Hyderabad, 28 January 2021: Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Hyderabad organized its Fourth edition of the TEDx event last week in a unique digital mode. The event had a line-up of speakers covering myriads of life. This year’s theme EDIT- Explore, Discover, Imbibe, Transform – brought stories of transformation from the ones who have made through the past’s rubbles to create the reality they imagined. The speakers gave fresh insights and experiences to the students of IMT Hyderabad.
Initiating and inspiring many young passionate students, Sashi Cheliah- the winner of Masterchef Australia 2018 spoke about his south-Indian roots and how he is strongly connected to the culture. “Till date, I keep experimenting, and ingredients do surprise me in different climatic conditions; I call my food Asian-inspired.” The unique connection he shares speaks for his sense of identity, taking the fusion saga further ahead.
“Art is my passion, and I would have become nothing in life if not an artist.” – Sri Priyatham. An art illustrator and creative artist, Sri Priyatham gained popularity for his caricatures, which continue to retain their true original essence. The way he sees it, there is a three-part series to his sense of perspective-the how’s, the what’s, the why’s. He spoke about A frame of perspectives: An artist’s journey
The third speaker was Mr. Magandeep Singh, India’s first certified sommelier spoke at length about connecting with the crowd during public speaking and effective communication. He quoted, “Two ears, one mouth, the ratio says it all” to emphasize the power of listening in enhancing your quality of content in communicating. In his topic the art of wit and conversation he mentioned twenty tips to make a speaker more comfortable with a crowd and impactfully engage with them, this included using pauses resourcefully, speaking sharp, straight point instead of lengthy addresses, and avoiding deviation from the subject matter.
From unknown career choices to discovering inner potential and living life to the fullest, Raina Raonta, a social media manager and video producer at SheThePeopleTV began her speech by motivating the audience to change the existing stereotypes by experimenting and taking risks in life. She highlighted the importance of feminism and how it changed her by embracing empathy in life in her talk “I wasn’t always a feminist”.
From humble beginnings to India’s top-ranked automobile influencer and owner of Motorbeam, Faisal Khan inspired the audience with his journey in life, discovering his love and passion for cars. He highlighted the significance of following your true passion, constant self-improvement, consistency, determination, never give up attitude, and resilience as critical factors in accomplishing success in life. His talk The Off-beat trial: Going Unconventional took people in a memory lane of their days of struggle.
An author, global shaper at World Economic Forum, these are some accolades which the next speaker, Shreyas Bajoria, has to his credit. He talked about design thinking, which he reiterated is thinking about the box and questioning the box’s very existence. He also highlighted the importance of design thinking to derive solutions for the future, which may not be pertinent initially but is sustainable for the future.
Speaking next was Amit Khatri, co-founder, Noise India, who started his entrepreneurial journey in 2018 and made Noise one of the most recognizable technology-driven brands. He talked about the several P’s which he had encountered through his journey in his talk “the journey of an idea”.
Last but not least, Kanishk Priyadarshi, who is known for his fun-loving acting and anchoring skills an OkTested – The sister company of Scoopwhoop shared his thoughts on doing something even if one does not feel confident about it until one decides the best possible path. He talked about passion-something which one wants to pursue and profession-something which one gets themselves into. He also emphasized the importance of work ethics as one of the most imperative traits for any profession.
The event came to a closure with the vote of thanks by the members of the Organising Committee. The ever-enthusiastic audience that the event experienced made it the kind of success that it came out to be. Just as all good things come to a definite end, the event was officially closed. It did leave its audiences with food for thought while promising a new chapter for its next edition.