandir or Temple 

The ideal Vastu direction for a temple in a shop is the North-East direction or East or North corner of the shop. To earn high profits, you can even consider the West direction. You can also have the auspicious swastika in the shop written with Shubh-Laabh. According to Vastu Shastra for the shop, the direction of the pictures or statues should be in the North-East so that you get strength and spiritual satisfaction. Don’t keep the idols of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha to the right of the North-East direction. The day should be started with a prayer and mild incense stick lighting for good vibes.

~Raw Materials Placement 

Raw material related to your business should be kept properly and requires much care. The heavy stuff and raw materials should be placed in the South-West direction of the store as per Vastu Shastra for the shop to bring good luck. Hot-selling items are best placed in the North-West, the quadrant of air which aids movement. A display of products or samples can be placed in the North-East zone. This attracts quality buyers to the store. In a shop, if you want to create a loft or mezzanine, do not place it on the North or East wall. It is highly inauspicious. You can make them in the South or West wall.

~Electronic Equipments

If you have installed other electronic equipment in your shops, like computers, televisions, refrigerators, and microwaves, then it would be better to keep all these gadgets in the South-Eastern corner of your showroom for maximum benefits, according to Vastu tips for commercial shops.

~Sign boards or Banners

 Sign boards and banners are an important part of your branding strategy, which can influence footfalls or the number of people that come to your store. Choose North West direction for sale promotion techniques such as display boards, banners, and Colors these sign boards should also be in sync with the direction from which they are read/viewed. For example, a white or grey sign will work better for shops with an entrance in the North-West corner, whilst those with an entrance in the North should use blues, blacks or greens.

~Shop Vastu for stairs

In a multi-storied shop, construct a staircase in the South or South-West. Ensure you do not create one in the shop’s centre as it may lead to financial losses. For West-facing shops, stairs should be towards the North-West. In North-facing shops, place steps towards the North-East. In South-facing shops, steps should be towards the South-East. Staircases must be painted in subtle colours. Avoid blacks and reds. Vastu for internal staircases states that the steps should be in odd numbers. All staircases must be built in a way that the person climbing them goes from North to South or from East to West. Any other movement is considered to be negative and against the principles of Vastu Shastra. Avoid circular steps.

~Location of Storeroom or Basement and Trail Room

The storeroom and the basement should be in the South or West of the compound. A good place for your trial room in a clothing store is on the West side.

~Vastu for Shop Toilets

Based on Vastu principles, the toilet should be located in the North-West or West corner.

~Shop Interiors and Decor

  • Vastu for shop suggests using either marble or wooden flooring only and avoiding granite.
  • The most designated spot for sofas in a boutique or jewellery shop is on the North or East side. When people visit a shop or an office, they’re likely to end up at the reception, where they’ll make their first impression. It should be located in the East or North-East cornerof the space and have clean lines with some positive energy. The receptionist should also face them when talking or at work.
  • The shopkeeper should keep an aquarium with golden fishes and place this in the North or East. The shop can be decorated with small plants, which are considered pleasing and add positive energy.
  • To attract money in the shop, keep a lucky bamboo in the South-East zone.

~Tips for placing mirrors

Place mirrors in a shop so that they reflect the positive aspects of the Vastu. Please place them in front of cash drawers to amplify and attract cash inflow. One can also keep a mirror inside the locker to reflect the cash. Clean the mirrors regularly and keep them stain-free. Mirrors symbolize the water element due to their reflective properties. Thus, mirrors must be placed about the water element- in the North, North-East, or West direction. Mirrors should never be placed in the fire zones, and the South and South-Eastern directions must be avoided.

*Put on Mild Music in Your Store 

According to Vastu Shastra for the shop, mild music played in shops is a good way to keep negativity away. It helps create positive vibes and brings a smile to people’s faces. Ensure the songs are easy on the ears and not loud, as that can distract your customers (Loop music is preferred).

*Keep It Well-Lit

One of the most important Vastu tips for the shop is to ensure good lighting. Proper lighting is important since dark corners and areas in commercial shops breed negativity.

