Ensavior Technologies: All-Embracing HVAC Solution with Complete Transparency

HVAC business faces a number of challenges which proliferates replacement of existing installations, where HVAC contractors are often required to retrofit systems and switch to newer technologies without compromising system performance or safety. Ascertain to these observations, Ensavior Technologies which is a comprehensive solutions provider company – engaged in design, engineering, sales, marketing and service of HVAC products, Plumbing products, Fire Fighting equipment, Ventilation & IAQ products and Acoustics-Noise-Vibration control products that are commensurate with the growing environmental awareness and energy efficiency standards.
Erudite of HVAC
Dinesh Semwal is Managing Director at Ensavior Technologies. He is an Electronics Engineer and Member of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Indian Plumbing Association (IPA), AIACRA and Rotary. He has been instrumental in promoting energy conservation concepts and system in the field of Pumping, Hydronic Balancing, Thermal Energy Storage, Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) with overall work experience of nearly two decades. Dinesh, was conferred “Entrepreneur of the year in Trading Business in 2015.
Innovative Products for the Indian Market
Pumping: Ensavior brings Xylem pumping solutions, which are constantly developing and fielding new HVAC systems that work efficiently, making buildings more comfortable, productive and healthy.
Hydronic Balancing: It is the process of optimising the distribution of water in a building’s heating or cooling system – so that it can provide the intended indoor climate at optimum energy efficiency and minimal operating cost.
Thermal Storage System: It helps lower Operational Costs by enabling the shifting of energy consumption of chillers from high cost hours to low cost hours by utilising stored energy during high cost periods and storing ‘cooling’ energy by running the chiller during low cost hours. Further, as lower capacity chillers may be used, the chiller can run at optimal capacity, thereby raising its efficiency level. Some key features of Chilled Water TES System are:

  • Shaves off peak load, resulting in significant reduction of installed chiller capacity.
  • Chilled Water backup for Mission Critical Facilities like; Control Rooms, Data Centers and High Tech. manufacturing.
  • Demand Side Management.

UVGI System: It leads to electrical energy savings to the tune of 10 to 15% by improving heat transfer efficiency of AHU cooling coil, which in turn results in reduction of chilled water requirement from the chiller. UVGI systems irradiate the AHU coils with UV-C rays, destroying the ability of the organisms to reproduce and multiply thus maintaining the indoor air quality of the air-conditioned spaces.
Sensors and Transmitters: Providing advanced technological solutions to meet and exceed today’s HVAC challenges, with a wide range of high quality sensing, measurement and transmittal of data products related to temperature, humidity, pressure, current, air quality and hazardous gases.
Electrostatic Precipitation System: Commercial kitchens now require pollution control equipment in their exhaust systems for the removal of grease and smoke from commercial cooking applications, (as well as smoke, fumes, and oil/coolant mists from industrial processes).
Rising Awareness among Customer for Energy Efficiency is what Inspires ETPL
The customer today is well aware of the latest things and realise the importance of energy efficiency and a better indoor environment. End users are trying to reduce their energy requirements and looking for ways and means to address consumption needs, there is a significant shift in the mindset of people to promote energy efficiency and improve indoor air quality. Therefore, energy efficiency and better indoor environment becomes a necessity more than a voluntary policy.
At Ensavior, they promote the concepts and products that largely address the issue of energy efficiency and indoor air quality. Their strategic tie ups with FTENE Korea, Xylem, Flowcon International, Aeropure and recent addition of Greystone Energy, forms a well mix of products that cater to the need of the hour.
Infusing Technology into Energy for Better Efficiency
World needs to implement progressive policies that encourage the use of available, proven energy-efficient technologies, low-energy building design, and building renovations that can achieve 25-50% reductions in energy demand from new and existing buildings. This includes technologies like variable speed pumping and air circulation, energy recovery, combined heat and power, and renewables.
In the long-term, the greatest potential for improving energy productivity will come from smart and sustainable cities with connected infrastructure where water, wastewater, heating, cooling, and electricity are integrated into one system.
There are more points of data than ever, allowing for better measurement via big data and analytics. Be on the lookout for simple-to-use, software solutions that make the job of delivering indoor comfort easier and more effective.
Adequacy in Employees Bring More Clients to Company
ETPL engage on the project right from the conceptualization stage and thereby help in right selection, optimum design and implementation of most energy efficient products. Besides that, the company ensure on site job trainings to project managers, facility managers and operators so that the systems are operated in most efficient and simplest manner. Based on need of the project, they also undertake operation and maintenance of the system for which they have back up in terms of spare parts and manpower.
Government Role in HVAC Progress
With government initiatives to promote the “Make in India” concept has heightened manufacturing activities and infrastructure development in the country and with the growth in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), several international players are starting operations in the Indian industry, which will further fuel the country’s HVAC market. Economic tailwinds combined with a business-friendly government at the centre should accelerate the growth of the HVAC business as well.
Urge for Practical Functioning with Testing Labs
There is a need for testing labs and Centres of Excellence across India which can provide an opportunity for students and faculty to relate theoretical knowledge with practical functioning and better understand applications of equipments that find application in the HVAC space.