Smartenviro Systems Pvt. Ltd.: Managing Waste Wisely

Dinesh Ganeshwade | Sandeep Kanetkar | Deepak Kulkarni | Co-founder | SMARTENVIRO Systems
Dinesh Ganeshwade | Sandeep Kanetkar | Deepak Kulkarni | Co-founder | SMARTENVIRO Systems

Industrialisation, science and technology have created many things for human beings that have enhanced their lifestyle. But in the process, it has also created a man-made menace that is threatening the ecosystem of the earth like never before. With increasing population, its density, increased production of consumable goods, the problem of waste management has been increasing manifolds. The world right now, according to environmental scientists, is sitting on a huge pile of garbage and needs to find a solution before it gets buried beneath.
A handful of doers, though, recognise the threat irresponsible waste dumping poses and have come up with solutions that are helping in dealing with them in accordance with nature. Smartenviro Systems Private Limited is one such enterprise established in 2013 by the technocrats with a vision to offer efficient solutions in organic waste management. It is one of India’s leading manufacturers offering solutions in decentralized organic waste management.
Visionary Founders
Smartenviro’s management team consists of technocrats who believe that there is more to waste than meets the eyes. They are of the opinion that throwing away waste is unwise and wisdom lies in converting waste into a resource. These visionaries are:
Deepak Kulkarni has more than 45 years of professional experience of which he has spent more than 25 years in the field of Solid waste management. A Bachelor in Chemical Engineering, he has worked in senior positions in various reputed companies including many multi-national companies and has vast knowledge and experience in implementing wastewater and solid waste management projects of various sizes. He is also a recipient of the prestigious “50 Most Talented Green Leaders Award by World CSR Congress for 2016” award. He is responsible for process engineering, design and development, business development, marketing and branding of the company.
Dinesh Ganeshwade has a total experience of 32 years in the field of design, engineering and manufacturing. He helms the design, engineering and manufacturing vertical of the company. A Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, he has won many awards like the prestigious “National Quality Award- 1995” and is best known in the town as “serial product developer/designer”.
Sandeep Kanetkar has a total professional experience of 17 years. A bachelor in Computer Science, he has worked in many multi-national companies in India and in the US. He has vast experience managing large projects across geographies. He takes care of marketing, sales and day-to-day management.
Ecological Solutions
The solutions that Smartenviro offers can treat the waste in the range of 50 kg/day to 300 tons/day. Through its direct presence as well as through dealer network it serves a variety of sectors that include Industrial, Real Estate, Hospitality, Institutional, Government Bodies etc. Till date, it has facilitated hundreds of installations across the market. It has fully automatic as well as semiautomatic mechanised waste treatment systems for treating the waste up to 5 tons/day. For larger capacities such as 30 tons/day and above, it offers a technology called Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting. Additionally, it can also supply Shredder, Baling Machine, Briquetting Machine and De-watering Press. In short, it provides end to end single window solutions right from concept to commissioning and all further necessary support.
Its various products are:
SMART Xpress Composter – A Mechanical composter comprising of an inbuilt shredder and a cylindrical container. The churning system crushes and mixes the waste matter simultaneously to break it down shrinking the volume and making pre-decomposition quicker. It is most suitable for urban use.
SMART Drum Composter – The machine provides a complete composting system in a single machine. The input is first fed to the shredding mechanism. Aerobic composting then generates dry, ready-to-use compost in a few days which can be unloaded at uniform levels from the discharge end.
SMART Batch Composter – The machine consists of a shredder and mixer. It also mixes the composting culture and dry material such as dry leaves, sawdust etc. with the shredded waste for the absorption of excess moisture.
Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting – This technology is used for treating larger capacities such as 30 tons/day and above. An improved version of windrow composting, the waste is arranged in piles or rows. An air pipe is provided underneath to augment oxygen supply and thereby prevent the formation of anaerobic conditions.
Assisting Services
Apart from exclusive products, the company also offers Consultancy services in accordance with the new law governing new construction project with a mandate that if a project has an area of 20,000 sq. m. and above, it is responsible for and expected to manage and dispose of any waste generated on the premises and within the premises. Smartenviro facilitates the design and layout development in such projects to meet all statutory compliances with the latest Municipal Solid Waste legislation.
It also provides various specialized tank cleaning services for residential, commercial, industrial and offshore requirements and applications including:

  • Sewage treatment plant
  • Corroded and clogged pipelines
  • Petrochemical tanks offshore and onshore
  • Removal and disposal of sludge
  • Spillage cleaning
  • Oil separators
  • Wash water recycling system filter elements for auto car washes

Fighting Challenges and Winning Over with Technology
While everyone agrees that waste management is critical, very few actually take care of it. As such waste management companies face several challenges like:

  • Lack of awareness of waste management
  • No monetary advantages such as subsidy, reduction in GST etc. from the Government
  • Too many players (fly by night operators) in the market offering non-standard solutions.
  • Many buyers buying the equipment only for the sake of compliance but not using it.
  • No strict implementation of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Rules 2016

Today the problem of waste management is severe. Especially, in urban areas most of the authorities such as municipal bodies do not have enough resources to manage the waste. A huge quantity of untreated waste is a major cause of pollution and climate change. In such a situation, technology plays a significant role. It helps to treat the waste efficiently. It keeps pollution and climate change under control. Smartenviro thoroughly understands the requirement of the customer and then proposes the solution. With its strong technical know-how, it can offer the most suitable solution to the customer. Its product features are much superior as compared to others. Also, a dedicated team for service after sales helps customers to run the machines 24X7.
Increasing Social Awareness
The company welcomes and supports the Government initiative of ‘Swachcha Bharat Abhiyan’. Many of the rural and urban local bodies have gone ahead and installed Smartenviro’s machines to treat the waste. It has also supplied its products to many entities in the Institutional sector. Though there are no direct benefits, the word by mouth marketing of these products has helped the company to some extent.
The key still lies in spreading awareness. The more people understand about the advantages of waste management, the more they will assist in the same. Waste segregation at customer end simplifies the waste management process to a greater extent. The company intends to increase social awareness about the benefits of Waste Management through campaigns, seminars, participation in various exhibitions and using social media.
Words of Wisdom
With growing awareness, the industry is also witnessing the growth of small and big players. To such start-ups who are focusing on waste management, the founders have a few points to share:

  • It’s a journey which is very exciting with lots of ups and down, think it through before embarking on it. Take an informed decision before you start on it rather than an impulsive one.
  • Make sure you differentiate between a hobby and business. The business has to be done professionally and wealth creation has to be a goal in it.
  • If you are friends/relatives coming together to start a venture, make sure the roles and responsibilities are clearly demarcated. This will cause some friction in the beginning but it goes a long way in avoiding conflicts.
  • If you have the conviction then be persistent, but be practical as well. Many a time, entrepreneurs become blindsided by their beliefs and do not see (or do not want to see) the realities around them.

For a Greener Future
Smartenviro has had steady growth over the years. In 2014, it became the first in India to offer 3 different technologies of composting systems. In 2017, it also became the first to offer Covered Aerated Static Pile composting solutions. In short, it has been a pioneer in the field and has been putting technology to great use in order to fight the global issue of waste management. It now aspires to be a global brand in giving solutions for organic waste management.