Prof Dr Parin Somani: The Guiding Star on the Professional Canvass of Success

Dr Parin Somani
Parin Somani

Life offers opportunities as well as challenges. It is up to the individual as to what best efforts are taken to grab the chances, tackle difficulties, and reach their goals, aims, and objectives.

Some mighty individuals have achieved the highest milestones of success through their resolute willpower, sheer perseverance, laser-sharp focus, continuous learning, and disciplined efforts. Unfazed by the challenges and failures, they have learned the art of emerging successfully in all adverse circumstances. Prof Dr Parin Somani, the Director of the London Organisation of Skills Development Ltd (LOSD), is shining brightest among this galaxy of stalwarts.

An Illuminating Starlet

Prof Dr Parin is a multi-faceted personality and an Independent Academic Scholar, TEDx Speaker, Educator, and Internationally acclaimed Motivational speaker. A highly creative individual with strengths in language and expression, she has authored 19 books. Prof Dr Parin is also a Banker, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, and Multi-International Award Winner.

This inspiring lady has achieved Eight Doctorate degrees, and she has also been recognized Five times in the World Book of Records, Twice in the Indian Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, Karnataka Book of Records, Scholars Book of World Records and the Golden Book of World Records.

To help global societies in the field of Education, Women Empowerment, and Youth Development, Prof Dr Parin has travelled to more than 117 countries around the world.

After Speaking with the Director of the London Organisation of Skills Development, Prof Dr Parin says that this unique venture is for the betterment of humanity and helping society at large. It has endeavored to provide diverse skills to facilitate global societies towards a better quality of life. LOSD provides individuals with the information, knowledge, and tools to develop their skills to reach their true potential.

Prof Dr Parin believes that every individual has the seeds within them to germinate; however, through providing appropriate nutrients, the seed can flourish into a beautiful flower. In the same manner, individuals require the proper skills and tools to flourish within their lives, simultaneously helping others whilst improving the quality of their lives.

LOSD is accessible to all individuals globally through which new skills can be learnt, and existing skills can be strengthened to enhance employment opportunities, secure employment positions, and facilitate individuals in their educational endeavours. The collaboration with Global Research Conferences and Global Research Journals provides heightened opportunities for individuals to participate in and share research.

A Constellation of Knowledge Stalwarts

Global Research Conferences a Grand Success at King’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Global Research Conferences (GRC) includes various formats of sharing knowledge and learning, one feature includes Roundtables. This session allows selected participants with the opportunity to delve deeper into specialised subject areas, promoting intellectually stimulating interaction. With a limited seating capacity, there is an expectation for each participant to contribute during the session in the form of sharing research findings, presenting relevant questions, brainstorming solutions, and the identification of challenges.

The conference Participants indulge in a dynamic series of Oral, Virtual or Poster Presentations. All sessions endeavour to actively engage established academics, researchers, early career scholars, junior researchers, and leading members from diverse fields.

Global Research Conferences invited experts and passionate professionals to ‘Ignite Your Passion for Sharing Research’, Develop their skills, share their research, generate innovative ideas and participate in the GRC 2023.  The Global Research Conference was held from 6th to 9th May 2023 at Cambridge University, United Kingdom. GRC 2023 aims to facilitate energetic discussions, bridge existing knowledge gaps, and exchange ideas within the following disciplines:


Academia Accountancy Anthropology Artificial Intelligence Arts Astrology
Astronomy Ayurveda Business Catering Communication  Economics
Education Engineering Film and Media Food Engineering Geography Geology
Hair and Beauty Health History Hotel Management Humanities Language
Law Mathematics Medicine Music Science Social Care
Social Science Technology Literature Event Entertainment Naturopathy Space Science


Abstracts are reviewed by the Review Board, with the successful candidates are given the opportunity to submit their full text paper, including results, tables, figures, and references (APA style) according to the paper submission guidelines. All submissions are authentic in nature, original and consist of previously unpublished research results.

GRC 2023 featured a variety of presentation methods for attendees to share their research. Audiences and participants are captivated as they learn about the most relevant content through the latest technology connecting international audiences.