*Don’t Keep It Dirty 

Keeping the neat and clean is another essential principle in Vastu Shastra for the shop. A dirty shop looks bad but also attracts negative vibes, which leads to low sales and reduced earnings. Therefore, keeping it clean is vital.

*Water Fountain Placement

A unique way of attracting customers is to decorate it with new and innovative techniques. Vastu suggests that water fountains should be kept in the North-Eastern direction. This direction should be clutter-free, as it is bad for business.

*Use the Right Colours

According to Vastu Shastra for the shop, the ideal colours for a shop or showroom are soothing and light colours. In a shop, you must keep the ceiling a lighter shade than the colour of the walls. Colours like brown, dark blue, or black are considered inauspicious. You may also opt for white, off-white, or silver white in the shop’s East, North-East, and South-West directions. The use of soothing Vastu colours for shops can help maintain financial stability.

The Way to Success 

Earning money and being prosperous are essential for a good and healthy life. However, there are obstacles in the business sometimes. Follow the above Vastu for shop tips to eliminate all problems and obstacles in the business. Most of these tips are extremely easy and require minimal changes, but the impact is massive. Vastu tips for a shop/showroom help select the best directions, designs, and space arrangements.

~Vastu for Corporate Offices

Vastu Shastra is of prime importance while planning the interiors of corporate offices. The challenges commonly faced in offices are low productivity, lack of teamwork, lack of employee coordination, etc. To counter the said challenges and even more, the office should be designed in compliance with Vastu Shastra. A Vastu-compliant office paves a smooth way for better efficiency of employees, improves teamwork, and results in better productivity, which in turn brings the desired growth for the office.

~Office Vastu tips to boost positive energy 

Vastu experts recommend certain guidelines when designing an office space to attract positivity and good luck, as discussed below:

*Office Direction As Per Vastu

North, North-East, or North-West facing directions are best suited for the office. These directions are considered auspicious for office spaces and beneficial for the employees. In order of importance, the North direction is highly favourable as it is the quadrant of Kuber (the Lord of Wealth), attracting financial growth. The second best direction for office is East; it is the direction of energy as the Sun rises in the East and accelerates growth. The East direction is perfect for the service industry. Thirdly, you can go in the North-West direction for the office.

~Vastu tips for office entrance

The entrance to the office should face North, North-East, or North-West. According to Vastu Shastra, these workplace orientations are auspicious and offer positive energy. The North direction is regarded as the lord of wealth’s direction. It will also assist you in boosting financial profits.

*Placement of Doors and Windows of the Office

The entrance door of an office should face towards North or East direction. Windows at North-East corner brings development, strength, happiness, prosperity, luck, and work made easy. Windows at East brings us name, makes work easy, and gives us health. Windows at North bring us prosperity, money flow, and happiness. Windows should be very large on the East, North and North-East sides.

According to Vastu Shastra, North-facing doors are considered very auspicious, and you will be blessed with financial advancement in life since the main door faces the direction of Kuber (the God of wealth).

~Vastu Tips for Office Cabins and Bosses’ Cabin

  • Owners and Managers Cabin

According to Vastu, for an office, the owner’s cabin should be in the South-West direction. Generally, the owners’ office is best placed in the South for gaining name and fame or the West directions for profitable income. The Vastu direction for the work desk is South, West or South-West. At the same time, the desk should be angled in such a manner so that you face the North-East while working. Ensure there is no obstruction so that sunlight can flow in, enhance the workspace, and keep you refreshed. Facing the North or East while working is very auspicious and makes you feel fresh. North is a direction of Kuber, the God for money while having a trading work business.

Directors, Managers and Executives must sit in the corner of South, West or South-West directions to encourage the workforce to make better decisions. People in leadership roles needed to face the North-East direction with their cabin in the West direction of the workplace.

  • Employees Seating Arrangement

Workplace employees must sit in the Eastern or Northern direction of the workplace as it encourages productivity. It is a big no for the employees to sit under a light beam directly so that it can be covered with a plastic/wooden board.

