Soon Scroll on your smartphone and increase its battery life

If researchers have their mode, you will soon be able to produce energy from simple motions like scrolling on your smartphone or touching your wearable watch.
Scientists from Pennsylvania State University have claimed to have advanced a device made out of an organic polymer that changes the mechanical energy from touching a smartphone screen or when a raindrop falls on it into electricity, using a new energy harvesting idea.
“Since the device is a polymer, it is both flexible and lightweight. When incorporated into a next-generation smartphone, we hope to provide 40 per cent of the energy required of the battery,” Electronic Design website quoted Qing Wang, a materials science and engineering professor at Penn State, as stating.
The device, known as an ionic diode, covers two electrodes filled with ions almost like batteries.
When a mechanical force is applied, the ions spread out on the membrane, making a continuous direct current that imparts microwatts of power to the main battery. The charge dispels once the ions settle down and the whole cycle occurs once every ten seconds.
The device enhances to the list of technologies trying to prolong the life of devices like smartphones, wireless sensors and wearable. This transducer could be used in biomedical devices pasted onto hospital patients or sensor tags for livestock driven by muscle contractions.
The device can also collect energy from wind or ocean waves as “a source of abundant, environmentally benign and sustainable power,” the researchers inscribed in the paper published in the journal Advanced Energy Materials.

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