Ossian Agro Automation: Transforming the Rural Facets with its Finest Irrigation Automation Tools

Ossian Agro Automation

With every passing day, the technologies are evolving which is creating a deep necessity to increase the pace of automation. A continuous implementation of new trends in the automation market is creating a great confusion among the customers while deciding and finalizing the products which result in delaying the decisions. Also, automation companies are relying on the system integrators due to various challenges in the promotion. This overall scenario has hyped the need for developing best-in-class organizations which deliver innovative products and tools in the automation industry.
A Pune-based socio-entrepreneurship company, Ossian Agro Automation is the leading automation company which is engaged in the rural irrigation automation since 1996. The company was established with a solid motto to provide appropriate e-devices to the rural population for the efficient use of irrigation systems at an affordable cost. Ossian Agro has been recognized globally by the UNESCO, UNFAO, Mobile World Congress, GIZ, Forum Nokia, and the other renowned national as well as the international institutions.
An Influential Duo of Ossian Agro
Santosh Ostwal is the CEO & Rajashree Ostwal is the Founder-Director of Ossian Agro. Santosh is an Electrical & Electronics engineer who is well-known for understanding the farmer’s mind and pulse towards the smart irrigation. His entrepreneurial journey has always been full of excitement and courage along with severe falls and tiger leaps. All these have been followed by a tremendous success and a worldwide recognition from GIZ (Germany), The Tech Museum (USA), UNFAO, UNESCO, and etc. Santosh is an exemplary leader who is an exclusive example of how a long-term goal can be achieved with passion and dedication against all odds.
Ossian’s Comprehensive Set of Services
One of the Ossian’s inventions comprises ‘Namo-Ganesh’ which controls the water-pumps with the help of a mobile phone. This invention has proved to be a big ICT revolution in the telecom automation field during 2003-2004. The company provides a wireless automation of rural irrigation systems consisting of water tanks and pumps in the farms as well as in the drinking water supply systems. It has also launched a special system called ‘Namo Ganesh M2M’ for the automation of water tanks which have been popular among the rural and urban applications.
The company is spearheading with its game-changing services like friendly relations with the customers, providing training to the local technicians from the villages along with easy-to-use & low-cost technology supported tools. The hardworking team of Ossian believes in building trust with long-term commitments with a proven track record and gives personal attention to every farmer with their innovative networking models.
Creating a Splendid Amalgamation of Challenges & Opportunities
Ossian Agro’s robust team takes every challenge as an opportunity to reach the finest level in their work. There are numerous challenges that the company faces and one of them include the access of the rural community as the buyers prefer local and secured products where even an inferior product can also be a big competitor. Enhancing the digital skills among the user as well as local village technicians and building trust among the users for a particular technology which consumes a lot of time is also one of the major challenges.
The government is keen on developing smart villages and digital skill development and this scenario has brought numerous opportunities for Ossian Agro like increasing the implementation of advanced technologies in the rural areas, penetration of mobile and telecom skills in the villages, and monitoring more than one million water tanks in the rural drinking water supply systems.
A Glimpse of Ossian’s Most Satisfactory Customer Experience
Ossian Agro has been working with the rural community since three decades due to which the company shares a strong bond with the farmers. While remembering one of the valuable experiences, Santosh says, “A basic product in the first generation of 2004 has been recently bought for small repairs. The customer was very happy with the product and insisted on its repairing instead of buying an advanced version. He was not only satisfied by the cost-effective services we provide but also endorsed the product to more than 40 new farmers in the village.”
Augmenting Growth with a Meticulous Planning
Ossian Agro is working on an ambitious project of connecting rural water tanks and pumps to the mobile network. This project is adopted across India with Maharashtra as a pilot state. The company is also working incessantly on a business model such that the products will be provided to the villages at a lowest possible cost with advanced technical features to save water, electricity, labor, time, and civil structures.
Ossian Agro is planning to implement IoT and mapping of irrigation components in the rural as well as the urban area in the coming years. Articulating the future strategy of the company, Santosh & Rajarshee says, “We have well-developed technologies in our stock with the proven life test models. The basic task is to expand the business model looking into sustainable factor and accordingly, we are working with different government bodies, international institutions, NGO’s & industries for the partnerships.”
Source :-The 10 Most Advanced Industrial Automation Companies

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