~Vastu tips for office decor items

As per Vastu Shastra, certain decorative items for offices are known to bring lots of good luck and prosperity to the occupants. Some of these items are listed below:

  • To attract good fortune, keep the money planted in the North direction.
  • In the office, keeping an aquarium in the North-East direction enhances wealth flow in the business.
  • The laughing Buddha statue in the office should be placed towards the main door or diagonally opposite the front door on a corner table to attract good fortune.
  • Hang a painting of seven running horses, which signifies success and power. Ensure that the horses are odd in numbers and that the painting does not depict the Sun or water.
  • Greenery represents air, as per Vastu. So, hang green paintings on the East or North side of the office. Paintings depicting green fields or forests attract growth and better career opportunities.
  • Flowing water signifies the flow of wealth and positivity in the surroundings. A water fountain in the office will help to reduce stress and also give power. Keep fountains in the North for career growth. Avoid placing fountains that flow outward at the office entrance.

~Vastu tips for office electrical equipment and machines

The electrical equipment and related items must be placed in the South-East direction of the office building. South-East directions are also suitable for placing electrical appliances in the pantry or the kitchen. According to Vastu, the generator, electric meters, and transformers should be in the South-East corner only. Weighing machines should be kept in the North-West or East. Keep printer scanners, servers, Wi-Fi routers, and camera monitors in the South-East zone. Always keep the A.C. in the West or North direction of your room. Avoid placing them in the South-East or North-West direction as it can bring negative energy. If an air conditioner (A.C.) is placed on the South wall of a room, it may result in a loss of business. The best place for TV, as per Vastu, is the South-East corner.

~Vastu tips for office lights

Lighting, when designed according to Vastu, can create a warm, inviting, and energetic office space. Ensure the office has ample natural light, as sunlight is associated with positive vibes. To have a successful and fulfilling career, bright lights should be in the South zone. There should be no glare on the computer screen. An adequate level of lighting at the workplace helps to avoid feelings of tiredness and lack of concentration. The amount of light falling on an individual’s workstation should never be excessive in the case of general lighting, as it can create a bad effect. Overall, the office should have soothing illumination. Also, the main entrance of the office and reception area should be lit up well with attractive light fixtures, according to Vastu, to invite good energy.

~Vastu tips for the reception at the workplace

The reception of any office should be built in the North-East or East direction. The receptionist must be seated facing North or East. The logo or the company profile should be on the Southern wall of the reception area. Make sure you are aware of the right office table direction as per Vastu. The reception table should be placed diagonally to the front door of the office. French lavender or green jade flowers can be kept in the reception area. You can also keep a four-leaf clover plant at the entrance.

~Vastu for office Mandir or Pooja room

One can design a Pooja room in the office and follow some Vastu tips to invite financial growth for the business. The temple direction in the office should be in the North-East corner. When placing these god idols in an office space, one should consider the Vastu guidelines. One of the best locations for keeping idols of deities is the reception area. Keep these idols in a designated place inside the office, away from everyday work-related items. Vastu experts state that the Ganesha idol can be placed at the entrance, but the back of the Ganpati idol should face the office’s main entrance. Try and always keep the temple clean and decorate it with fresh flowers and incense. Do not position the oil lamps or diyas facing the South direction as it is considered inauspicious and results in loss of wealth.

~Vastu tips for pantry/canteen area at the workplace

The pantry should be in the South-East direction. It should never be located in the North. At any cost, it should not be located in the North. The walls of the pantry can have colours like light blue or green, and plants can also be kept in the pantry. As per Vastu, your refrigerator should be placed in the South-West corner of the kitchen. This enables the flow of positive energy.

~Vastu tips for washrooms at the workplace

Washrooms are considered to have bad or negative energy. So, it is very important to get the placement of the washroom right. The washroom should be in the West or North-West direction. Washrooms should never be in the East, North-East, or South-East directions.

~Vastu tips for the staircase at the workplace

The staircase can be constructed in the South or South-West direction. According to Vastu, spiral staircases should be avoided, as they are considered imbalanced and can affect the positive energy in the office. Office staircases should be ideally painted in light colours and not in black or red colours. There should be no staircase in the centre of the office, as this can lead to a financial drain. Plants can be kept on the corners of each step. Staircases, according to Vastu, should have an odd number of steps.

