PROCREALLIGENCE: An Emerging Brand Development Powerhouse


Every successful business organisation has a number of underlying factors that contribute to its success. Clarity of purpose, a strong value-driven culture and consistency in product quality have all been identified as significant success pillars as have excellence in business innovation, precise operations management and impeccable brand communications.

A company, along with providing good products and services needs to develop a strong brand image and communicate the same effectively. Branded products stand out when they have a distinct value proposition that is credible. Brands also convey a significantly positive perspective about the organisation, its people, qualities, R&D innovations and a variety of other aspects.

The recognition of this need has resulted in the emergence of professional brand communication organisations that have effectively assisted various businesses in crafting their brands. Among these, PROCREALLIGENCE stands out as a stellar example of a successful venture that excels as a catalyst seamlessly building brands and their success stories.

PROCREALLIGENCE, led by its Founder President and Chief Strategy Officer, SAM Husaini, has demonstrated proficiency as a modern brand communication company that crafts and implements the latest technologies in branding services.


Procrealligence was established by SAM Husaini, a reputed and experienced brand, marketing, and corporate communications professional with 28 years of bespoke global experience.

He chose a unique name PROCREALLIGENCE that was created by combining the words Proactivity, Creativity and Intelligence. This name encapsulates how the company thinks, feels and acts. At PROCREALLIGENCE, these three forces are combined to create brands and enable businesses to unlock growth that is human centred, durable and transformative.

The mission at PROCREALLIGENCE is to enable businesses thrive in the VUCA world as they believe that having the right solution oriented mindset is key to winning in the ‘New Normal’.

PROCREALLIGENCE is a virtual organisation that operates successfully on a ‘Hub and Spoke Model’, delivering winning outcomes through an integrated and collaborative digital work ecosystem. They have several teams that specialise in different disciplines such as market research, public relations, creative development and so on. It works virtually with these teams situated all over India whilst being headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana.

PROCREALLIGENCE is a strong branding communications firm that prioritises ‘STRATEGY FIRST’. It is steadfast in imbuing its creative output with deep insights that incite. They strive to give their clients “More for Less,” which means big agency thinking, discipline, and resourcefulness for the price of a boutique one. It aims to provide clients with Blue Ocean Strategy solutions that captures uncontested market space, rendering the competition irrelevant.

PROCREALLIGENCE offers 4 broad service categories:

-Brand Creation and Management

-360 Integrated Communications

-Corporate Communications

-Organisational Transformation / Employer Branding / Culture Change

Through Brand Creation, PROCREALLIGENCE transforms business opportunities into brands that tell memorable stories. They do so by identifying the essence of their purpose and positioning and then build a personality that differentiates that brand and tells a story that customers relate to and find interesting.

In their 360 Integrated Communications offering, they focus on digital marketing services ranging from B2B to B2C outreach/engagement strategies, market segmentation and targeting, and integrated marketing communication strategies such as content creation, community management, digital and influencer outreach, and more.

They create employer branding, which results in a long-term high-performance organisational culture. They handle public relations, crisis management, and strategic plans to ensure the smooth operation of business communication while adhering to their mission statement.


Clients are functioning in a VUCA environment and are unclear on how the future is going to unfold. This uncertain environment causes anxiety and decision-making paralysis. PROCREALLIGENCE boosts strategic confidence by assisting them in translating long-term thinking into short-term goals and plans. By doing so, they effectively de-risk decision making by breaking down strategic journeys into smaller achievable milestones.

Client budgets are tightening, but they expect big results and impact. PROCREALLIGENCE provides them with innovative, cost-effective solutions, ensuring that clients do not incur unnecessary overhead costs.

In the last three years, the concept of consumer understanding has been completely turned on its head, particularly with regard to the millennial and youth segment. PROCREALLIGENCE keeps their clients in touch with the consumer pulse by conducting regular market research and surveys.


SAM Husaini, the Founder of PROCREALLIGENCE, began his 28-year career in marketing and brand communications with Lintas India on the Unilever detergent business, working on the Wheel, Rin, and Surf Excel brands in rural and urban India.

Moving on to Leo Burnett, he oversaw the Coca-Cola India business. SAM led the Reckitt Benckiser surface care business in South Asia at McCann Erickson, as well as APAC responsibility for MasterCard, Goodyear, and Nestle.

In the year 2000, SAM joined the BBDO Network in the MENA Region working on top-tierbrands like Henkel, Pepsi, Emirates Airlines, Etisalat, Barclays, and many more. Along with other achievements, he launched Strategic Planning as a discipline within the BBDO MENA group and proactively developed a set of proprietary planning tools for the network. SAM was then entrusted with the responsibility of setting up BBDO in Abu Dhabi as an integrated full services operation and as the founding MD, he ran it successfully for nine profitable years.

SAM was appointed as a Strategy Advisor to the CEO and Chairman of a USD 6 billion diversified business group and bank in Kuwait in 2015. He was in charge of the group’s corporate brand, marketing, and corporate communications, as well as developing the Chairman’s personal leadership brand, which aided in positioning him as a visionary Arab leader and entrepreneur.

He returned to India in 2018 to lead Triton Communications as President & Head of Strategy till the advent of COVID-19 which threw the entire world into disarray. Recognizing that in every adversity lies the seeds of an equal or greater opportunity, SAM launched PROCREALLIGENCE with the aim of helping clients leverage the power of branding to navigate and thrive during the unprecedented volatility.

Currently in its third successful year, PROCREALLIGENCE is now a global company with clients in India, the Middle East (KSA, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait), West Africa (Nigeria), and the United States. They continue to cultivate these relationships and aim to further expand wherever opportunity presents itself with a Blue Ocean Strategy mindset.

Quoting SAM Husaini “No matter how big we become, we will always strive to maintain the heart of a small firm, ensuring agility of response and high touch relationships with all our clients. We will continue to be idea-driven and goal-oriented as active participants in the burgeoning gig economy as we work to make the GIG BIG!”


SAM spoke about the difficulties the organization faced in its early stages. “Clients were skeptical about the brand-building exercises,” he says. Their basic advertising and communication concept was to expect immediate results. However, we had to persuade them of the importance of branding activities and their long-term effects. We clearly identified branding and advertising as mission-driven activities. The end result of the exercise is the sale, whereas branding is a consistent and long-term process.”

“Through digital statistics of various widespread branding activities conducted, Procrealligence has been successful in convincing customers and supporting branding efforts,” he adds.


When asked for advice for aspiring industry professionals, SAM emphasizes that every young professional must be clear on the following:

Know your KPIs. It amazes me how few agency employees know their performance goals. KPIs, help you prioritise, not pressure you. Agency life is always frantic, with fires to put out. Under pressure, you can’t offer 100%. Knowing your KPIs helps you focus on career advancement.

Do the job you want, before you have it. If you want a promotion, learn the job, and do most of it before you get it. Since you were already doing it, your superiors will know you’re ready for a promotion.

Invest in your soft skills. People are at the heart of management. As a result, it makes sense to hone your soft skills in teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, networking, and, of course, leadership. As you advance in your career, hard skills become less important and soft skills become more important.

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