GD ASH BRICK: Green Cementing Solutions

Cement Products| GD Ash Brick
Gyani Darode | Founder | CEO | GD ASH BRICK

Sustainability comes in many shapes and sizes. For the real estate and construction industry, sustainable building material are key ingredients when they target creating green homes.A keycomponent for them is Fly Ash brick. These self-cementing bricks save energy, reduce pollution and carbon footprint and cost less than conventional bricks by almost 20%.

Catering to this growing demand in India is GD Ash Brick. The Nagpur based company is led by Gyani Darode, the Proprietor.

He shares more details about the company.

What is your vision behind your startup? Tell us how the idea came about.

The core idea was generating employment to the local population and our near ones. I wanted to motivate them to start a new business and with new technology and join hands for India’s development.

What services/products/solutions do you offer?

We are Manufacturer and Suppliers of Bricks, Pavers Block, Roof Tile, and all types of Cement Products at a customer affordable price. We specialize in ash bricks parking tiles paver block and give a warranty on them which is unique as no other manufacturer or supplier gives a warranty.

What were the challenges you came across during the inception of your startup and in COVID 19?

The situation was unprecented and a dangerous one. But now we take care of all necessary safety measures regarding equipment and people.

As the founder/CEO, what is your opinion on the current landscape of startup culture in India?
The future looks great. I feel that if the Government can start and implement learning program for new technologies and machinery, it will help and benefit more people and motivate them to start on their own.

According to you, how important is it to be updated with technology as per your industry sector? And How do you strategise on scaling your company in the future?
It is crucial in my view. Technology is a necessity as it brings accuracy and speed. This speed is required for companies like ours to grow

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