~Vastu tips for installing elevators/lifts 

According to Vastu experts, elevators in an office should be installed in the North or East directions, while the North-East and South-West directions should be avoided at all costs. Do not install lifts exactly in front of the main entrance, as it will flush out the positive energy from the space.

~Vastu Shastra tips for choosing wall colours for the office

*Blue: This colour makes the overall aura cheerful and full of positive vibes. You can use this colour for the Southern wall. 

*Green: Use different shades of green colour as it is beneficial for professional relationships. Paint the South-Western wall green to promote harmony in the office culture. 

*White: Use shades of white, cream and yellow in South-East, East, North-East and North-West corners and walls. 

*Red and pink: Usually, office interiors are not painted in red and pink tones, but if you want, you can use these colours on the Southern walls.

Always use bright colours for the wall paint and décor, as they spread positivity, reflect light, and keep negative vibes at bay.

~Vastu tips for placing plants in the office

Vastu Shastra encourages the use of plants in the office as it brings freshness and calmness. Indoor plants are mainly used and must be taken care of.

*Tulsi (Basil): Scientifically, it has been observed that a Basil plant outside the house keeps infections and illness at bay. Not forgetting the auspicious value and the immense medicinal value it has, it is a must in every office space.

*Snake Plant: This plant, though, does not flower but has firm and thick leaves that bring positivity and release the space of negative vibes. It brings togetherness and oneness and makes the decisions robust and achievable.

*Lucky Bamboo Plant: The Bamboo plant is commonly seen in most offices and is now taking Shape as a gifting solution, too. Vastu Shastra also encourages the placing of this plant on the table to bring luck and peace.

*Peace Lily: Peace Lilies promote adaptability, can survive in a moderate climate, and are content if minimal light criteria are met.

~Vastu tips for conference/meeting rooms

According to Vastu, the best direction to have a conference or meeting room is the North-West. This direction is also suggested for marketing and sales staff, as they require motivation for improving their performance. You can also plan a waiting room in this area.

~Vastu tips for choosing office furniture

For North-facing workstations, things like files, documents, and electronic appliances like computers must be kept on the left side of the table. If you have a home office, the ideal table direction, as per Vastu, is the South-West corner. East-facing workstations should have storage space on the right-hand side. Never eat food at the workstation or desk, as it disrespects work. The best direction for cabinet placement, according to Vastu, is the South-West direction. As per Vastu Shastra guidelines for office, the North direction is ruled by the God of wealth, while the North-East direction indicates a person’s financial health. You can keep a mirror or Kuber Yantra in the North direction or on the Northern wall of the office to ensure good financial health. The ideal locker direction, as per Vastu, should be such that it has its back to the Southern wall and its door opens towards the North. The North direction is supposed to be occupied by Kuber, the God of wealth.

For the office, it is better to use steel furniture, according to Vastu. If you use wooden furniture, ensure that the sides and edges are rounded and not sharp. Use light colour polish on the wooden furniture. According to Vastu, the office chair should be comfortable and spacious, with good arm and lumbar support, and should have a high back. According to office Vastu, for promotion, add a red touch to the chair. White chairs or white cushions are beneficial overall. Vastu says to avoid using iron chairs in the office. Never use an upholstered chair with discoloured or faded fabric or a broken chair, as it is inauspicious. It is better to repair or change it.

~ Shape of office desk

Workstations or desks must never be L-shaped or any other irregular shape as it may create confusion and delays in the delivery of work. Business owners, especially entrepreneurs, must ensure that their desk is rectangular or square-shaped and made with a superior grade of wood. Avoid tables with glass tops or metal tables, as these are not considered lucky for growing businesses.

~Office Vastu: Placement of office files on the shelf

  • South-West:Files related to purchase and estate should be kept on the South-West side of the South wall. Files about income tax, raw materials, stores, and personal files can be stored in the South-West direction.
  • North-West:Files related to sales files, finished goods, pending bill receivables files, litigation, and import and export files should be kept in this direction. One can keep the Shares files in the North-West corner of the North wall.
  • South-East:Accounts files must be stored in the South-East direction as per office Vastu guidelines
  • North-East:Avoid piling up finished goods in the North-East direction, especially in front of the office desk. You can place these goods in the North-West direction to ensure smooth clearance of unsold stock.

