Global Integritus: Facilitating Business Decisions

Global Integritus
Dr Mustafa Attarwala | Founder | Promoter-MSME | Global Integritus

There are many a slip between an entrepreneur’s dreams and its realization. An idea is good but to execute it through a company needs a strategy, a roadmap and a direction. The right kind of information about the market and business-related aspects can help entrepreneurs make the right decision. Helping these businesses take the right decision is Global Integritus and its Founder and PromoterMSME, Dr Mustafa Attarwala.

Here’s how they help the entrepreneurs:

What is your vision behind your startup? Tell us how the idea came about.

When we say “startups,” we think about bootstrapped, edgy, adaptive, and agile cultures that don’t get caught up in the way things have always been done…and don’t really want to. That frequently means they
look at “strategy” like the plague and written plans as nothing more than a vehicle for dust.
After all, a lot of startups can’t think beyond a single month in advance, and not just because they’re wildly busy or just ADD. In some cases, they are pioneering market areas or business models that are truly changing week-by-week, and keeping pace means not being too attached to any specific roadmap or tactic.

But honestly, if you want to be an effectively responsive and rapidly evolving culture, what could be more valuable and helpful than knowing the baselines; the “what and why” behind your business (your mission) and “where you want to go” (your vision)? In fact, how effective do you think your path will be without them?

What services/products/solutions do you offer?

We Bring The Power Of Insight To Every Great Professional Decision. Highest Standards. Precise Matches. Extraordinary Expertise. Unparalleled Success. Types: Technology, Industrials, Consumer Goods, Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Consulting, Market Research.

What were the challenges you came across during the inception of your startup and in COVID 19?

Solutions against COVID-19 including Risk Monitoring and Prevention, Classification and Diagnosis, Patient Monitoring and Intensive Care. In addition, there is an “Open Challenge” category which covers other themes.

To ensure greater access for the population, companies, startups, institutions, government, universities, and professionals that have low or zero-cost solutions that can be deployed to the end-user within 15 (fifteen) days from the approval date are welcome to participate.

As the founder/CEO, what is your opinion on the current landscape of startup culture in India?

Through innovation and scalable technology, startups can generate impactful solutions, and thereby act as vehicles for socio-economic development and transformation. The Indian startup ecosystem has evolved dynamically over the last two decades

According to you, how important is it to be updated with technology as per your industry sector?
And How do you strategise on scaling your company in the future?
The Indian startup ecosystem has scaled to become third-largest start hub in the World … Numerous
startups are still on the rise and are now widely renowned as … The more significant aspect is the hi-tech
enhancement they bring to the country. … We serve best because we never get another chance to make a
first impression.

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