Fasal: An Audacious Attempt Revolutionizing the Indian Agriculture Ecosystem

Fasal | ananda prakash verma | Insights Success

Fasal, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered IoT platform, helps farmers to make a data-driven decision. With the help of Fasal’s intelligent and actionable recommendations, farmers are now able to cut down their input cost in disease and pest management and irrigation significantly and also able to improve the quality and quantity of production.
Meet the Problem-Solver
Ananda Prakash Verma, the Founder & CEO, belongs to farming family. The son of a vegetable seed producer, Ananda has seen his father lose his crop because of uncertain weather conditions and lack of information. Moreover, that time, he realized that this problem is not only with him but every farmer faces the same issue. There is no right data to make an informed decision in agriculture. With the aim to help farmers, Ananda along with his friend Shailendra started the new venture called ‘Fasal’.
However, both the Founders, Ananda and Shailendra, were working together in their previous company and had this passion for solving ground level agriculture issues with the help of technology. Both of them quit their jobs and start pursuing their dream to contribute back to Agriculture.
Real-time Solution provider
Fasal is the mix of IoT and AI solution built for farmers. Once farmers install a small device in their farm, Fasal records various ground level data and make it available to farmers on their mobile phone in real-time. It runs its AI algorithms on the incoming data to predict Disease and Pest possibility. However, the best part is that this all predicted before it happens on the field and prepares the farmer to take low-cost preventive action to save the crop before damage. It also recommends farmers when to irrigate and how much to irrigate to maximize the nutrient uptake by the crop and hence increases the productivity.
Awards and Accolades
CoE IoT NASSCOM is selected Fasal for incubation and also it is selected by Top AI acceleration in Asia called Zeroth. The company is one among the three winners of Sea Side Startup submit. Also, Fasal is being listed as the Great Indian Startup by Tech in Asia and Top six Indian AgriTech Startups that are Revolutionizing Agriculture.
Genesis of Fasal
The key motto of the company itself is to ‘give back to society’. Farming in India for a long time is being treated as the last profession or may be no profession at all. Fasal strongly believes that Agriculture will become a top profession in the country with more and more innovations in this field.
Fasal also looks at various environmental level changes it is bringing to society by saving water usage in irrigation and reducing the use of harmful pesticide and chemicals spray which is degrading the health and causing deadly diseases.
Agricultural Technology
Ananda has observed that Indian farmers are already growing enough food and have the potential to produce more food to manage the demand. He also believes in Indian farmers that they are capable of feeding the whole world. However, only help is needed in improving the food quality, reducing the residue effects to make it exportable, reducing the input cost, and getting fair market value.
Exceptional Future           
With the vision to run farming on the auto-pilot mode, Fasal is aiming to become one of the unique platforms for the farmers. The platform where any farmers can put the name of the crop they want to grow and Fasal will guide him along the way to produce the high-quality crop and sell it at a fair market value.
A Piece of Advice
By acknowledging the current industry scenario, Ananda said “Get out of your comfort zone, go get your hands dirty with the ground level issues. Talk to as many customers before building anything. Don’t try to copy and re-build something which already exists in the market.” Further, he added- “Also, remember the statement which I believe and follow, i.e. All happy companies are different: each one earns a monopoly by solving a unique problem. All failed companies are the same: they failed to escape competition- by Peter Thiel, American Entrepreneur.”
Source :-The 10 Most Recommended Agri-Tech Companies

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