A Door to Prosperity

Vastu Shastra, if done correctly for your office space, can bring about business abundance and prosperity. Vastu Shastra for office must be followed with faith and considered a study encompassing all the myths of following these rules. This study goes back to ancient times when studies were based on the position of natural resources like light, water, and wind and hence is the most obvious study to be proved. Many studies have evolved with the progress of science and technology, but a feel and implementation of Vastu Shastra for your office can never fail you.

~Vastu for Hotels | Resorts | Restaurants

The purpose of a hotel or resort is to serve leisure and relaxation, bundled with a happy stay and good food, topped up with outstanding hospitality. Thus, the prime focus is laid down on designing a space that ensures absolute rejuvenation. First and foremost, the space should have a positive entrance to attract abundant customers. Then, the location/direction of the elements, such as the building area, reception, bar area, restaurant, spa, play area, swimming pool, green belt, etc., should all be decided as per the principles of Vastu Shastra. Either of the elements placed wrong can badly affect the customers’ inflow.

As far as possible, opt for a rectangular or a square-shaped plot. South, East, and North are considered very auspicious for any hotel building, especially the South direction, because of a very special vibration that they produce. North of East or East of North is an ideal place to construct an underground water tank and bore well without intersecting the energy diagonal emanating from the North-East corner at 45 degrees. The ideal location for the kitchen is in the South-East, with the stove and fire appliances placed in the East of the East quadrant. The staircase will be either in the West or South quadrant and should be constructed clockwise. Water has magical properties and can enhance the positivity in any plot, provided it is situated in the right direction. The best place for a swimming pool would be in the North-East or the North quadrant of the building. To balance the fire element in the plot from a Vastu perspective, a substation or a transformer must be made in the South-East quadrant. If that is not possible, North-West is also an alternative for its placement. The reception should be towards the North-East, the accounts area towards the South-East, the owner’s office in the West, the marketing and sales team towards the East, etc. While planning the hotel, utmost care is to be taken while deciding the placement of brand boards and the colour schemes for the interiors. These aspects are often ignored but can play a major role in the brand’s success if placed in Vastu’s preferred direction.

If the principles of Vastu Shastra plan all the activities mentioned above, the clients are satisfied, increasing popularity.

~Vastu for Hospitals | Medical Centres | Pathology Labs

The prime objective of any hospital or clinic is to serve healing to the patients. If the healing objective is fulfilled, the said hospital is considered successful. Only when a patient is fully recovered and satisfied does he spread the word, come back next time when in need, and even refer his friends and family to that hospital. Thus, when implementing Vastu solutions in a hospital space, the major thing to be considered is that the hospital delivers “Healing” in the best possible way. The North or North-East direction of the plot should be checked and balanced well. Utmost care should be taken that this direction is not defective by any means, i.e., a toilet, septic tank, pantry, etc., is not placed in this direction. This direction is the one that represents the quality of healing and should be utilized for the sitting of doctors. It has been observed that a doctor sitting in the most preferred direction delivers the best advice, and patients recover much more quickly with their prescribed medicines. Apart from this, the location of the ICU, Pharmacy, Operation Theatre, Reception, etc., must comply with the principles of Vastu Shastra. Also, the colour schemes should be chosen per Vastu to promote the vibration of healing in the space.

~Vastu for Schools | Vastu for Colleges | Vastu for Educational Institutes

Schools, Colleges, and Educational Institutions are meant to deliver the best education and build students’ futures. Thus, when designing a school, as per Vastu Shastra, the focus should be on the directions responsible for imparting quality education in the best possible way. South West and West of South-West are the prime directions responsible for maintaining the aura of the space to ensure quality education. Thus, while designing a school, these directions should be kept free from negative elements like toilet blocks, septic tanks, or any colour schemes not compliant with Vastu Shastra. The location of classrooms, science laboratories, library, play area, swimming pool, music rooms, etc. should be planned as per Vastu Shastra. Also, the colour schemes should be decided in compliance with Vastu Shastra. For educational institutes, the classrooms for students preparing for competitive examinations should be planned in Northern directions. In the case of existing buildings, do not break for the sake of Vastu Shastra, as with the developments, treatments without demolition are well effective if implemented under the able guidance of learned Vastu professionals. Just by relocating the correct activity and placements as per Vastu Shastra, Vastu can be implemented to bring magical results.

