Today, most web hosting provider companies leaving out resentment among the customers in terms of services rendered and not delivering end to end solutions. IBEE Hosting, a part of XBT Holding, specially eyeing on the solutions for revolutionizing the hosting experience for the small and medium scale business units in the current marketplace.
IBEE Hosting is founded in 2006, with a vision to satisfy the growing demand for quality hosting solutions.
Goldy Sachan: Key person of IBEE
Goldy accomplished MBA in Production & Operations and Marketing and started working in IBEE Hosting as Marketing Executive carrying out online and offline marketing activities, has a well-developed knowledge of the marketing areas, using this knowledge and capitalizes the ideas. Earlier, there were no stated systems and procedures for the company to execute the tasks and processes. She took this as a challenge and set out the whole systems and procedures in the company to channelize and cannibalize the approach, orientation, communication flow from the customer’s front company to strengthen its root.
The IBEE’s team makes it the kind of company it is. It has more results-driven approach. They strive to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. IBEE provide their employees with a world-class environment that promotes innovation, productivity and desired work/life balance. Their employee-friendly HR policies are customized for each situation. A flexible work culture, access to the latest productivity tools, training and resources and a comprehensive family life, medical and dental insurance program are some of these initiatives.
Quality base services
IBEE offers enterprise, Dedicated and Cloud Solutions and allied services. They cater specific needs of the web developers, E-Commerce, Gaming, IT Industry and Startups with their extensible array of plans and support. With the development of the platform, IBEE will introduce CDN, Domains and SSL certificates, DNS hosting, firewalls and load balancers, intelligent hosting and more.
IBEE cater on the self-service model that emphasizes on the Proactive support to manage the servers for their clients which differentiate it from others. The company believes in rendering the quality services through addressing all the major concerns of their clients and has a specialized approach to each one of them.
IBEE don’t leave their customers at hosting level, but help them in achieving success in their projects by giving suggestions and best practices in making their applications successful in terms of marketing, coding, performance and experience.
Implementing Harbor Innovation
IBEE harbors innovation among their teams through brainstorming sessions, knowledge sharing sessions, troubleshooting problems in the shortest way through case studies, giving them the platform to express and learn through various conferences and webinars. Their learning and development initiatives are tailored to help employees acquire deep domain expertise and engineering excellence. Fostering leadership is at the core of a benchmarking program which identifies and nurtures top technology talent with leadership potential.
Global Strategy from future perspective
The company believes there is a huge market potential among the SMBs in India. Still, there is a huge number of SMBs who are still striving for marking their presence on the Internet. IBEE’s current service area is SMBs in India. As far as embarking their presence globally, the company is in planning stage with their subsidiary companies. They are also planning to deliver their solutions across the globe backed up by the data centers in five countries.
Website :: IBEE Hosting
IBEE Hosting: Revolutionizing the Hosting Experience