Singhania & Partners: Advancing Fully-customized, Trusted and Authorized Law Services

In the present scenario, law firms are in a race to broaden topline while technology is disrupting the entire game. The current state entails law firms to shift their professional replicas towards becoming expert and master in their preferred arenas and emerging practice areas. In a continuously evolving Indian market place, law firms with an entrepreneurial spirit and high-quality practice will thrive and prosper.
Singhania & Partners LLP (Ed. 1999) is one of the prominent full-service law firms in India headquartered in New Delhi and branch offices in Bangalore and Hyderabad. The law firm is the sole Indian member of TerraLex Inc. (USA), which is a global network of 600 law offices with more than 19,000 attorneys in over 100 countries that enable them to stay well connected to serve client’s interest in different jurisdictions with their pool of trusted attorneys.
They are highly recommended by Chambers and Partners, Legal 500 and Asialaw in different practice areas. Their firm offers legal services in Corporate and Commercial, Mergers & Acquisitions, Dispute Resolution (Litigation & Arbitration), Employment, Infrastructure, Intellectual Property, and Project Finance.
Truly inspiring Leader of Singhania & Partners
Ravi Singhania, Managing Partner of Singhania & Partners, instigated his own law firm after practicing law in New York for a few years. With over two decades in the profession, today he is rated amongst India’s top corporate-M&A, infrastructure, dispute resolution, and project finance lawyers. He provides legal advice as well as strategic inputs while drafting and negotiating contracts for complex transactions. Apart from being highly ranked amongst top legal luminaries of India in independent surveys conducted by            Lexis Nexis Publications and Indian Corporate Counsels Association, he is also a board member in CRISIL Ltd. and Indian subsidiaries of numerous Fortune 500 companies.
Ravi Singhania and his team operate in a close knit environment and are well-coordinated to achieve client’s goal. Their lawyers have specialized expertise to serve clients’ needs. The firm provides ample informal interaction opportunities between different teams. It has specialized teams which are quickly able to adapt to work with full-service mentality and are willing to go beyond the scope of duty to ensure best interest of the clients. Their attorneys operate in a cost effective manner. “Judicious use of client’s resources is always our priority!”- Ravi asserts.
Placing Successful Strategies to Enrich Clients Base
“Client’s interest comes first!” keeping this in mind; Singhania & Partners provides practical and cost effective dispute resolution strategies. They aim of leading clients to innovative dispute resolution strategies and seek to ensure that they are able to resolve disputes rather than win cases that involve a huge cost. For the same, Ravi and his team work with contesting parties and opposite counsels to negotiate for the clients in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation.  Such skills help them deliver valuable, as well as effective services to their clients.
Singhania & Partners devote huge time and take great interest in understanding their client’s business as well as run legal services tailored to their business needs in a timely and efficient manner. Their focus lies in delivering finest solutions to the clients while striving to handle each matter as if they were representing themselves.
According to Ravi, the success of any professional services organization like theirs lies in ensuring
the best long-term interests of clients. Singhania & Partners successfully achieves this by ensuring interest and satisfaction of their internal clients. Their major focus is directed towards their work culture because each member of the team, including  highly trained associates, legal assistants and support staffs are critical to a client’s success. Members across all levels get the opportunity to prosper. They are an equal opportunity employer. For instance, one of their court clerks is now pursuing L.L.B from Delhi University and the firm is fully supportive of his educational pursuits.
Also,  number of individuals from the current young leadership in their firm has paved their way to the level of Associate Partners from trainee associates with utmost sincerity and dedication towards their profession. They owe this to a familial vibe at their workplaces which promotes honest and independent opportunities for one and all. Singhania & Partners’s work place promotes emotional support, provides encouragement and personal recognition to the firm’s members as desired.
Additionally, they enjoy great working relationship with member firms of TerraLex network and their attorneys. Thus, they are able to serve client’s needs in different jurisdictions.
Thriving Values that Signify firm’s Strength
While describing the firm’s values Ravi says, “For any professional services firm/ organization in the knowledge based industry, its people are the most critical success factor. We owe our success to specialist yet cross functional teams that interact with each other in an open, cordial and supportive atmosphere as and when required. We are valued by our clients because we provide stable teams and know how to communicate and are sensitive to their needs and concerns. Our focus is long term relationship development and value creation than short term material gains for both internal and external stakeholders.”
Future Prospects
Singhania & Partners sees expansion of office spaces and are looking forward to add more members to their teams. They anticipate the growth of their practice in the years to come in the area of India Entry Strategy, Infrastructure, Energy, E-commerce and Dispute Resolution areas.
They are also seeing themselves continuously delivering the highest quality legal services to their clients for a reasonable fee. To achieve the above objectives, Singhania & Partners is constantly investing in their resources to prepare them for future leadership roles as they see themselves incorporating new practice areas and opportunities to adapt to the growing and ever-changing needs of their clients.
Source :- The 10 Most Valuable Law Firms in 2017

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