~Vastu for Banks | Vastu for Financial Institutions

A bank or any financial institution is meant to serve the purpose of lending money or keeping the money safe and also earning some bucks on the deposited money. Vastu must be considered in detail while designing any financial institution. Starting from the placement of the Cash Counter or Teller area, which is of utmost importance since all financial transactions occur here. The placement of cash counting machines, documents, seating of accountants, etc., are to be in the best possible direction available. It is preferred to be in the South-East, North, or West for maximum benefits. Secondly, the placement of Vault or Locker is again a major focus area and should be mandatorily chosen with precise calculations under the guidance of a highly skilled Vastu professional. Placement of Vaults or Cash counters in the negative direction can hugely impact the financial institution. Not only limited to this but the entire premises should be designed in a Vastu-compliant manner, including placement of brand boards in the correct location, allocating rooms as per work profile in specific directions to comply with Vastu principles, the choice of colour schemes, the placement of documents, location of toilet/pantry, etc. This allows a smooth cash flow on the premises and benefits the customers and the financial institution.

~Vastu for Rejuvenation Centres | Wellness Clinics

The techniques of Vastu Shastra also apply to Wellness Clinics, Salons, beauty parlours, and Spa Centres and have proven to be very effective in increasing customer footfall. Many things need to be checked and complied with the principles of Vastu Shastra. Starting from the entrance, which should have a highly positive vibration so that the customers entering the place feel elated and opt for availing the services. The cash counter must be placed in the right direction as the conversion/business happens there. South-East or North is the preferred direction for the cash counter. The placement of promotional offers, schemes, and price lists is highly important and must be placed in the North or North West to attract customers to avail of the offers. Also, even the direction where products are placed for sale must be chosen as per Vastu Shastra. The placement of brand boards in the correct place, as per Vastu, further adds to the brand building, and the salon earns a good name and fame. At all times, care should be taken to prevent any important activity like cash counter, selling products, owner sitting, etc., in the low energy areas, which are defined as per the shape and orientation of the property. Also, the placement of mirrors and the choice of colour schemes while planning the space’s interior should be absolutely in sync with Vastu Shastra.

Under the proper guidance of learned and experienced Vaastu professionals, every direction in any commercial space can be very well utilized to serve the best possible attributes. We unknowingly create challenges for ourselves by not complying with the guidance of Vaastu Shastra that the universe has designed. Renovation or reconstruction are not always required to make a space Vaastu complaint. It is always said – to work smarter, not harder. Just as a psychiatrist or a doctor tunes our brain to a positive frequency, so we feel happy and relaxed, similarly, programming the vastu of any space can solve many of the problems we think we have in life. Vastu correction techniques don’t need any demolition or reconstruction to get the results. Our world-renowned Vastu consultants have revived closed businesses and programmed them to become renowned brands quickly.

In conclusion, Vastu Shastra has a significant impact on commercial spaces, influencing their success and profitability. Whether you’re starting a new venture or seeking to enhance an existing one, the principles of Vastu can play a vital role in achieving your business goals.

What would be your advice to the aspirants who are willing to venture into your field?

Suppose you’re considering venturing into the field of Vastu Shastra. In that case, it’s important to approach it with a thorough understanding of its principles, a commitment to learning and respecting the tradition, and an awareness of its place in the modern world. Here are some pieces of advice for aspirants looking to study and practice Vastu Shastra:

*Study Vastu Shastra in Depth: Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of Vastu Shastra. Study its texts, theories, and principles. This may involve reading ancient Vastu texts, attending courses or workshops, and learning from experienced practitioners.