It acknowledges the contribution of the most outstanding research paper in various fields through presenting the prestigious GRC Award.

The eagerly awaited Global Research Conferences (GRC 2023) have been very successful and enlightening. The Academic research conference was held at King’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, on the 8th and 9th of May, 2023. Through focusing on the conference Theme: BUILDING SUSTAINABILITY AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, participants and delegates found innovative solutions towards helping global societies.

The conference welcomed participants and delegates who travelled from global nations, including the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, France, India, Iran and others.

It was graced with the presence of the honorable Counsellor Sunil Chopra, Mayor of Southwark, a Valedictorian Chief Guest who delivered a Valedictory speech; Dr Parul Begum, Inaugural Chief Guest Speaker; Chehreh Dashti, Inaugural Speaker. Keynote Addresses were delivered by Prof Dr Parin Somani and Prof Dr Hui Fang Huang Su, Assisted by Dr Jia Borror, Co-PI, respectively. Eminent Speakers included Martha Davidson, Dr Angelica Wagner, Aparna More, Dr Leena Patel, Wani Iris Manly, Esq, Kumkum Sheth, Vani Moodley, Yanick Séïde and Dana Bagnall. In addition, Student Speakers Nurbanu Somani and Dr Michelle Nemec also presented their research.

All individuals shared their expertise and knowledge as they talked about common challenges and shared best practices. The speakers discussed ground-breaking research and technological advancements that can help build sustainability after the COVID-19 pandemic.

GRC 2023 hosted a Special book launch where two books were launched, including:

‘MANIFEST INNER BEAUTY: PART I’ authored by Prof Dr Parin Somani.

Informing about the book, she said, “Manifest Inner Beauty: Part 1’ enlightens readers about the path of fulfilment by making them think beyond an aesthetic appearance and help them recognize what makes them beautiful.

She has exquisitely expressed her thoughts and acquainted readers with the true meaning of beauty and the qualities that make everyone beautiful inside. How individuals can perceive themselves positively and how it can help them live happier life. It teaches how to create inner beauty by changing negative beliefs and thoughts, focusing on important things, setting healthy boundaries, accepting others, and creating a happy life for family and friends. It will also teach how to have a positive mindset and use visualization techniques to help achieve goals.

The book compiles the author’s experiences and knowledge and is a treasure of her inspiring thoughts.

Another great author, Vani Moodley, has also graced the GRC event with her presence and launched her new book – ‘THE TRIUMPHS AND KAFKAESQUE OF WOMEN LEADERS’ authored by Vani Moodley and edited by Prof Dr Parin Somani.

She writes about twenty dynamic women leaders from six countries worldwide who shared their journey in the book. Whilst their triumphant and poignant accounts are profound, their outstanding leadership qualities, admirable resilience, and inspiring introspection provide insightful lessons and advice to current and future women leaders of the world.

By using the themes that emerge from experiences and engaging subject specialists, the author unpacks real issues to achieve authentic leadership.

These two enlightening books will soon be available on all e-commerce platforms, including Amazon and Flipkart.

In addition, the GRC Prestigious award ceremony was held to facilitate the Best Student Presentation, Best Poster Presentation, Best Oral Presentation and Best Virtual Presentation selected by the audience during a live interactive session. The winners were as follows:

  • Best Student Presentation: Nurbanu Somani
  • Best Poster Presentation: Dr Leena Patel
  • Best Oral Presentation: Aparna More
  • Best Virtual Presentation: Catherin Cannon

Immense gratitude was shown to the Director of LOSD, Prof Dr Parin Somani and her team for the incredible work that was carried out. She has worked tirelessly to ensure that GRC 2023 was memorable and special.

GRC 2023 acknowledged King’s College, Cambridge and their team, sponsors including the Global Research Journal, London Organisation of Skills Development (LOSD), their PR partner Fame Finders Media and A2Z Video and Cinema, who captured the conference. The immense success of GRC 2023 has led them to announce a future conference to be held at Oxford University.

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