NIN Ventures: Leading Next Generation Technology Venture Capital Funds

NIN Ventures
NIN Ventures

Increasing number of startups is seeking funds and management skills to maintain their growth rate. That’s a void venture capital firms are willing to fill. Venture money plays a significant part in the next stage of the innovation lifecycle, the period in a company’s life when it starts to commercialize its innovation. NIN Ventures or (NIN.VC) is a first of its kind crowd funded technology venture capital fund raised, managed, and reported online using the JOBS Act and the General Solicitation Rule. NIN.VC provides a unique web-based opportunity for Accredited Investors to invest in a venture capital fund with a minimum investment of $100,000.
Nin Desai, CEO of NIN Ventures is a well versed fund manager and a technology geek. With a private equity (Alpha Capital Partners) and investment banking (Pacific Crest Securities) background, her experience spans all facets of deal sourcing – mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance including public offerings and private placements. She is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and has a technical diploma in E-commerce by IBM, holds Series 7 and 63 licenses from NASD, and B.B.A & M.B.A in Finance/International Business from Loyola University of Chicago. She recently attended a leadership program in Private Equity and Venture Capital at Harvard Business School.
Nin’s goal is to “democratize venture capital” and make it available as an asset class for everyone”.
The recent turmoil in the market led to a change in the way business was done across all industries and many startups sprung to life. On the other hand, venture funds that would invest in these startups were on a decline. The traditional sources of funding for a venture fund i.e. pension funds, endowment funds, institutions, etc. was drying up and that’s where the JOBS Act or crowd funding stepped in. Ms. Desai added, “As a fund, we have now opened ourselves to other accredited investors who can invest in our fund using multiple investment options like 401k, Defined benefit plan, digital currencies (E.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin&Dogecoin), or a regular checking/savings account. An accredited investor could be anyone that makes more than $200,000/ per year.”
NIN.VC invest in early-growth stage Series A and B rounds of disruptive technology companies. “Disruptive technology is an innovation that changes a way an industry function, just like how we are changing the way the venture-capital industry operates,” Nin shares. NIN.VC’s focus for 2016 is Financial Technology, Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing, the 4th Industrial Revolution, Education Software, etc.
“Our goal at NIN.VC is to invest in disruptive technologies, and 3D Printing is currently high up on the priority list. 3D Printing, also known as additive printing technology, allows manufacturers to develop objects using a digital file and variety of printing materials,” assures Nin Desai.
Secret “Success Mantra” & Motivating Factors
Startups are the engines that drive an economy and as a venture fund when NIN.VC invests in a company, especially technology companies, given its low cost and fast-growing nature, create jobs, and as a result boost the economy.
“There is no secret recipe for the success but focus, dedication, discipline, and hard work are some of the key necessary ingredients. However, none of that is possible without the love and support of family, friends, and well-wishers,” – said Nin Desai, CEO of NIN Ventures.
“Permanence, Perseverance & Persistence in Spite of all Obstacles.”
With crowdfunding, NIN Ventures managed to disrupt the Venture Capital industry by introducing a new LP base (i.e. Accredited Investors) and apart from the funding side, another important factor they bring to the table is transparency. The General Solicitation rule lets them use videos, billboards, social media marketing, and other target based Internet advertising. They also host monthly investor calls which not only helps with educating but also adds an additional level of comfort for their investor base as they are in the know how of what’s happening at the fund on an on going basis versus waiting for an quarterly or annual report.
While talking about the future perspective, Nin says, “The SEC approved Title III JOBS Act, Equity Crowd funding for non-accredited investors, which allows any U.S. citizen, regardless of income, to make direct investments via a crowd funding portal. However, investment in funds like ours is still limited to accredited investors. We hope in the next few years we can truly democratize venture capital and make it an asset class that is available to everyone.”

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