*Respect Tradition: Vastu Shastra is an ancient and culturally significant practice. Approach it with respect for its traditions and cultural context. Be mindful of cultural sensitivity and ethical considerations in your practice.

*Acquire Practical Knowledge: Gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. This hands-on experience will help you apply Vastu principles effectively and understand how they can be integrated into modern architectural and design practices.

*Stay Informed and Updated: Keep yourself updated with the latest developments in Vastu Shastra and related fields. Vastu, like any other discipline, evolves, and it’s essential to stay informed about new ideas and innovations.

*Ethical Practice: As a Vastu consultant or practitioner, it’s crucial to maintain ethical standards in your work. Be honest about what Vastu can and cannot achieve, and avoid making exaggerated claims about its effects.

*Continued Education: Consider pursuing advanced studies and certifications in Vastu Shastra. This can enhance your credibility and knowledge in the field.

*Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your work and projects that reflect your Vastu expertise. This can be valuable when seeking clients and demonstrating your skills.

*Effective Communication: Develop strong communication skills. Being able to explain Vastu’s principles and recommendations clearly to clients is crucial. Listen to your clients’ needs and concerns and tailor your advice accordingly.

*Networking: Build a network with other professionals in architecture, interior design, and real estate. Collaborations with experts in related areas can lead to well-rounded and holistic design solutions.

*Critical Thinking: While studying and practising Vastu Shastra, maintain a critical and open-minded approach. Be willing to adapt and evolve your understanding of Vastu in light of new knowledge and insights.

*Marketing and Business Skills: If you plan to run your consultancy or practice, consider learning marketing and business management skills to promote your services and manage your practice effectively.

*Be Patient and Realistic: Building a successful career in Vastu Shastra may take time. Be patient and realistic about your career expectations, especially in the early stages.

Remember that Vastu Shastra is a belief system that is not universally accepted, and it’s important to approach it with sensitivity and respect for the diverse perspectives of your clients. As with any field, the success of your Vastu Shastra career will depend on your dedication, knowledge, ethics, and ability to provide value to your clients.

How do you envision scaling Signature’s scope and offerings in the future?

Here are a few ways by which I plan my consultancy services in the field of Vastu Shastra for scaling its scope and offerings in the future:

~Diversify Services: Consider expanding the range of Vastu-related services my company offers. This could include not only residential and commercial Vastu consultations but also services like workshops, online courses, and written resources to reach a broader audience.

~Digital Presence: Investing in a strong online presence, including a user-friendly website, social media profiles, and possibly an e-commerce platform for selling Vastu-related products or courses.

~International Expansion: Exploring opportunities to offer my services internationally. With the growth of interest in Vastu beyond India, there may be a global market for my expertise.

~Collaborations: Partner with architects, interior designers, and real estate professionals to integrate Vastu principles into their projects. Collaborations can lead to a broader client base.

~Research and Innovation: Invest in research and innovation within the field of Vastu. This could involve exploring modern technologies and methodologies that align with traditional Vastu principles.

~Online Consultations: Embrace technology to offer online Vastu consultations. This can make my services accessible to clients around the world.

~Publishing: Consider writing books, articles, or blogs on Vastu-related topics to establish yourself as an authority in the field and to educate a wider audience.

~Client Testimonials and Reviews: Encourage satisfied clients to leave testimonials and reviews on my website and social media platforms to build trust and credibility.

~Regular Updates: Stay updated with the latest trends and developments in Vastu Shastra and related fields to ensure your services remain relevant.

~Customer Feedback: Continuously gather feedback from your clients to improve your services and adapt to their evolving needs.

~Community Building: Create a Vastu community by hosting events, webinars, and forums where like-minded individuals can share their experiences and learn from each other.

~Sustainability: Consider incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly Vastu practices to align with modern environmental concerns.

*For more Information or Advice, please connect with Dr Satinder Malhotra at,

~Email id: malhotrasatinder@gmail.com

~Contact No: +91-7017607026.

~Follow her blog on Facebook- Vastu Shastra and its Benefits; https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067634211429&mibextid=ZbWKwL.

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